Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow, lots of excitement going on! First of all, a huge sigh of grateful relief that Lin is safe. Those storms are so powerful and dangerous. There are times I wonder if there is any safe place to hide.

    Next a birthday wish for Sandy and wishing you a safe delightful holiday with your family. I know you have been looking forward to this for months. All my best wishes and I hope you bring us lots of photos of a fun-filled vacation.

    Anne: how wonderful to see little Jilly hugging one of her favorite human beings. Your right! Michael is a very nice looking man. And with a kind and loving heart. He loves his mom and that adorable little fur baby.

    Jackie: we are still into that leafless gray soggy landscape. Not too pretty! I often think we share your weather and plant life; we are alike but a bit different. Spring is far away at this point. I know it isn’t, but right this minute it seems months and months until we see green leaflets and tiny flowers. Your photos are always fun and say so much.

    Barbie: hello and hope your walk was safe and that your doggies accompany you. Some doggies are like us…lazy and need encouragement to do the healthy thing!
    Stay safe dear sneakers,
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Its 62 F here right now and the snow banks are slowly disappearing, BUT the polar bears are fighting for survival as the ice melts. Anne
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2022
    I was going to post Marks photo but lost him. Try again tomorrow. Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    We’ve a bitterly cold wind that turned my feet and fingers to ice while I vacuumed my car! Our morning walk was short when George decided even he had had enough and this afternoon I decided to postpone a planned visit to the allotment… why freeze!
    My friend Linda has messaged to postpone tomorrow’s coffee and cake trip because she has developed Covid and feels as if she’s been run over by something very heavy!
    SO, I’m lighting fires, planning a sausage and beans supper and will do nothing else! Even Brady isn’t going far. 🙀

    Sandy should be well on her way to the sunshine that awaits, something she so deserves.

    Patsy, yes we do share similar weather, possibly because we live close to the sea. Today is a blip but yesterday I did enjoy some gardening while George looked on.

    Look at your temperature Anne. That really is Spring-like!

    Hello Lin, have you seen Dan and family aren’t far from Lviv now and have arranged for somewhere to stay? I’m guessing next stop Poland and hope they don’t have problems crossing.

    I lost Netflix last night and had to reset several times before I got it back. I watched the movie Against the Ice on Saturday evening. Another amazing true story!

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Very little going on here besides rain turning to snow. I think we could all do and deserve a romp on the sand and a dip in a warm sea. At least one of us managed it.
    Must count our many blessings though when we watch the poor folk in Europe.
    Its 20 years since I had a proper vacation. That was on Vancouver Island in BC. But there again every day is vacation day warm and snug and retired in Ontario.
    A day for turning to hobbies and communicating with friends,
    A pleasant day if news less.
    Enjoy friends,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello. I think we had between 4 and 5 inches of snow overnight. It will remain relatively cold and more snow is expected Thursday according to the weather app. I have been dropping in on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube all day reading the latest on not only Dan and family but also on conditions in Ukraine. I need to back off. I feel so bad for the people and all the suffering but am useless to help.

    Otherwise, I am working on Easter cards again. Overall, I am not very happy with them but I will just follow through on this design as almost all pieces for the front of the card are finished and about 10 of the cards have been stuck together. 😄

    I think I mentioned I have a two-day card making conference this weekend. I am setting up the needed supplies for each card but will decide as each card is explained if I want to make it immediately or wait until I have more time after the event. One day is a few cards with foiling involved. That is always a thing that is not assured for me. A hit or a miss and I can never predict what will happen, I have to just accept the results. 😁

    The next day involves a lot of different techniques but no further hot foiling. (which is just fine)

    Anne, I haven’t had a vacation in a very long time and I actually cannot remember when I last went anywhere. Know it was long before I left my job and looked after my dad so It was before 2008. I guess I agree with you, home, warm, food in the house and lots to read and many cards to make, all is well.

    I am not seeing other posts. I wonder what is up.

    Hello to Jackie, Barbie, and Patsy. A long distance wave to our vacationing Sandy.

