Iitstuesday Member


  • Hi friends. Just dropping in to say hello to you and September. It is going so fast and life is so busy. Yet the post Covid drag seems to linger. All good and maintaining just fine. But the idea of losing that last 5 might just have to go away… Hope you are all well!
  • Hello friends. On the road - driving all over and looking at colleges for my daughter. Really fun trip in all but lots of driving, hotels, meals out which means completely out of my routine. I packed some healthy snacks but just really not making all the best choices. It is really hard to eat at a ballpark- especially if…
  • Oh my @CeeBeeSlim I am so sorry. That’s horrible. What a shock. Im sending you lots of love and positive vibes. Please be kind to yourself. And by that you know how good it feels to take care of yourself. You are a rockstar, be as good to yourself as you are to others. Good luck with the next few days! And thank goodness…
  • Hello! So much activity and new members! This is an active group! Just dropping in to say hello. Same old here. TBH doing great with diet and exercise. But someone please tell my scale that…it clearly has not caught up. @CeeBeeSlim I had to reread one of your posts when you mentioned a G cup - I honestly did not know what…
  • Good morning friends. Welcome to the new folks joining- this is an amazing and supportive group here. @SparkSpringtime69 thank you so much for sending that link. I had no idea. That’s crazy. I don’t have any of those batches but apparently more being recalled. I have to look again. Things going well here - no travel, been…
  • @CeeBeeSlim you are so right. You really do have to be so precise. And I know it’s probably lots of little things all together. But it’s frustrating. And TBH it’s not really this 5lbs - it’s the next. That slow gradual creep up. And what has worked in the past is not working anymore. But Im doing all the right things - and…
  • Hi friends. Hope everyone off to a good start this week. At least it is a bit cooler. Feeling totally discouraged as my weight is right back up to where I started. It’s 2-3 lbs I lose and gain. But really slowly climbing up over the years. It’s ultimately 5 lbs my body not willing to part with again after not having it…
  • Happy weekend all. I am so impressed and inspired by this group. It really does seem that everyone is on the right track in a good place. I’ve been drinking a ton of water and it really does help with appetite. I could definitely use more sleep. Exercise is pretty good but yes - @SparkSpringtime69 i don’t know how you do…
  • Hi all! Having a good week - on track and back down a few lbs. Helps that work trip was cancelled and no meals out this week. Huge help! No wine, no dessert… The insane heat has made walking not so fun but I have been trying to get out early or late just to get steps in. That always helps my day too. Have a great week all.…
  • Hello friends! Welcome @Julie_9 - we are all in the same boat - or I should say all on the same struggle bus! It’s hard. I really feel like it’s harder to lose less weight - if that makes sense? Well you are in good company here! @CeeBeeSlim thank you for sharing and for your empathy. I’m feeling better since I got home -…
  • Good morning. Back home and feeling frustrated. I’m up to the highest I’ve been and above where I started back in Feb. and highest I’ve been in years - maybe 10 years?? Very frustrated. Because I’m really not that off - I move a lot, eat well. Nighttime snacking can be tough. Honestly since hitting my 50s (now 52) anything…
  • Finally headed home. Did pretty well on the road eating out and getting lots of activity. But ended time away with long work dinner and I still don’t handle those well. Fancy food and wine with a small group. It was nice but I struggle sticking to my goals. Back at it….. Question for the group - do you track macros or just…
  • Hello! Checking in from the road. So far, so good. Definitely getting a lot of exercise and have been holding my own with the fries. @CeeBeeSlim how did you manage one fry and one nugget - good for you! And congrats on the 6 lbs in one week! How did you do that?? That’s great news. Keep it up! @zenobia9777 congrats on new…
  • @HoneyBadger302 how was the interview? Hope it went well!
  • Awesome @CeeBeeSlim - that’s such great news! I’m moving a little slower but going in the right direction. Slowly. On the road tomorrow so let’s hope I can manage with meals out. I will be happy to maintain while away. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Keep up the great work!! We will get there!!
  • Hello friends! Glad that everyone feeling better and back on track. Yesterday was better and I tracked and felt good. But need to keep that up consistently which is always the problem. And travel this week which is always a challenge for me. Eating out and late night snacking are always my issue…but we are tackling this…
  • @HoneyBadger302 glad interview went relatively well. At least you are getting out there to avoid your hot mess job. Right thing to do but always hard to switch jobs - I’ve been there recently. @CeeBeeSlim I am so there with you. Weight higher than my starting point and that always makes me panic. Ugh. I work out regularly…
  • Also SW 3/1/22 139.8 CW 138.8 Goal 134-135 - and stay in that neighborhood!!
  • OMG @CeeBeeSlim me too! I just did that yesterday or day before. We are all in this together. But I love being accountable with others. I have never done one of those bet sites (I looked at Dietbet I think) but we could start our own thing if that would be good motivation. Not so interested in the $ part but would def try.…
  • @HoneyBadger302 I am right there with you. I have undone my losses and starting over. But going to hold myself accountable every day. Because my pants are too tight… How was the interview - good luck 🍀
  • Joining you in daily discipline. Have always struggled with 5 lbs up and down. And definitely up now and want to get back down. Just need accountability and discipline daily. Going to keep at it! Have a good day all! Also - Is this the July accountability thread?
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 CW 138.4 As expected gained back some of the weight after being sick but really been fluctuating in the 137’s which I’ll take!! Have been consistently tracking and def a lot of wins. Been traveling a lot and better managing food on the road. Slowly…will keep at it.
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 CW 136.6 Have finally broken through BUT it’s because I am sick (flu I think) and have not been eating much. Was stuck at 139.8 for the entire month of March. Let’s see what happens when I start eating and moving again! April goal: keep tracking consistently. Move more during the day. Work…
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 3/7 140.2 ugh indeed. 3/16 139.8 3/21 139.8 3/27 139.8 My body is sticking at this weight and it is so interesting. I used to have so many small fluctuations daily (up a pound, down a pound - could vary 1.5-2 lbs weekly either way but always in the 134-138 range for years) but in this last…
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 3/7 140.2 ugh indeed. 3/16 139.8 3/21 139.8 Well I have come to the realization that this is going to take a looong time. That’s ok. Not gaining! It will happen!
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 3/7 140.2 ugh indeed. 3/16 139.8 Frustrated. Weight just stuck. But I will keep at it. At least I’m not gaining. Small victories….
  • Thanks @zenobia9777 I really think menopause is a big part of the problem. I just have to come to terms that this will take a long time to see a change where I had been able to manage/maintain weight in the past by making small tweaks. Will be 52 next week and menopause not new but definitely more noticeable challenges in…
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 3/7 140.2 ugh indeed. Tracked consistently. Not using exercise cals. Honestly have never been this stuck with weight this high for so long. It’s like my body refuses to budge. Will keep at it though….the struggle is beyond real! I have maintained a range of 134-137 for years….until now…….
  • 5’8 51 y/o SW 3/1/22 139.8 GW 134 Have been maintaining GW for almost 10 years after 25lb loss. In last year weight just creeping up steadily and won’t budge. Clothes not fitting well. started new job and sit a lot - used to Move more during the day. And increased stress level. March goal: track consistently. Move more…