Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Good day. We ended up with just over 5” of snow and it is cold but the sun was out today and there was some melting. We are heading for higher temperatures and all the snow may melt over the weekend.

    I finished my jigsaw puzzle today. Nice to finish something! Also quite a while ago I signed up for a 2-day virtual card making conference. Today, they held a relatively long live video session describing each of the items that were sent to us. They also went over the supply lists for each day (the things we have to provide), some items to prepare before the conference and tips on things to do to make the experience pleasant and productive. It was quite helpful.

    And other couple of hours were spent talking with a friend. We went through about everything! She had her phone and was slurping a diet pop through a straw while I used my iPad to look up information. Covid in our county is now down to about 16% positive and deaths last week were down to 2 and a fraction per day. My friend has been doing many medical tests and they cannot find ways, so far, to address her problems.

    And that’s about it from me.

    Sandy, I am very sorry to hear that you are feeling so unwell. I hope you are feeling better. It is terrible to be sick and on your own.

    Anne, I know you have lots of experience with feeling poorly the last few months. Best wishes to Derek in his new home.

    Patsy, it sounds as if you had a very good day and lucky Katie did as well. I hope your weather warms up quickly.

    Jackie, you live in a much too attractive area. All the people on holiday head your way. Here, the airport has been crowded by people trying to fly out of here to warmer climates. Most of the long term parking is full. This area is not a place to spend your vacation days. We get crowds for conventions and athletic events such as state tournaments but otherwise people leave to have fun. You have me jealous of your seed starting.

    Time for a bite to eat. Or maybe two or three bites. 😁😁

    Hoping for good health and good weather.


  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I had a pretty good night so I'm sure I'm on the mend.

    Got a text from Derek saying he's stressed on moving day and a lovely photo of giant Puss Hobbes looking wide eyed and worried because he knows something is going on.

    I don't know how he will adapt to a much smaller place because he had three storeys in a large house to roam in until just now. Plus a large garden to play wearing his leash and harness. Poor Hobbes. He's enormous and very fluffy and beautiful.

    So all for now. Bean and me are having our break which involves 2 Jacobs cream crackers and peanut butter which we both love.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2022
    Happy Saturday! :) Babe is in hospital with appendicitis, they might not do surgery until tomorrow. They have to talk to his heart doctor. I am going to hospital and since they only allow one visitor I don't have to worry about running into his son. Cheryl informed him no one is allowed because of pandemic omitting that I am going to be there. If he does show up Cheryl will bring restraining order. Will try to get back later to let you know more.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh boy! Poor Babe, poor Sandy. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh Sandy. So sorry. Wishing him well. ❤️❤️

    I hope you are feeling better.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold and rainy here. I had one of my very ugly nights! No sleep for no good reason. I never understand why this happens. It is so annoying. I will be useless today. Just slogging around half awake and tired. Oh well. I am grateful I don’t live in that troubled part of the world. We have little troubles that could blossom but so far, things are under control.

    Daughter and husband are home from hospital. Now begins a new kind of life for them. I hope they can work out a life that includes some joy and order. I can see such confusion and chaos it scares me, but they want to do things their own way, which I certainly understand.

    Katie is stealing socks and running around with them in her mouth. I can’t catch her and that is the game. “I have your socks…you can’t catch me! I am too fast and you are too slow! Hahahaha”. I could yell in anger and demand she drop them but she knows I am laughing too hard.

    Going to snuggle under a quilt and listen to some soft music and maybe doze a few minutes. Maybe…

    Sandy: thoughts and prayer headed your way. Babe is still your hubby and I sense you still care for him deeply. We are wishing the best for him. Also no drama from his sad addicted son. You must keep your distance and realize this man is not going to act with reason or conscious. I think you have dealt with this before.

    All my best best wishes and love,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    Started designing Easter cards today and started cutting pieces. It’s a start which is better than nothing.

    I also made an appointment to open my new account with the credit union I had been researching. Good to go on Tuesday morning.

    Sandy, I hope all is going well. ❤️❤️

    Patsy, I am sorry you were unable to sleep last night. I hope you get extra rest tonight.

    Be safe everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Here is the Sandra Boynton puzzle I finished yesterday.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Just got home. Nurse updated us and said no surgery tomorrow. They want to see if antibiotics will work. They are not sure about his appendix because he complains of pain all over his stomach. The pain medicine and antibiotics seem to be helping his pain but the antibiotics make him nauseous so they give him anti nauseous medicine. Will know more tomorrow. This could be good news.
    Only one person can visit during the whole hospital stay and he chose me.

    Have a good night.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    SANDY, don't laugh but could Babes problem be internal shingles caused by all the stress he's going through? Has he an outer rash anywhere?

