Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Not only is he handsome SANDY Hobbes is the biggest domestic cat I've ever seen with a huge, long, fluffy tail. He's more than double the size of Jilly but she loves him.
    Hes a Siberian something or other.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited February 2022
    After a soaking walk with George and Betty, a towelling for all of us and a quick cup of coffee for me, I phoned Chrissie to let her know I was on my way. When I got there her helper cleaner girl was there on the phone trying to get through to the GP practice to find out if a doctor was on his way. Chrissie seems clearer, possibly because the medications she was taking have been reduced, so hopefully on the mend at least mentally. We were told the doctor would arrive within the hour so it was agreed I would walk Bella while her carer popped home to walk her dog and Chrissie could freshen up. Another soaking for me but when I got Bella home her carer was back and said she would make lunch for Chrissie while waiting for the doctor to arrive so I was relieved of my duties! I had contemplated making something at home and taking it with me Patsy but she is quite fussy about what she eats and the current bowl of soup sitting in my fridge is very spicy after I added too many chillies in the making so I decided it wasn't probably going to help!
    Home again I caught up with current news from Ukraine over lunch then made a chicken casserole which I have to admit is delicious!

    Ours not to reason why was about the suicidal charge of the light brigade during the Crimean war that could be relevant today for the incredibly brave Ukraine taking on Putin! Was it Tennison? Can't remember!
    I'm looking forward to a home pedicure tomorrow and hopefully a quiet day at home..... touching wood!!
    Stay safe everyone.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited February 2022
    Alfred Tennyson indeed, JACKIE and PATSY

    Cannon to the right of them,
    Cannon to the left of them,
    Cannon in front of them.
    Volley'd and thunder'd:
    Storm'd at with shot and shell.
    Boldly they rode and well.
    Into the jaws of Death.
    Into the mouth of Hell.
    Rode the six hundred.

    [Theirs was not to make reply,
    Theirs was not to reason why,
    Theirs was but to do and die]

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening everyone.

    It was a lovely day here. Warm, sunny and not too windy. I got my packet of info mailed to my accountant. I did have to stand in line quite a while. Interesting that people were leaving nice distances between people and some folks still wore a mask. Actually better than the last time I was was there. Then off to the gas station to fill the tank. Wow, half of the pumps were out of order with the handles bagged. Odd. Luckily I did not need much gas to I didn’t faint as the numbers kept climbing. 😄

    Stopped at home for lunch and to make some phone calls then went to the library to pick up my books on hold. I went inside to get my books and all of the staff are now unmasked and seem quite happy and relaxed. One of my holds was missing so I had to ask for help. They searched and found it on a cart.

    So home, and assembled what I need for my appointment at the new bank tomorrow. Wrote a check to send to my church and called a friend I had hadn’t spoken to for quite a while. We chewed over a number of topics but spent most of the time on Putin.

    Finished getting trash and recycling ready to out out and took the mail out to the box to be picked up tomorrow.

    No progress on the cards today. Maybe tomorrow? We will see.

    Sandy, glad to hear Babe is doing okay. Uncomfortable but no complications right? Laundry just multiplies. Hope you tamed it today.

    Patsy, glad you are both doing better. Keep taking care. I wish your Katie would calm down a bit. You need a break, particularly when feeling unwell.

    Anne, good for you. If we need information on poetry or literature, you are quick to find it. Thanks. Love the photos. And I agree, you made a lovely spread today. I would take some mushrooms please…

    Jackie, I am sorry you got wet today but glad you did not have to cook! Trying to get seasonings right for someone else who is not feeling well sounds like a nightmare to me. Love Brady tightrope walking. 🐈‍⬛ What fun!

    Oh, I saw a photo today that I liked. These things just capture my attention.