    Be safe everyone.


    A teapot art piece

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Oh, now I see your post Jackie!

    Lovely yard! What’s growing in that beautiful blue container? George seems unimpressed. 😁

    Yes, I have caught up with Dan and his family. Celebrating with Cognac after arriving at Lviv. So amazing that they seem to have connections everywhere they go. I heard the city is 100% at capacity now with so many people who have been streaming in. I wonder if the Bakers will stay an additional day to rest up a bit and to mull over where they will head next?

    Sad afternoon here, 3 teenagers were shot outside their high school and all are in critical condition. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I need to watch something funny on television. Or maybe I can watch the squirrel run along the to of my fence, knocking the snow down as he scampers.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    edited March 2022
    Drat, I removed the car seat covers and washed overnight so of course, the weather forecast has changed and we'll now be getting rain by 11am, in fact it looks well on its way at 0830! I will have to bring them in off the rotary line to my dining room to hang about before we walk.

    I agree Lin, all this tragic news is exhausting and I've got to a point with Ukraine that I do a quick catch up on headlines then move on before my spirit gets too dragged down. I tried to find something cheerful on Netflix last night but can't even remember now what it was so definitely not worth recommending!! Oh yes, a deep sea diver that got trapped on the seabed and the efforts to rescue him.... really cheerful!
    Dan is a resourceful chap and knowing news crews from my tv job so long ago, they always have rooms tucked away available for emergencies so he asked the right people. He looks so relaxed this morning and slimmer!

    Good morning Anne, Patsy and Barbie (plus hubbies and pets)
    Have a peaceful day.

    PS forgot to mention Lin, the blue flowerpot contains French lavender with a pretty purple/blue flower. Bees love it and I brush fingers across each time I pass by to smell the gorgeous scent!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    What an incredible teapot Lin, like some sort of fungus growing on a branch! Was there a description?

    We had a nice potter for our walk and also stopped just round the corner from our entrance when Jamie I used to see walking during lockdown, drove past, stopped and got out to show me his new puppy! A gorgeous black Labrador he and his wife only adopted last week that is the sweetest of dogs. The only name they could agree on was Cooper so as Jamie said, Cooper it is! Grumpy George hates puppies, no doubt because he was removed from his siblings too soon, and made us laugh as he winced and curled his lip even from a long way away!
    The rain hasn't arrived yet so I could have left the car seat covers hanging outside. Change that because looking out I can see spots of rain on the windows now! Guessing the window cleaner won't arrive today.

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    We are forecast a sunny day if cold, so a perfect day for Mike, his friend Sandy and her little dog Amber to drive to Ottawa where they will deliver loads of handmade stuff, masks etc hand sewn by her daughter and local housewives from her cottage industry. Makes sense because if Sandy can personally deliver to the Ottawa hospital they don't have to pay shipping fees. AND from there they can travel on to to see Mikes isolated dad up in them thar hills for a few days. They will have to travel the 6 hour journey home on Thursday or Saturday though because all day snow is forecast for Friday. I am glad Michael is visiting his 86 year old father because it must have been a lonely winter for him after losing his 2nd wife 7 months ago.

    So back home, all is good because I have almost lost the "eczema" that was plaguing me. The relief is tremendous and I can only thank you all for putting up with me. I of course blame everything on the vaccine. I was perfectly alright until I took it and two weeks after it I became the wimpy, whiney, person you've all put up with so kindly.

    The Ukraine crisis is so horrific I am like JACKIE and can only bear to scan the headlines.

    I tried to grow lavender here Jackie, but no success after the first season. Too cold I suppose. I am amazed how many different teapots there are LIN!!!! its quite mind boggling if most are not "one of a kind". Only 3 of us posted yesterday and I'm sat here imagining SANDY doing a spot of paddling in a warm blue sea.