    Wishing you both well,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    AWOL yesterday with lots going on. I apparently missed calls from Chrissie who phoned my neighbours to check if they knew where I was. They didn’t and Debs messaged me this morning to let me know. A pleasant day so I walked to the top of the moors then, when I got back to my car, phoned Chrissie to discover she is in bed with a kidney infection and taking hefty antibiotics so I agreed I would drop George and Betty back home then drive to collect Bella for a walk. She has a lovely young cleaning lady who does much more than clean and she was there organising a list of dog walkers for the coming week. I’ve agreed to go back tomorrow and also to make a lunch for her. I skipped breakfast first thing but have just enjoyed marmalade on toast with my coffee before a plan to finally finish tidying the flower beds at the top end of my garden. Rain on its way apparently!

    Patsy, I do hope you had a better night and slept well. You must feel relieved your daughter’s husband is back home for all the extra stress she will be dealing with.

    Sandy, that’s hopefully good news about Babe too. Hasn’t he suffered stress pain in the past? He’s got a lot to be worrying about right now. Take care of yourself and concentrate on your trip. ❤️

    I love that jigsaw Lin, it’s hilarious! No puppies, no kitties with that funny little cat behind it… that made me laugh because it’s so true!

    Anne, moving is apparently considered more stressful than divorce and even after only having done so 4 times in my life, I do feel for him. Cats are resilient so I expect Hobes will adjust although I remember when I moved here my cat Tricia came out of her carrier and immediately climbed up an open chimney. Sooty paw prints told me she was sneaking out at night but it took her a week to stay out of the chimney for good! I doubt Derek will have a chimney in a condo!

    Must get on. Happy Sunday one and all.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Trying to get a couple of loads of laundry done before heading to the hospital. Anne, no rash so I don't think it is shingles but I do think it could be an ulcer. He had one early in our relationship and this seems to be the same symptoms. I will have the nurse mention it to the doctor.
    I called him this morning and the pain is better but he is still nauseous, so not hungry. I am sure they will figure it out before the discharge him. I agree most of his problems are stress. I just am hoping they discharge him before Tuesday as I am supposed to sit as Lisa has a doctor's appointment. Worse case he will have to be alone since no others visitors are allowed. One Day at a Time.
    And I have my doubts he will stay with me when house is sold, I just don't think he will strong enough to not see his son. I am learning a lot with spending the whole day with him and some of it is not good.

    Have a good day and I am so grateful for my program.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Rainy Sunday. And rather chilly.

    Both John and I have the old fashioned flu. I have had this before in my life but used one of our rapid Covid tests to check just to be sure. We are okay on that score but feeling cruddy. We don’t feel well enough to be nice to one another. We are hoping this gets better soon! Soon! Soone,

    We are acting like kids home from school with a tummy ache. I am sipping camomile tea and nibbling crackers. John is growling over in the corner sucking on cough drops. We each have our method to knock this down. We will watch TV or a movie this afternoon instead of growling at each other. I hope!

    Daughter’s family is now all under one very messy crowded roof. They are dealing with their various issues as best they can. I am helping by staying out of it and trying to say the right supportive things and not sound like a know-it-all. I don’t know if all but I want the best for them.

    Sandy: this problem with Babe is very concerning. I could be wrong but I don’t think it will be a simple matter. Wishing you and Babe the best. I wish he could come with you to Jamaica and lie in the sun while he watching you swim and play beach volley ball. I know his health will not allow that.

    More tea and another cracker…
    Patsy and the flu bug☘️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Done everything went good. Bad appendix but not ruptured. Nothing else was found and his heart is fine. All good news.❤️ He is in recovery. I am in his room waiting for him to come back. Surgery was under 30 minutes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited February 2022
    That is very good news Sandy❤️❤️ I hope you will get some rest. It is very tiring to have a loved one in the hospital.

    Patsy, your news is less so. Flu!?!?! My goodness, both of you sick at the same time. At least each of you has your own method to regain your health. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, yipes, Chrissie does sound down for a while. So sorry. It is wonderful a calendar is being organized to take care of necessary tasks. It is great that people will help.

    Anne, giant cat Hobbes will settle in when his people get all moved in I am sure. I hope they adore their new location.

    Barbie, hello ❤️

    I did laundry today, crushed some boxes, attended online church, worked on my Easter cards and found this design isn’t working. Looking to revamp and somehow save the work I have already completed.

    Wishing for peace in the world. And good health.

    Thinking of you my friends.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Rain did arrive so we won’t be enjoying a long stroll on the moors. A quick walk round the block, then drive to Chrissie to see how far Bella will be prepared to go. I hate cooking in other peoples kitchens while trying to find utensils, pots and pans so any results might mean I don’t get asked again! 😜 Must also find out where a key has been hidden so I can get into her home.
    Achieved what I wanted to do in my garden yesterday afternoon while Brady discovered another use for our new trellis!