    Altarnun and St. Nonna‘s church, Cornwall
    Altarnun is a small village on the northern edges of Bodmin Moor.
    St Nonna's Church, also known as the Cathedral of the Moors, is the second largest church on Bodmin Moor.
    (Beautiful photo by Chris Iversen Photography)


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) All is good here. No ailing family members. Mild enough weather for walking even for Bessie who has less tolerance for wind and rain. We discovered a great show on Amazon---"Grantchester" about a vicar who teamed up with the police to solve murders and has a few romances along the way. It is a Masterpiece Mystery set in small town England in 1953.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Not much from me ...... yet. After two completely sleepless nights with internal pain I got up and did a bit of research. I'm beginning to wonder if three doctors have misdiagnosed me and its not shingles at all because this thing keeps breaking out all over the place whilst I gather shingles is usually in one patch on one side of the body. I'm even more beginning to wonder because Mike who's had the shingles vaccine and had the booster shot a few weeks ago has now got what he calls eczema but looks suspiciously like my patches, all red and swollen. Mine are beginning to fade and not so itchy or painful but I'm going to be very wary of taking any more vaccines I can tell you.

    I love poetry LIN. Not the modern stuff but anything from Shakespeare up to Tennysons time really. I dabble in it a bit myself but obviously not up to the standards of the great ones, lol!!!!!! So if anyone quotes something I have to dive into the wonders of the internet to see if I remember it right. Its a very long time since I sat in Miss Redfern's class for English. my best and favourite school subject, well apart from the Art Class.

    Having a sort of flop around day with just a few chores. Thats if I can keep awake in the lull before the nightly storm. Oh, and good to know BARBIE and JAKE are very healthy and watching Grantchester and the dishy vicar.

    A big hello to everyone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) B comes home today, thank goodness. They were ready to discharge him yesterday but he said he still had some pain and nausea so they kept him an extra day. I will get there by noon and drive him home once he is cleared. My son is able to watch the kids today for Lisa's doctor's appointment so there is no rush. The more I talk to Babe the more I am trying to make him make his own decision about assisted living. He is talking about getting his own apartment so I don't think he knows what he wants. I don't think he likes that I said no smoking if you stay with me. I am not pushing him to decide one way or the other so just taking it one day at a time.
    I have so much to do for the rest of the week but would like to see the kiddos before I leave. It might just be a video call so I don't get stressed about time.

    Anne, sorry this pain won't go away. In googling I found this which sounds like what you describe.
    Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a painful, chronic condition that can occur following shingles, a viral infection that causes a mildly itchy to intensely painful rash. PHN occurs most often in elderly people and in people whose immune systems have been compromised.
    I am not a doctor but maybe you should call yours. By the way who is holding Hobbes?

    Barbie, I also recommended Grantchester and loved it. I am glad all is good with you and Jake.

    Lin, you had a busy day yesterday. I think B will always have a little nausea from his autoimmune disease that makes him constantly dizzy. He says it is getting worse but I think it is stress and from smoking.
    Geez, I must be hanging around hospitals too much with my doctor advice. lol

    Jackie, you are busy every day either walking, in the garden or helping other people. You need a day to put your feet up and just relax.

    The towels are in the dryer, I had to rinse them again since they sat in washer all night. Time to eat and get ready for hospital. I will try and find a parking spot today since last night the valet left before I did and it took security forever to bring my car to me. Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited March 2022
    It’s a cold day so although dry first thing, the wind froze me as I walked with George and Betty on a lower section of moors. We didn’t stay long! Then it was home to clean the shower room before my pedicure. My feet now feel wonderful and I have taken your advice Sandy, put my feet up this afternoon, watched news from Ukraine and enjoyed a long telephone chat with a friend. She told me about an accident her husband had last week during the bad storm when he went outside to their smallholding to push shut a 5 bar gate that had blown open and was swinging in the strong wind. Unfortunately, as he bent to bolt it, the wind caught it so it swung and knocked him over. He’s in a lot of pain and walking with the aid of 2 sticks but still doing his best to do a few jobs outside. A scary reminder how quickly life can throw a curve ball.

    Sandy, it will be good when you don’t have to visit Babe at the hospital because for all the wonderful work they do, they are not cheerful places! Try not to worry about what decision he needs to make when it’s time to move, instead get ready for your holiday because you’ve been looking forward to it for a long time and nothing must get in the way of your enjoyment.

    Anne, it might never become clear what caused your rash and we may never hear about all the side effects experienced after the vaccinations and I have to say, unless another nasty variant turns up, I won’t be having more. They’ve definitely saved thousands of lives and the scientists did an amazing thing to develop them so quickly but with my quiet lifestyle, I can continue to avoid crowds. Are you thinking of asking your GP for strong antibiotics?