    Anne,..... about to do her grocery order list and wondering what will appear this week!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We had a huge shopping weekend and now we feel prosperous with shelves and freezer full. We went to Costco on Saturday (first time since October) and stocked up on all the things we buy there including TP and boneless skinless chicken breasts and thighs. On Sunday we went for curbside pickup of groceries from QFC. There were only a few things on our list that they didn't have. I get a text from the store early in the morning to tell me what's not available and what possible substitutions there are. Sometimes I accept the substitutions and sometimes not. When we get to the store and phone that we are there, the shopper goes over the substitutions again.

    :) I made turkey soup yesterday with the turkey thigh bones I had in the freezer along with one of the packs of chicken thighs from Costco and veggies from QFC.

    :) The landscaper comes today to talk about how much bark we want him to deliver, how much we want him to spread and how much to leave for me and a few other tiny chores we need done.

    :) Yesterday our neighbor who does computer repair free for the neighborhood came over and solved two problems for me. We are so lucky to have him.

    :) After a few days of sun and slightly warmer weather, it is is drizzling this morning which will keep me from any yard work, but have no dent on dog walking.

    <3 Barbie
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Lovely long and interesting post from you BARBIE. Mark and Mary Jo are going to Costco today and will try and find me a couple of items. I will say about substitutions - I've had one or two things I would never have ordered which have turned out to be very nice and I will order in future.
    Lovely bright, sunny, shiny day here.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Misty and cold today. We were cheated out of our predicted sunny day yesterday. We had a stubborn marine layer that kept us under cloudy skies and a bitter cold breeze. Thursday and Friday are supposed to be sunny. We will see…..

    Life here is reduced to managing various tasks and trying to find help for the others. We do enjoy our evening meals and evening chats with one glass of vino. That happens after some tv or a movie. It makes us laugh how entrenched we are in our routines. When we must deviate, we both enjoy the break and love getting back to the familiar. Old age? Hummmmm

    Today is a boring task of cleaning bathrooms and mopping kitchen floor. I also want to start waxing and conditioning the wood furniture. The winter furnace use dries them and the wood really sufferes.

    I am finishing my family newsletter that I mail our on St. Patrick’s day. We usually include a sort of portrait-snapshot of us both. Just to let our family know we are still chugging along. However! Getting John and Katie to cooperate is almost impossible. Katie first of all tried to eat her new green kerchief with the shamrock designs. John will not wear his really nice green sweater…”it is too itchy!” I am not great with the camera. You can see this is a failing enterprise.

    Tonight I am to make chicken with capers and mushrooms. Plus A little side salad. John might like it but maybe not, I can never be sure.

    I ordered a new kind of bra and must return. Seriously…who designs these things? Horrible uncomfortable and no support at all. Need to find a new company.

    In a moment of pure crazy insanity, I put glue-on gems on my blue jeans. They all came loose in the washing machine. Never trust that promise of washable accessories. The diamonds come off and the lace shrinks. Oh drat!

    Well, in looking at my post, I sound very grumpy and frustrated. Actually I am not. Having fun making my hippy outfits. Writing our newsletter with photos included, playing ball with Katie, repotting my houseplants, cooking indigestible dinners for John. How great is that? Ordered my rapid test Covid Do it? Use them if you need to check.

    Vacations? Wow! What’s that?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Third time is the charm right? I have been here to write my few lines of text and each time something intervened. The first time, I was on the phone with a friend who I’d not spoken to for a while. We ran A through Z of course!

    Next, I was on a phone call to the insurance company that provides my flood insurance. They had a number of questions that had to be answered before they would be able to offer a renewal on the policy. The Federal government backs the program and is making them do all this additional work. Anyway, I was glad to get that taken care of today.

    Also jumped online and got my online access to my new bank accounts. I wandered around on the site to see what services might be offered and as I thought there is a bill pay option but there are no options to do external transfers. Darn!

    Then I went to get my mail, brought in the emptied trashed bin and stamped all the sentiments for my Easter cards. I had cut all the paper and ran each through the die cut to make it look stitched around the outside. I wanted to finish that before it got too dark to see well.

