Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2022
    I AM in a more positive frame of mind Jackie, it helps Mike now is in the same boat! I couldn't go out because my right ankle was so swollen I couldn't get shoes or boots on. Our Sandy keeps sending me socks! I've a drawerful of colourful socks some with Union Jacks on them!
    I could only get the doc on the phone and he just thought, like me, long term shingles. Now I've clued in to eczema such a relief. Its fading on my feet but slowly climbing up to the Anne posterior. Charming. I soon won't have any skin left that hasn't seen an outbreak which is good news because it will have nowhere else to go. There is no cure, just moisturizer and short lukewarm showers.
    Mike took two photos at the worst, one of the facial shingles and one of the ankle. I'm mad that he hasn't destroyed them! He wants me to post them on the Sneakers. If I did you would all have nightmares for weeks and I'd be banned for life.
    So roll on spring!!!!!! Better days are coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good afternoon!

    I have been working on some cards today and had a couple f visits from the furnace service folks. They started work on my furnace and then we all realized ai had no replacement filters. So they drove off to get some filters from their warehouse (and to have lunch). They came back and finished the work without any long protracted conversations or warmings about my furnace. The bill knocked me flat though. I had paid for an annual service plan so all I should have paid for was the filters. I haven’t seen an invoice to go with the charge but it was outrageous. Argh!

    Anne, hello, I am glad you are getting some rest now. Here’s to better days!

    Jackie, I watched some of the videos from the gentleman you mentioned. Things seemed okay from what I watched but they are smack in the middle of things aren’t they? It makes my stomach hurt just to watch videos from the Ukraine.

    I am not seeing any posts here today other than Anne. What is going on?

    My problem? I had to log in to MFP again today.

    I hope everyone is a-okay.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh a weird rain-hail-sleet-sunny kind of day. It simply can’t make up its mind! All in all, I’d call it disturbingly confused weather. I will stay inside. Katie will be going in and out to test the weather and try to eat the little bits of hail before they melt. It is doggie thing….our sons doggie does the same thing apparently.

    As I said yesterday on my crazy disappearing post, Ash Wednesday always brings a flood of childhood memories for me. My gran brought with her a strange collection Irish religious beliefs that are loosely connected to the Catholic Church. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday she had us read or draw in our notebooks or say the rosary. We were to be quiet and respectful all day. Not easy for me as I remember. But the most interesting thing was my gran regaling us with ominous tales of the devil walking the earth on Ash Wednesday. And Good Friday. She told us scary tales of the milk souring in the bucket before we could get from the barn to the milk room. Horses baying like wolves, chickens flying up over the henhouse. On and on, the strange occurrences only happened on these days often in broad daylight! My cousins and I were terrified as she warned us about being disrespectful or naughty. I don’t think it left a lasting effect however, on any of us.

    Have a good day, all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Sorry went to my meeting, than Walmart and now leaving for sitting. Trying to get everything done so I don't have to leave the house Sunday and can pack in peace.

    Will be back in the morning.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Today was warmer than normal so I pulled weeds for 20 minutes just to remind myself of how much I'll enjoy spring when it gets here.
    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited March 2022
    Sunshine today, but with it cold air. Not complaining after what felt like months of rain with everywhere we walk awash. We didn’t go far this morning because George’s groomer was booked, but he still managed to come home with muddy feet, face and tummy whereas Betty doesn’t collect anything mucky! George was washed then dried with my hairdryer just in time for his haircut. I won brownie points for him having few knots to cut out as he received what’s called a puppy cut. His groomer was telling me of battles with the GP to obtain decent care and concern for her mother who somehow picks up nasty chest infections each winter and it all sounded similar to what Chrissie went through this past week dealing with the local practice. Update this evening from her niece who visited her was she is still in the A&E department of the hospital because no bed is available on the wards and her condition remains unchanged. I also spoke to Katie who visited the lady fostering Bella today and she thinks she is in the best place even though her tail has apparently been down the whole time except when Katie visited!
    Logs for the fires were delivered and that was my day!
    I feel caught up in the stories coming out of Ukraine and was so relieved to watch today’s video from the Englishman and family as they drove to find fuel and after a long queue managed to fill their car so if needed they can drive west out of danger. We’ve left messages of support and pleas not to leave any exit until surrounded and therefore too late to escape the terror to come.
    Nothing planned for tomorrow, just a walk, stack logs in store and get all the muddy doggy towels washed and out to dry in sunshine, which will be bliss!

