Dr_Axe Member


  • Found out today that I can do a pull up. I haven't been close to being able to since I was a kid.
  • I bought a 20 lb rucking vest last week. I decided to wear it to work today. Between work and my after work walk I wore it for 11.5 hours. I felt like i was going to die for the last half hour of my walk. But I felt so good after I took it off. I went and walked another 45 minutes. While I was waiting for my cars oil to be…
  • June challenge here we go! I am looking forward to getting out and enjoying the warm weather. I don't have a specific weight goal in mind. I beat my tentative goal of 225, after 9 months with MFP, last month. I just want to get rid of this muffin top that still remains. I'm going to continue my current calorie deficit and…
  • I made bok choy for the first time. With roast beef and mushrooms. It was delicious.
  • First was back in 2019. Somewhere around 290lbs. Second is me today at 220lbs. I'm 6'4" and 52years young.
  • Today while walking the mall. My friend asked me what I was going to wear to my niece's wedding reception next week. I told her I was going to be buying the same style pants as I was wearing. One size smaller. But I couldn't think of any shirts that would be appropriate for the occasion that would fit well. So I stopped at…
  • Back in December I got fed up with my pants being too big. So I gave up my 42s. And because I work in an unheated warehouse all winter. I bought several pairs of fleece lined 38s. Spring has arrived and the fleece lined pants are becoming too hot to wear on warm days. And they're getting too big. So I went and bought a new…
  • My late wife used to steal all my favorite shirts as she got thicker over the years. But lately I've been wearing some of her really old t shirts. Like concert merch that I was gong to turn into throw pillows. Because I thought I'd never be small enough to fit into.
  • The new pants I bought 30 days ago are getting too big. I noticed today when I cinch my belt to keep them up. They come unbuttoned.
  • About ten years ago I was at 350. I got down to 275 by giving up sugary soda and joining a gym. Two years later I quit going to the gym. And slowly gained back to 335. Then I joined a different gym, and cut out starchy foods. I got back to 275 for a year. Then covid hit and all the gyms closed. I quickly went back to 335.…
  • I suggested something similar. But the replies I'm getting suggest I'm overthinking it. Nice to see I'm not the only one mindful of their macros.
  • I never expected to need smaller pants. I've always wore them below my belly and never had buttocks. But I went from a 44 to a 38. I'm at the lowest weight of my entire adult life. And people at work frequently comment how much better I look.
  • I'm a bit of a cheapskate. I just walk at the mall. They open the doors about an hour and a half before the stores open. It's just me and 20 or so other old people and a couple of cleaning ladies. It's nice being a constant 69 degrees with no traffic and a nice smooth floor. Every now and then there's some screaming kids…
  • Looking good. Congrats and good luck with your continuing journey.
    in Success Comment by Dr_Axe December 2023
  • While spot reduction of fat doesn't work. Toning the muscle under the fat. In the right way. Can make the fat appear reduced. My old water aerobics instructor always had us. Raise your chin as high as you comfortably can. Then press your tongue against the roof of your mouth hard. And hold for about thirty seconds. Or…
    in Chin fat Comment by Dr_Axe November 2023
  • I work nights too. I just renamed my breakfast to 10pm. My lunch to 4AM. And dinner to 9AM. And I just remember to select tomorrows date. Before entering the first meal/exercise each day.