    Barbie, you will love Grantchester because it’s quirky and different.

    Lin, Altarnun is literally 15 miles away and before a motorway was built through the centre of Cornwall for all our visitors to get here, I drove round that corner and admired the church regularly. It is beautiful and rather special.

    Patsy, Katie is like George when any storm comes within 20 miles. He has to tell the world… loudly! By the way, Chrissie’s help is called Katie but she’s not furry and bonkers!

    Received a message from my electricity supplier I have to increase my monthly instalments by 100% based on current usage but they are looking at Winter with heaters on. Even so, still a shock although we’ve been warned about imminent price hikes. Fuel for my car now £1.50 per litre which is 50% up on the start of the pandemic. More to come I’m sure. 🙄

    Dentist tomorrow to rebuild that tooth, then some shopping on my way home from Plymouth… in other words, a fun day!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy: I have never smoked nor has John, except John playfully used to try to smoke a cigar. However, most of my family smoked especially those on the ranch. Tobacco , nicotine, is more addictive than most drugs.. A terrible addiction, I guess. It killed my parents and my brother, not to mention. Babe is going to have a hard time finding assisted living that will accept a smoker. He is in a terrible situation. All my best wishes and hopes for a solution.

    Anne: I have been in your shoes, my love. I went from fear, anger, depression, to hope and back again when I was dealing with that neuralgia. I think the worst was the constant exhaustion from so little rest. I can’t remember how long I suffered but it was way too long! And I had medication!!!!

    Barbie: I love PBS. I love almost all their programs.

    Lin: busy lady. Love the elegant tea pot. Kind of like my gran used to have.

    Exercise and dusting and making spinach crustless quiche. John is vacuuming and maybe sweeping the front deck. Maybe….he would rather do something else. Anything else!
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Well, Bean and I spent 2.5 hours fast asleep in bed this afternoon. I'm going to try and stay up a bit later this evening. I might as well be up than squirming and trying to sleep! Yes, SANDY I've read everything there is to know about shingles and the after effects in elderly patients. PATSY suffered that condition she said in an earlier post. I never get out and about much so it would be interesting to think I might not be in this state had I left well alone. I didn't want the vaccine at the time because I always react badly to vaccines and medications, but I went ahead to please the boys. I won't be pleasing the boys in the future and as I said; Michael is finally coming round to my way of thinking. Like JACKIE, I see so few people and take care when out, so won't be having anymore of the stuff but agree it's saved lots of lives in NORMAL people.

    The person holding Hobbes is Mark but not a very good photo of him. He's quite good looking actually; unlike me; takes after his dad in looks.

    Almost time for the evening news and the doings of that Vladimir bloke. I so admire the Ukrainian president.

    Have a fun evening everyone and night night to Jackie and the pets.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello friends.

    I have my new bank accounts open. Procedures have changed A LOT! I had to write down pieces of my personal information on a pad of paper and the representative typed it in. He had me electronically sign and when he was finished, he printed the documents and out them in a folder and pushed them over to me. I said excuse me, I would like to look these over before I leave. I read over every field of information he entered and found he had messed up my email address. He said he changed it in the records. I could not see it and he would not reprint. He wrote down the email address on a piece of paper and pushed it across the range asking if this was right. I did not want my middle name to appear on the account but he refused to remove it. I asked about the ability to electronically transfer money from these accounts to another bank or credit union. He said I could do that. The documents I received and started to read when I got home (and I will never finish reading them as there are so many pages of small print) said nothing about external transfers, just internal transfers. I asked about setting up online access and he didn’t have anything to offer except to write down the name of the app on a piece of paper. I said I preferred web access and he didn’t know if that was possible. Just the app.

    So glad that is over but I do believe there will be hiccups as I settle in.

    I went to the store after lunch and picked up some things, quite a few bare shelves again.

    Other than that, a group of us had an online conversation this morning about the state of the world, mostly Putin.