    🥱 Bedtime!
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Pretty tea set LIN and a big thank you again for clueing me in. I gather prices here are going up again on just about everything and today there is a rise of another 7 cents at the gas pumps.
    I too wondered what had happened to everyone yesterday, but it seems everyone is now posting near the end of the day. By the way we are getting your balmy weather on Sunday. Can't wait and a chance to wear the light linen shirt I ordered a week ago.
    I'll start posting later as well.. Might have some news then with Michaels appearance, the grocery man, and Mark who's been staying home since Derek and all his friends where over at the M's house moving him out, and thus one of them could have had Corvid according to my slightly paranoid son and DIL. They tested yesterday - nil.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Here we are, another Friday. Dog towels are drying on the rotary line in the sunshine, we enjoyed a long walk along quiet lanes, apart from one scary moment when a huge transporter came along behind us. Luckily a little way on, there was an area where I could step up on to a grassy verge and protect George and Betty with my legs as it squeezed past.
    I put half a dozen eggs on the stove to hard boil, stepped outside to begin stacking logs and completely forgot the eggs. Half an hour later I came in to the smell of hot metal and found the water all gone and the eggs looking very sorry for themselves! Once it’s all cooled down I’ll see if I can save the saucepan… no chance to do anything more than throw the eggs away of course! Is this a sign of dementia I wonder or just too much going on in my head? 🤯

    I’ve eaten a cheese sandwich for lunch, sipped another coffee and will now muck out the chooks house. Hopefully I will find more eggs tucked in the corner!

    As ever take care. I continue to count my blessings! 🇺🇦
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Just been looking at BBC News and its so horrendous decided I'd stick with JACKIE and the burnt eggs who I can relate to big time. Jilly warns me of visitors but she hasn't clued in yet to burnt pans and brown shelled eggs. We are waiting for the groceries to arrive and the excitement of what's OUT OF STOCK this week and what the packer has sent me as a substitute. Actually I've found one or two things this way that I would never have dreamed of ordering normally. Last week, a bigger than normal Savoy cabbage duly cut into three and shared with Mike and Mary Jo. Will let you know what comes this week instead of, but I already know chicken breast is in short supply and ordered thighs instead.
    I'm digging Atlantic salmon out of the freezer for me and Mike today and a small chunk for the Bean.
    Yours in anticipation of grocery order,
    Anne. [scratching less, yeah!}
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ohhhhh dear! Another of my restless nights. The sky looks somewhat clear…once the fog burns off. More on that as the morning progresses.

    Yesterday was Katie’s birthday. She was 6 years old, I believe. She is still a puppy at heart and loves all her toys and little buddies. She always has one nearby. Sometimes a lot of them are scattered about ready to trip John or me. She is an integral part of life, I think the constant communication and living with us full time has raised her IQ. All our dogs have been part of the family. But Katie came after John had retired and life centered around our home rather than the college or the gallery, for me. She still sits under my drawing table and I converse with her constantly.

    So far our shortages have been things that I certainly can do without. I have a plan B for Katie’s food. I will get a beef roast and slow cook it in my instant pot. I will combine with some veggies, brown rice and that can be her food until the poultry Problem can be resolved. Since we don’t eat red meat, we will not be tempted by her food. These are indeed strange times.

    The dishes are washing in the dishwasher, I have the white things in the washing machine chugging along. Dryer will be emptied soon. This is cauliflower pizza night. Dinner is planned. That and some table grapes…easy dinner! Fridays still feel special. I try to share some of our overflow food with daughter. However, she doesn’t like to cook. So she turns down some offered food because it would not be cooked or eaten by her family. Different lifestyles!

    If I can manage it, I will try for an afternoon nap. I am running on 3 1/2 hours sleep. Not enough rest!
    John is always ready for a nap after some lunch. So our whole household might be napping.

    Sunny with some rain clouds now. This is our dear WET Oregon!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Chilly today but tomorrow middle 60's. I have an appointment for my covid test at 1:00. Doing laundry this morning and will clean the bathrooms later or tomorrow. My niece and Bryanna are spending the night Sunday as we have to be at airport by 7am. Tomorrow mani/pedi and zoom call with family. So far I am on track.

    Patsy, so sorry to read you had a bad night's sleep. Do you take a sleep aid ever? I take one every night to help me fall asleep. You would think your daughter would love a home cooked meal, I know I would.
    Try to get a nap so you don't exhaust yourself.

    Anne, good luck with the groceries, Walmart lets you pick the substitutions you want so I am never surprised. Mark is just being careful in protecting you, so I think that is great.

    Jackie, I did that once with sugar water for the hummingbirds. It all evaporated and set off my fire alarm which was attached to my ceiling and filled my house with smoke. I am surprised the fire department didn't come. I managed to get it off the ceiling but had to have maintenance fix it. Just too much on our minds. You know the saying that as we get older our brains fill with knowledge and there is no more room so it goes down to our bodies. We are not over weight we are just smart!!

    Lin, will check for you later have to find something to eat with no meat for Fridays during lent.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Hen house cleaned out but no eggs to be found! Since it was a pleasant afternoon I decided to clamber up a ladder to cut out the top layer of ivy that clings to a tree stump because it’s got so tall (15’) it’s blocking light from my greenhouse. Extending branch lopers are the best tool although they do make my arms ache when I’m having to stretch. About 2/3 removed and I will finish cutting the last awkward to get at branches tomorrow. Cup of tea made and fresh laundry folded so time to consider an evening meal… probably quiche and salad.

