fluffymcfluffster Member


  • Hi! It is an awesome tool. I had lost a bunch then stopped using and slowly gained back, now trying to monitor myself more... I hope you like it. Good luck! Feel free to add me if you are looking for support!
  • I stopped checking as nothing had gone on for a while - didn't notice when I joined. I am glad to see activity! How are you ladies? I am 5 months pregnant, overweight prior and now trying to keep things under control. Feel free to add me!
  • I am a dork who is not funny but get a crack out of this one as I heard it told (an extended version by a great joke teller) and love it! A string walks into a bar with a few friends and orders a beer. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve strings here." The string finds the biggest and strongest man in the…
  • Didn't have me below 1200 calories, actually above 1300 but that is because I only wanted to lose 1 pound per week. However, I think it does not take enough into consideration to be accurate... Just my two cents!
  • Great thread! I was actually reading the OP's post and was going to comment, then the next and wanted to comment, and the next... Wow ladies!!! You are all amazing! This is awesome! This brightened my day! My nsv is wearing jeans that used to be tight and now are loose, fitting into my first pair of skinny jeans yesterday,…
  • ^^ this! ...but thanks for sharing!
  • You are right, a rational person would say it's ok and move on but we didn't end up here because we think rationally! That is how we ate ourselves big and it is a life change to do what you have done. You are normal though and feeling what most of us would. Try to get water in. Make good choices in food. Give yourself a…
  • Great post - inspiring and motivating! I too have lost, gained and am now losing again. I don't want to do this a third time. It does not get any easier! However, I agree with your advice. It is a lifestyle change, there will be slip ups, splurges, days we rock it out of the park, and all in between. I am so proud of you…
  • So exciting!!! This is great motivation to see the difference! Keep up your hard work, it is paying off!
  • I was looking at 50 pounds to lose. I felt overwhelmed by that as I couldn't even lose 10 pounds and keep it up. It was a mountain. I get that 120 seems overwhelming. If it didn't, it would mean you didn't understand the journey ahead of you. You have to change your thinking to learn to stick with it. I had to accept that…
  • Hi to all! I am 5'6" and currently in my 160's but started in the mid 190's. My goal is to get down to a body fat percentage that is healthy more than caring about the number on the scale. I am hoping to get down to about 147 and decide what a good weight for my body is. No one believed I weighed as much as I did, still…
  • Laughed so hard!!! This made everyone's day (your NSV, the firefighters, the kids, the kids' parents, ours)... What a good victory!
  • Glad to read more about you! I can relate to much of what you said - the life long struggle with weight, the diets, the WW success/hunger, and your journey now. I agree and can relate! Thanks for posting and encouraging your MFP friends!!!
  • I grew up in an area where my sister and I were two of three white kids in the school (up to 3rd grade as the school was split in grades on different campuses). I may not fit the stereotypes but have my own to make fun of how we were hassled... I am hoping by the time I have kids, most of these stereotypes are long gone!
  • Hi All! I, as well, am doing low carb. I actually did a program through Lindora (a weight loss company) and it teaches low calorie, low carb, high protein with exercise as the method. I am now just incorporating what I learned to continue toward my goal. I have found that as long as I eat enough protein, I am not dreading…
  • This is the motivation I need!!! You posted fat man in underwear and first off, that warning was not needed for those pics. You were average before but are in great shape now! I see the pictures and wish I took some "starting" pictures but was too horrified. You have proven, yet again, it can be done. I hope you are…
  • Anyone feel free to add me. I also don't really send requests b/c I am afraid of rejection - ha ha ha!!! I am 31, married, no kids yet but hoping sooner than later. I eat high protein, low carb, low cal and work out 6 times a week. I have been on this site on/off for longer than I wish to admit but just started to really…
  • Ha ha ha!! I LOVE ME SOME CARBS! I am limiting them only b/c I wasn't working out enough and eating too much (but not just too many carbs, but calories, fats, proteins, you name it). Seeing the pic of all these yummy foods make me wish they were "flavorless" but they aren't!!!
  • Anyone feel free to add me. Feel free to ask anything but I am not as knowledgeable as some others on this site. I have lost just over 20 pounds but it took me a long time to figure out what worked for me. I did the eating under 1200 calories but wasn't really losing. Then I tried eating at my TDEE of over 1600 and worked…
  • LOVE THIS!!! I am not even sure if I am big boned as the fat around them makes it hard to tell... ..on a side note, not really a myth/excuse but as I never post, throwing something out just as I am. I hate when people say - just don't eat that or just don't drink that or just exercise every day. In theory, they are right…
  • Join a gym of some kind. I joined a kickboxing dojo. Talk about out of my comfort zone but I loved it! Each one is so different. Try Curves or a fitness class at a gym or a work out facility of any kind. I went through MANY partners working out (as we work out in pairs) and many flaked out, gave excuses that allowed me to…
  • I'm all in! Can you add me to the challenge? I need more people trying to hit the same types of goals and yours sound right in line! We can do this! I have over 30 more pounds to be where I am "comfortable" after losing almost 20 and should really lose 40 or so more.... Any motivation/accountability would help! Lisa
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Oh my... This was the hardest thing. I would ask people and they would say, "you just know." Well, I didn't, so did that mean he wasn't the one?!? Then, I knew. It took a long time to know. I had to be old enough and mature enough to really think through if…
  • I have had the CALL also. I had the same colposcopy and biopsy and then had to go for a further invasive procedure. This was about a year and a half ago. I was not ready for kids, was getting married soon and afraid what it meant for our futures. The stress was consuming. I understand. I have a similar diagnosis and it has…
  • Still a newbie myself, but will fill you in on what I have read/learned. Take a day off in between each run. I actually only go 3 x a week. Up to you, morning or night. Your form may be what is affecting your back, or if you have big boobs. You need to relax your shoulders and not lean so much when you jog. I also think…
  • I get it. I agree. I feel the same. That being said, it did not go on overnight, will not come off overnight. It is going to take time and be frustrating at times. However, when the weight starts coming off, it will come off fast for a while. You will get there if you continue... Don't give up, feel free to rant, but get…
  • Oh, add me! I love Reeses Pieces cereal even though I have not tried it. I mean, with all that sugary goodness, how could it be bad? I do ok with working out for the most part. What goes in my mouth is the problem. I LOVE me some yummy food! I love alcohol too so that increases the bad food that jumps in my mouth when I am…