    Sorry Patsy and John, you are both feeling the effects of that bug. Take care of yourselves and by the sounds of things, keep a distance from each other! 🙃😆

    Sandy, thank goodness, one less thing to worry about now Babe is on the mend. Perhaps it was meant that you had a chance to assess exactly how things might work out should he move in but I think the best thing is to have a wonderful holiday, forget everything and deal with any decision later, should it arise. ❤️

    Lin, I know you will find an alternative Easter card that works for you because you are the queen bee when it comes to creativity.

    Hello Anne, another good night’s sleep I hope and you’re finally on the mend.

    Well, I’d better ignore the foul weather, don my waterproofs and get walking. I feel in my water, it’s going to be one of those days!!

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    Oh my, lots of sickness in the news, i.e. PATSY and JOHN, Chrissie, but good news as well regarding SANDYs Babe. I'm not sleeping well JACKIE, why do these ailments strike the worst at night, but I'm not complaining because "one of these sunny days" something will come, but not my prince, lol. Great to read you are becoming Chrissies cook, will she feed you as well, hope so! At least LINs headache has departed and not much from BARBIE, so I hope she is full of good health.

    Mike dodged snow showers and rolled up to leave 4 hours later to dodge snow showers. We had what he called a fabulous lunch! Really? I guess it suited the male. We had, and I must admit I'll buy them again, Honey, garlic sausages made by the grocery store my groceries come from. [An Italian family], accompanied with mushrooms, buttery mashed potatoes, asparagus and broccoli. Followed by frozen cappuccino yoghurt. I think it's time I stopped pampering myself and think about getting into my summer pants by spring. Bean got two walks and then the sky went that funny grey/green colour and Mike beatled home because he doesn't have snow tires and its more than a 3/4 hour journey. Meanwhile I received photos via mobile of Derek's new abode which although compact looks attractive and cozy. It's a newly built building. Back at the Ms homestead they tackled all the detritus left behind and are the owners of Hobbes for a further week. Hobbes looked worried throughout the move apparently. I received a photo and he does look worried. See above because I don't know how to bring it down. Me and Bean enjoyed a quiet afternoon in contrast!!!!

    Washday here and the loads about done so I'll scratch my way downstairs.

    Hugs to everyone especially the sufferers in our group!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2022
    Happy Monday! :) Nice sunny warmer day. Doing the last two loads of laundry and taking a little extra time before going to hospital. I talked to B this morning and he was sitting in chair. He had some pain last night so said he didn't sleep at all. I kind of doubt that but it's never easy sleeping in a hospital.
    These are long days at the hospital and I am so looking forward to Jamaica.

    Anne, Hobbes has the most beautiful blue eyes, what a handsome fellow.

    I have things to catch up on and the mornings go too fast. Have a beautiful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning…almost noon! We have rain and a lot of wind. I am sure John is going to have to clear the road of limbs and twigs to get to the post office. I think we are both on the mend. After a dinner of scrambled egg whites and toast, I had no nausea. Wonderful! This morning I decided to be extra cautious. More camomile tea and crackers. But because I have not been eating much, my blood sugars reading was dangerously low. So along with my tea I had a couple of hard candies. Odd taste combination, I admit. I will need to retest soon. When this kind of thing happens, it is a real juggling act to get things back on a regular track.

    It is so scary outside for dear Katie. She is really upset by the wind and there is thunder. She whines, barks, and worries as she paces and sometimes drools. I try to calm her by hugging her and talking calmly to her. It helps but I can tell she is barely able to keep still. I am going to look into some things to help her. She does not like her thunder jacket. She chews frantically at it. Sooooo! That is not going to work. She is a sweet but “ever so slightly neurotic” pampered pooch.

    Jackie: if it were me, I would make up a couple of sandwiches and bring soup in pot to heat up on chrissys stove. Then transfer the soup to her pot, wash mine and home I would trot! Not exactly a great meal, but I would guess she would appreciate it. I would, if I was feeling bad and needed someone to help me. You are a good person, Jackie. The trellises are stunning by the way. Excellent design. I love the curved tops.

    Anne: your sons are splendid young men! We moms do try to indulge our bachelor sons. I try to cook things Damon likes when he comes. I often feel guilty because I have this lovely relationship with our son. Our relationship with our daughter is not so lovely. We care deeply for them both. But our daughter lives a strange disjointed and chaotic life that is hard to be a part of. Speaking of poetry, Anne, I often quote (?). Mine is not to question why, mine is but to do or die!” The author and long poem is on the tip of my tongue, but……..

    Barbie: how is your weather? The rain, I have learned to deal with. 5 different rain coats and jackets of different thickness. Cold and snow terrifies me! PNW weather is unique and takes some getting used to. Would you agree?

    Need to retest, more tea, a cracker!