    I had my supper of course and now here I am. Very late!

    Jackie, there was no description provided with that teapot. There were a number of photos of pieces made by an artist. That teapot is quite unique! Oh what fun, meeting a new puppy. Sorry George isn’t thrilled with strange new pups/dogs. I bet that puppy was adorable. I am fairly easy to impress when it comes to dogs. 😁 I love the scent of lavender. You are lucky I am not a neighbor, I would be walking by and grabbing a bit off that plant all the time. I caught up with Dan and family on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube today. It was nice to see a bit of the city. I sort of wonder what they will do next. I happened across an article today which indicated the U.K. is not being at a bit cooperative. They closed their office in Lviv. Closest now is Prague I think and someone said they are booked up for over a month. I hope things turn out well for them. 🤞🏻

    Barbie, wow, all stocked up for sure. That is wonderful! You accomplished so much. Good for you. Every neighborhood should have a free computer repair person. What a tremendous resource.

    Anne, grocery order placed? Are you still receiving your orders on Fridays? Did you get some things from the M & M Costco run? I hope Michael’s trip to visit his dad goes well and the weather cooperates. You do have good kids.

    Patsy, you must switch from glue on gems back to the old fashioned bedazzler. Didn’t that punch the sparkly bits to the clothing items? I checked, they still sell them online at a number of locations. Maybe you should sketch a family portrait and make copies to include in all of your notes. ☘️☘️

    Wishing everyone some happiness. I have another online meeting tomorrow morning in anticipation of the Friday/Saturday card thingy. I also hope to get to the grocery store and the library before it starts to snow again.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Having a wonderful time! !
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited March 2022
    HappyWednesday from Jamaica!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Wow Sandy!! Look at that beautiful group!! ❤️❤️
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Thanks Sandy, it’s cold, wet, windy and just awful here so your photo has warmed me up! It’s obvious you’re all having a wonderful time and I’m delighted for you. Keep enjoying!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hey! Look at that! Sandy with her family and they all look so beautiful carefree and happy to together. So glad you are enjoying that special time together. You all are a lovely family.

    We have a partly cloudy day. Tomorrow and Friday is to be clear and sunny. Friday John and I are planning a little car picnic with Katie (riding shotgun, as John calls it ) we will go to the marina and hopefully watch a fishing boat unload. Lots of seagulls and cormorants calling for a welcome bid bit or two. Katie goes over the top crazy at the activity.

    Confession time….I have not been faithful to my exercises. I am really paying for my neglect. In my case, I really need the daily PT or things go bad very quickly. So there you go, kiddos! I must schedule a scant 35 to 45 minutes a day in the dungeon doing my thing to old rock and roll or old doowop music. Do you remember “sweating to the oldies?” That’s me. An oldie sweatin to the oldies.

    Lin: bedazzler? You know I think that is a great idea Lin. One thing has become very clear to me. It is very important to go for fun activities or at least do things that please you at this age. If not now….when?

    Anne: hope you are still on the mend? I believe one can overcome most things with rest and a nice nutritious soup. It is my personal prescription for all things. Might add a med or two along the way also.

    Jackie: black labs are the most popular dog here in the U.S. it seems everyone has one or two. They are sweet (chewy) doggies. Everyone i know who has one tells of interesting holes or something that was been rearranged, so to speak, by their labs. Katie did not chew up anything but she has an enormous collection of interesting toys. Some of the toys have holes and the stuffing removed in tuffs….all over the house and back yard.

    Barbie: it does feel comfortable to have a well stocked pantry. I Don’t mind cooking for John and me. I even like to send a pot of soup or chili over to our daughters house upon occasion. Think I remember you saying Jake is also a good cook. John doesn’t shine in that regard. It is interesting how he cannot cook without a recipe. He wants all the instructions right down to temps and how much spices are to be added and when. I just start cooking. It sometimes tastes good, sometimes NOT.
    Thinking of you all,
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Ditto from me, Lovely photo SANDY. Sunny here but sweater and long Johns weather.