Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Another beautiful day so we've had a stroll round the block and I'm now finishing my coffee before getting back to the last pieces of ivy swaying in the breeze.

    Lin, I did see Dan's video about his reasons for staying and his bravery scared me even more but notice they are now on the move (thank goodness) because they are getting news of atrocities in some areas. His reasons for leaving left me close to tears and I do hope they reach an area of Ukraine they can stay for a while in peace. I've messaged the British Embassy in Russia phone number to him should they need assistance although understand Dan's feelings about our government's behaviour towards them in the past. A ghastly mess and I see Russians are now leaving their country and heading for Finland so Putin really has stirred a hornets' nest! Hopefully someone close to him will soon do the right thing!!!

    Patsy, I mix sweet potato to George's food sometimes to bulk it up and carrots, but he refuses his greens! They are like children aren't they and I can tell Jilly gets as much attention, if not more, from Anne!

    Sandy, you must be soooo excited as I am for you.... sunshine and cocktails here she comes! I wouldn't be able to squeeze into any sort of bikini these days but you're a lot slimmer so go flash your bits!!

    Time to garden.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    I’ve tried to post twice but when I select post reply they disappear 😬
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Apparently gone off to be approved… big brother 🧐
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, severe weather watch for this area all day and evening. So far we have had some rain and thunder but that’s all. It smells damp outside and sort of springlike.

    Let’s see if I am able to post this morning.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Have an appointment for mani/pedi/eyebrows this morning so not a lot of time.
    It is going to be beautiful here today and I think I will take a walk this afternoon after our family zoom call. Yesterday the travel agent sent us so many emails my head was spinning. I had to print out different forms such as customs, our negative tests and returning papers to the US. We will schedule and covid test the day before we leave so we can get back to our home states. Traveling is a lot different these days but worth it. I am so excited to be going and know we will have a wonderful time.

    Two more sleeps although I probably won't sleep much Sunday night as we have to get up at 5:00 to be at the airport at 7 for our 9:00 flight.

    Have a great day and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    I had a super day yeaterday and was on top of the world because I finally saw bones on my swollen foot, but when I went to bed I must have lain funny because I received a charley horse in my left calf. Its still with me but not so painful now.

    I did get a substitute as usual in my grocery order. Ordered Bees honey moisturizer and received Aveeno skin moisturizer which I find I like and especially now my "whatever it was" is on the mend.

    Mark tells me he and Mary Jo had a restless night with a restless Hobbes who kept poking them in bed so I suspect most of the Anne household will be napping this afternoon except poor Mike who is at work. Hobbes goes home to his owners on Monday said Mark with some relief.

    Tomorrow we shoot up to 60 degrees F and I guess the snow will melt and be a memory. Then like LIN it plunges down again.

    No comments on the Russian/Ukraine situation except I can barely watch the little children, or little dogs peeping and shivering out of their owners coats. Incredibly sad and here we are in 2020 back in the brutality of a past war.

    Sadly, Anne.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jackie, I have been hunting updates from Dan and the family on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. There was one on YouTube not that long ago. Still driving and may sleep in the car tonight. So glad they were able to get the car filled with gasoline. I am a bit distracted while trying to work on tiny Paper Easter lilies as I look for additional positive news about the family.

    You have been so good about posting positive comments and giving support.

    Back to fussing with tiny bits of paper.

    Anne, glad your substitute was acceptable. I hope you feel better each day! Aren’t Charlie horses horrendous!

    Sandy, on schedule for the vacation!! Wahoo!




    One of Max’s cohorts, Paddy not sharing. 😂


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    Lin, I left a long post about Dan first thing but it disappeared and a tiny box appeared bottom of the page telling me it had to be approved. Since it didn’t reappear I can only think it’s because I’m the other side of the Atlantic because nothing controversial was said. I’ve been caught up in their lives too and it made me smile that so many are asking about Pumpkin!

    A fabulous picture of Max’s friend but what a job to towel him/her after the walk!

    I spent an afternoon pruning then drove to the allotment to meet up with neighbours Debs and Louise to discuss how to gradually collect everything we want to bring home. We won’t resign for a month so we won’t be rushed!

    I’ll see if this post disappears!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Scary times about Jackie’s post needing to be approved….by who? Why? I guess I have only seen our Jackie as a somewhat strange advocate when it comes to spiders and mice. On the one hand I see it as a lovely animal-creatures of all kinds advocate. On the other, I do not have much affection for spiders, mice? Well, if they would just stay outside!

    We have a partly cloudy day. No rain as yet. I do see some grey clouds off to the southeast that is heavy with rain.

    Today is a day of little chores, I will make a spinach-onion quiche for dinner. I was to make one earlier in the week but it somehow didn’t happen. I do have laundry going and Katie’s chicken is happily bubbling on the stove. After a while I will throw in some carrots and broccoli. These are veggies Katie will eat. I have a sweet potato cooked and will add little chunks when I put her dinner bowl down. That is our menu for the whole family. I cook for Katie and it really is no trouble. When other people hear that I cook for her, you’d think it was some huge inconvenience. Not so. It is much harder to cook for John. He knows how to be picky and finicky!

    Stay safe and don’t you dare get sick! I need you all to be healthy and safe!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Eeeck, tornado on the ground, thunder storms and loud sounds outside. 😱

    Hope it missed us.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Eeeck, tornado on the ground, thunder storms and loud sounds outside. 😱

    Hope it missed us.