    This afternoon, a friend called and we had a nice long talk. She was in a great mood as she had just found out she was getting a healthy income tax refund. And no property taxes to pay now or homeowners insurance. The financial pressure in her life is removed. She is renting a small house from family members and it is working out very well. Her life is so happy now.

    Patsy, it sounds as if you and John are well again. Yippee! I am happy for you. Enjoy your crustless quiche if you decide to make some. Is Katie in a better and more relaxed mood now that you and John are busy with chores?

    Jackie, best wishes for your trip tomorrow to get your tooth fixed. Hope the traffic is not bad and the repair goes smoothly. (And doesn’t hurt.). Oooh, how marvelous that you live so close to that church. Your country is so gorgeous.

    Sandy, I hope your busy week doesn’t exhaust you before you go on your vacation. I am wishing you the bestest ever vacation. You have been looking forward to this for so long. ❤️ Hope you got Babe back home safely.

    Barbie, I too have been a Grantchester watcher, especially the early episodes with Sidney the dishy Vicar. Enjoy! I too am a PBS fan.

    Anne, my friend has “Atopic dermatitis” also known as eczema. She has flare ups with each Covid shot but also with many other prescription drugs, as well as laundry products, and more. And with other vaccinations. Her outbreaks can last for a very long time. It is an unpredictable condition. I am not much for poetry in my older days but lots of songs are coming to mind and I sing some each day now. 🙃

    Be safe everyone.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    The President of Ukraine with his dogs (from an earlier date)

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Golly, I hope I haven't got that LIN. Anne.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Well, I've just woken up from about 5 hours sleep and feel so much better! It's 6:30 so not much to say yet as Jilly and I eat our chicken [Jilly} and Weetabix with a banana [me]. But just had to share the good news with you!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited March 2022
    Happy Wednesday or Ash Wednesday if you celebrate! :) I am going to try to go for ashes depending on when Bryanna is coming to do my hair. It is another beautiful day with temps supposed to reach 57 degrees. B is home and is already smoking even though they gave him patches in the hospital to help him stop. He is so frustrating even for his DIL who I was texting with this morning. He only ate an orange at her insistence this morning. All B does is worry about his son and money and even admitted to me yesterday he wants to fix him which he knows will never happen unless his son does it on his own.
    He is letting him come to visit today even with a restraining order against him. He is his own worst enemy.

    Anne, so glad to read you got a much better night's sleep, I did as well. Mark is a very handsome man and now we need to see Michael.

    Lin, I love the president of Ukraine, he is a good leader and even better cause now I know he is a dog lover. Thank you for good wishes on my vacation, I plan to have a wonderful time.

    Patsy, I smoked from 13 to 50 and quit when I saw Babe's father die from lung cancer. Babe has a bad heart, smoking is the worst thing for him besides stress. He claims it is the only thing that makes him happy, which doesn't say much does it? Ex-smokers are the worst because we complain about smoke anywhere near us.

    Jackie, you are absolutely right and I am not going to worry about his decision. He said again yesterday he wants to stay with me, but I take it with a grain of salt. I will not think of anything but the fun I am having with my family in the sun. (once I am organized and packed)

    Have a great day my friends and keep smiling.

    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I think LIN has hit the nail on the head writing about her friend. I am so grateful to you LIN. When I had the scalp and facial shingles, they cleared up after about a month but then I got this burning, itchy, skinning thing mainly on my legs but also everywhere else. Mike's the same. He recently had the booster vaccine. Anyway, LIN thank you for a big clue! we will find out for sure soon but I looked it up on the internet and it stated the vaccine affects a few people who are subject to eczema and we are occasionally.

    I felt so much better after a few hours sleep I started to make bread and cut up Jills chicken, veg etc to put in the slow cooker. The bread is almost baked and smells wonderful. Isn't it amazing what a few hours sleep does for you!!!!! I cleaned out all the drawers and shelves in the bathroom as well and vacuumed the place. I cautiously say I'M ON THE MEND.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh boo boo! Lost my huge long post!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good afternoon. I spent the day straightening up and cleaning the floors. Oh yes, and answering the telephone. Oh, it was warm today. I went outside for a little while and cleaned out a downspout and watched a lovely bunch of Black Capped Chickadees frolicking in the neighbor’s tree and on my deck. They are such darling birds.