    Patsy, has Katie eaten beef meals before? Just a thought but when I made up beef meals for George he had the most horrendous upset stomach that needed a vet’s intervention. It was apparently too rich to digest after being used to chicken. Happy belated birthday to Katie!

    Sandy, since I know there’s nothing wrong with your cognitive processes I feel reassured that you once did something similar leaving a pan to boil away! I also like the idea that any recent knowledge I’ve gained is sitting round my waist!

    Anne, I think George did try to warn me something was wrong when the eggs were popping in the heat but I thought he was barking at the noisy neighbours. Just goes to prove it doesn’t pay to ignore my brave soldier!

    Text just arrived from Katie to let me know Chrissie is finally on a ward and feeling a lot better. She’ll update me tomorrow.

    Time to put the oven on.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh Jackie! Thank you for the warning about beef for Katie! She is a finicky eater and you can bet if any one would be sick or suffer indigestion, it would be Katie. Now I think a substitute will be scrambled eggs and maybe cottage cheese. She has had both many times and loves it, of course.
    Thanks again.

    As to kitchen disasters, my problem as well. If I leave the kitchen area while something is cooking, it is doomed, burned, and the pan it was in will be in the weekly garbage. Maybe a new smoke alarm and a disapproving husband will help keep me on task. He does worry about household disasters. The fire department is volunteer and by the time they get here all is lost.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    A bit late but for you Katie!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Bean doesn't like beef either. Her lunch, cooked chicken, a little raw chicken [which she loves but too much causes the trots], a little mashed potato, a few peas, and a knob of Atlantic salmon. Mike says I better leave him something in my will so he can afford to keep her in the luxury she is accustomed to should I drop off my twig first.
    Now the snow is receding she is no longer refusing to go for walks in frigid temperatures and so she had two long walks with Michael before he drove home. She is now fast asleep under her blanket, peace reigns in our household.
    Mikes friend Sandy sent me a jigsaw so I am just contemplating starting it or to have a nap instead. The nap appears to be winning.


    I communicate with Jilly all the time PATSY and especially with living alone. I'm sure my Croatian and Afghan neighbours think I'm a nutty Englishwoman if they hear our conversations.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Happy Belated Birthday Katie!!! Woof! Woof!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    My Covid test is negative, I am good to go!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    <3 Happy Birthday Katie

    :) Sandy. Glad your test was negative

    :) I use the timer on my phone to remind me that something is cooking or I would have done great damage many times
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely birthday greetings for sweet Katie! Thank you, one and all. As you know, Katie is family. She means so much to us. She can talk but she speaks labradoodle, an uncommon language, but interestingly loud and ear splitting at times.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good day. It was a day for some laundry, chasing bargains online, asking for that invoice from yesterday’s service appointment, I ordered just a couple of things from a local grocery store and what I received was a bit odd. I ordered some vitamins and worked on cards. Heard from several friends, one answered an email I’d sent her with a couple of terse sentences. I don’t know know what is up, but something seems to be up because that is unusual for her. I received a phone call from a friend who has been having medical tests. Lots of them. She said her sense of smell was coming back. I said what? That’s usually associated with Covid. Then she admitted she did have Covid a few weeks ago but avoided telling me as she didn’t want to worry me. Apparently she and her husband and several adult children all had it at the same time.

    Sandy, congrats on your negative test. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Barbie, using a timer is a very good habit. I set a timer but not on my phone and then I go upstairs or downstairs for a minute (😄😃😁) and am not in hearing range of the timer.

    Anne, it sounds like a very lovely day for you and Jilly. I think the nap is a good idea!

    Patsy, are you fluent in Labradoodle since you speak with Katie so much? Scrambled eggs and cottage cheese sound like some good items. My vet had me cook white rice for my dogs. Maybe that’s old-fashioned now.

    Jackie, I have been watching Dan Baker Ukraine YouTube videos. I have also found him on Twitter and on Instagram. Have you watched the video where he explains why they did not leave the country? It brought tears to my eyes. I haven’t been commenting on any of the videos as I don’t feel I have anything else to offer after seeing all the comments. I am pulling for that family. Sorry you didn’t find any more eggs. Darn. Good job on clearing up the ivy.

    Oh and the odd thing with my little grocery order was that the shopper put 2 of everything in the bags. I didn’t order two of everything. But I wasn’t charged for the extra items either. 😱

    I think I have saved those sunburst pieces I cut for my Easter cards. I cut each one down by 1/8” on each side and then put each piece through a corner rounder. They look much better and I still plan to use them in the card design. I am cutting a different size of Dove (I’ll keep the other ones for different projects) and am also cutting out little lily blossoms. I think they are supposed to be Easter lily blossoms but I am not convinced. 😉

    We are told there is a potential for sever weather here tomorrow, especially between 2pm and 8pm. Apparently everything is on the table, strong winds, hail, tornadoes. Yipes! Thanks spring like weather. Then a day or so later, snow is expected again.


    Wishing everyone well.