    Oh no Lin, please check in with us when it's over so we know you are okay.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    It is over and the sky went from dark as night to a strange orange color. Roaring noises are all over and the hail has already melted.

    I do not like storms at all.

    Thanks for standing by.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I’m with you Lin, lol hate storms. Glad you are safe. ❤️
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2022
    Very. very glad you are safe LIN. Very frightening! We are already at 50 deg F with high winds forecast.

    SANDY asked earlier for a photo of Michael so I took this yesterday evening when he dropped by as he drove home from work with a few [rare these days] treats for my little girl.

    The image appeared here, but I am denied access to it. I wonder why? Tried several; times but no go.

    He's decided to stay home today because of the predicted weather. A good day to start the jigsaw OUR Sandy sent me.

    Boiled Egg for brekkie and I'm trying not to multi task!!!!

  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    edited March 2022

    Tried this, Anne.

    Oh golly tried and it came out big and sideways. Better luck next time.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,884 Member
    The wind has turned round to an easterly so suddenly it’s very cold again. Another walk round the block because when we got to the corner where we access the small woodland that’s round the corner, I noticed a lady walking a very large dog near the entrance and quickly decided not to give George an opportunity to get grumpy! I’ve vacuumed since getting home but will think twice about gardening in the cold.

    Lin, thank goodness you are alright but how scary was that? I’ll never complain about our high winds again because tornadoes are rare in Britain which is just as well because I think they are nightmare inducing! That sounded too close so I hope you have somewhere safe to go when they do that! Have you checked Dan’s progress? Lots of queuing traffic but so much more relaxed, as we all are about their journey. Pay kin is a sweetly!

    Anne, I clicked on your link but access denied… what have I done to upset North America? As Patsy says, I’m all about spiders and flies!! Oh yes, then there’s the birds in my garden that I feed year round. Caught sight of this blue tit yesterday.

    Sandy, as I brushed my teeth this morning I hummed “Pack up all my cares and woes, here I go, winging low” so I added “bye bye Sandy”!

    Have the most amazing holiday and more especially, that birthday. I always think of you as more of a fifty year old so won’t mention the real number. Of course, I can’t wait to hear about your sun, sea and cocktails experience! Take care sweetheart.

    Patsy won’t be up yet but I’m already imagining hot coffee along with hot music to brighten the Sunday morning.

    Take care out there.

    PS. Do you remember during first lockdown how a parent buzzard abandoned its young fledgling in the top of a tree; well it survived that harsh parenting and often glides back and yells loudly, in fact it just cruised by my window.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Hope you can see this one Jackie. Such good looking men Anne’s boys are.
  • JillyBurg6
    JillyBurg6 Posts: 186 Member
    Yes, I spent so much time trying to get Michael on our posts that I forgot to wish SANDY a wonderful holiday and A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Have FUN dear girl and safe journey back and forth.

    Our winds are picking up. The squirrels in their nests hanging onto dear life no doubt. JACKIE, Wonderful news that the baby buzzard survived. George and Jilly would make a right pair outdoing each other in the bark competition. For a wee girl she has a mastiffs bark. She's featured in the photo you can't get. I wonder why not? I had the same problem at first. It's not as if it's Mikes full face with Jill half across it. Weird.

    Well. time for mid morning coffee and Beans treat time. She knows its treat time [chewy small bones that Mike brought] when she smells coffee. I've created a monster!

    Don't get blown off your feet girls,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello friends,

    I feel so fortunate that the tornado that was headed this way tracked slightly to the South. Fear factor 100 here with sirens, continued roaring for a very long time and didn’t know exactly what was going on. Death toll so far, 7. We are told to shelter in the basement or in a room on the first floor with no windows. Here’s a photo of one of the tornados.


    Jackie, I love the bird in your photo. How sweet. I have no photos but I had a number of Black-capped Chickadees the other day. I adore these birds but I do not see them often. Dan and the family left town today just 25 minutes before the airport was bombed and destroyed. My fingers are crossed for them as they continue to make their way. He said they are due at a wedding in the U.K. in April I believe. Pumpkin is a character. It would be lovely for her to sleep when they want to sleep.

    Sandy, packing, packing, packing. 🛩 and then 🌴🌴🐚🍹enjoyment! If you cannot sleep well tonight, I hope you are able to snooze on the plane. Who in your group is sitting next to you? Someone who will not talk all the time? 😁

    Anne, oh look at that picture!! One very content Jilly with your son. Thanks for posting! It is getting colder here and apparently we will receive rain turning to snow tonight and tomorrow. Maybe a few inches? I do not think they know.

    Patsy, good morning.

    Barbie, hope all is well with you.

    Need to charge my iPad before watching online church.

    Be safe everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited March 2022
    Happy Sunday! :) Just wanted to thank you all for the well wishes. There is so much paperwork with this trip and now I can't check in online because of the covid test. We will have to check in at airport so that means getting there even earlier than I had planned. Still have not packed but have most of my clothes laid out to put in suitcase. My niece is coming around 3:30 so I hope I am done.
    Have a wonderful week and I will be thinking of you all the while I am there. NOT!!!!! lol

    Stay safe my dear friends.
    One Day at a Time