    I am now trying to get my Mac updated. Yipes. This is taking forever. But the Mac is old so it is moving quite slow. Me too! 😂😂

    Patsy, I am sorry you lost your post. That is so frustrating. Hope you are well.

    Sandy, I hope you have accomplished everything you set out to tackle today. Babe has a lot of problems. Not thinking straight to let someone come to see him when there is a restraining order in place. There are lots of lines that should not be crossed.

    Anne, I hope whatever the cause of your misery that it will give up its grip on you. ❤️ You are one busy bee today.

    Jackie, I hope your day and appointment went well.

    Barbie, are you having spring weather too? Our lovely weather will be ending in a few hours. Potentially snow by morning. 😱


    I am certain the cookies are fake and made from foam. 😁


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    An eventful day for me that began when I was pulling boots on ready to walk George and Betty and my phone rang. It was Chrissie’s Katie asking if we could talk about a dog walking schedule. After 5 minutes and my agreement to walk Sunday and Monday, I explained I had to walk before driving to Plymouth then off we went round the block. Drizzle but mild so not unpleasant. Chatted to neighbour Debs when we got home about there being no diesel available locally so she couldn’t work but my car uses petrol so off I went to Plymouth and my dental appointment. It took a while but my tooth is repaired so my mouth feels normal again. Advice from my charming young dentist Stephen… stop eating liquorice allsorts!,
    A short grocery shop on the way home then, as I eat some lunch Sue, who used to help me with the garden, appeared in my garden with 3 potted plants. She is here to view another property and as she left she tried to hug me but I quickly stepped back telling her no way as she is not vaccinated. She’s anti vaccine! She did apologise for pushing into my personal space in a later email so that’s ok!
    My day didn’t finish there because I then got a call from Katie to say Chrissie had been taken to hospital and could I help her take Bella to a foster home she had arranged. When I got there Bella was a bit sad but calm so once we had her bed, toys, food etc we walked her to my car and she got straight in. Just goes to show Chrissie has been worrying about nothing on that score. The great thing about living in a small community is the connections we have because Katie had put out a request for a temporary foster home on Facebook which a friend responded to saying her gran would be happy to look after her. We get to her house to discover it’s someone I’ve known for years as we often see each other dog walking then when we mention the name Chrissie she says she knows her from years ago when she helped walking a previous dog when she was unwell. Not only that, she knows my neighbour Debs so we will all keep in touch and I’ve said I’ll walk Bella any time she can’t. I came very close to bringing Bella home with me and Katie had wanted to do the same so that sad little creature has wormed her way into our hearts!

    Lin, I think those cookies are real all butter biscuits. The butter gives them that golden glow!
    A lovely photo of Volodymyr with his dogs in happier times. I’m following daily you tube videos posted by an Englishman who is living in the basement of his place of work somewhere in Kyiv with his Ukrainian wife, daughter and cat called Pumpkin. A group of us from around the world leave daily comments on his video page which is apparently making life more bearable for them. His name is Dan Baker if you’d like to look him up and say Hi.

    Patsy, oh drat! I feel for you losing that post. I’ve done it so many times myself! I hope it was full of news that you, John and crazy Katie are fine!f

    Anne, you are sounding positive about improvements which is great.

    Sandy, counting the days!! I’m afraid Babe doesn’t know what side his bread is buttered on.

    I’m feeling shattered and it’s gone midnight so must get to bed.
    Jackie 😴💤
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2022
    Morning and we've just had breakfast. Me boiled egg. toast and marmalade, the Bean chicken and rice.

    Wonderful news about Bella JACKIE, I did wonder if you would end up with her. Pretty girl as well and as you say, she's wormed her way into everyones hearts. AND bonus a new friend in your busy life.

    Short post for now but my distant cousin Jim, a very sweet man, sent me a lovely message on the internet and flowery card because its International Women's Day apparently, so.......


    Hugs all round!
    PS. Oh dear, I've just checked the calendar and Jim's a week out bless him. Never mind enjoy today anyway AND the coming week. I missed pancake day on Tuesday but knew it was ASH WEDNESDAY. Pancakes for lunch today instead!