**LOVE SURVEY**how you knew he/she was "THE ONE"



  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    He knew the minute I walked into the bar that he wanted to marry me. It took a LOT of convincing on his part. about 6 months before we started dating
    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    about 3 months after we started dating. It was so romantic! I was throwing up in between words.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    3? years

    5. How long after were you married?
    9 months later

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    his gramma, mom, because I had kids. His cousin because "I wasn't as smart as him and didn't make even 1/2 as much money as he did. pretty much a "trophy" wife.
  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Oh my... This was the hardest thing. I would ask people and they would say, "you just know." Well, I didn't, so did that mean he wasn't the one?!? Then, I knew. It took a long time to know. I had to be old enough and mature enough to really think through if we would be on a similar page when it came to marriage, kids, houses, jobs, life, etc. Once I realized he had the qualities I was looking for in a man and saw we envisioned a similar life, it was a no brainer. Took a long time though (a few years)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? When we discussed marriage was when I felt it was clear to him - so, a few years

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? See above - it was the thought that no other man would be able to fill his shoes.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? engaged at 6 years

    5. How long after were you married? Married 18 months later

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Nope
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I think my heart knew right away, but it took my head a while to catch up.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? It's been so long now I cannot even remember

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? First, I let him take me out again after he stood me up on our first date. And I realized I had slowly dropped all my other "boyfriends" and was dating him exclusively.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 2 months

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year and 9 days after we met

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? My mother did NOT want me to get married. It wasn't him, she just thought I was too young. But I was adamant, so she eventually went along with it.

    We celebrated our 25th anniversary in July. My heart still does a little flip when I see him across a crowded room. :love:

  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When I was 22 someone told me "you'll just know"
    ...Still waiting to "just know"
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    Not for years, we were good friends before and then got together :)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    We said 'i love you' after a few months but it was when we were visiting Thailand around 4 years after we met, that we realised we wanted to stay together forever and a day. We got matching gecko tattoos and the rest is history :)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    I knew he could make me happy, i knew he would allow me to live a life that made me happy, i knew I could make HIM happy. Those are the basics, we are great companions, enjoy the same things and we want the same things from life. I realised he was 'the one' when i realised our memories and time together would never be doable with someone else. To be honest it was only firmly set in my mind when i fell pregnant with his child, OUR child. It was important to me that we experience that and our children experienced us being united and kind to each other.
    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    5. How long after were you married?

    about a year after thailand and about 4 months after i found out i was pregnant.

    Love is not about flutters in the tummy or the twinkle in the eye. Its about shared experiences, compatibility and family. About looking into your lovers eyes and seeing your years together, your babies. Its about watching your childs first steps together, for us the pain of loosing a baby together and all the bits in between.

    Love is a collection of memories, not a Hollywood romance.
    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? A couple of months. (November to January)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? About 5 months (First said in April)

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? When I told him my true weight and he didn't run away or leave me. Instead he told me he'd stand beside me and support me through the whole weight loss journey and support whatever I did as long as it wasn't illegal or harmful to me or my body.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? n/a

    5. How long after were you married? n/a

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Not really "opposed", but my Mom and BFF were a little apprehensive since I am moving 1,000 away from them to be closer to him. But, they are both very happy that we found each other.
  • LaDonnaLoves
    LaDonnaLoves Posts: 16 Member
    It took me a LONG time to find "the one", and I had always thought they were the one before, so it was completely overwhelming to find "the one" for REAL :)

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? It was somewhere between 6-12 weeks.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? About 3-6 months?

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? It's so very difficult to describe. He fit, perfectly, he's not perfect, and he's seen me be TRULY myself, not the self that is someone else around other people, but the real me; and he loves me anyway, plus our lives are completely compatible, everything about us works, we ebb and flow together like yin and yang in a way that is indescribable because I can't fully comprehend it myself.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? I think anyone is insane for getting married before knowing each other one year, but then again, I formed that thought before having met "the one". The one, changes everything.

    5. How long after were you married?

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? No one opposes our union/relationship.
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I don't actually know what "the one" means? I define it as the one you *want* to spend the rest of your life with, because I don't believe there is just one person you are *supposed* to spend the rest of your life with. I am unimaginative and unromantic like that. So, I would say about 3 years into the relationship. I think it takes more "settling into" a relationship and getting to know the person. I don't see the rush in knowing or getting married. If you want to spend the rest of your life with them, and you continue to want to, you will. There is know "supposed to" for me.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? We just knew it and know it. Again, I'm terribly unromantic.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I don't think the feeling can really be described, and I think it varies from person to person, obviously. You just feel it and know it.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Not engaged. No plans to be.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married. No plans to be. Trust me, I'm happy in my relationship. I feel like, even after almost 8 years (!) we are still having far too much fun to get married. And I really dislike the idea of having a wedding.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Definitely not. Ask any of our friends or family and they will tell you how great we are for one another.

    wow. hmph. umm. That's all I got. that was my reaction to this.
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? - The first night we had more than a 2 sentence conversation

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? - A week maybe

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? - I just felt like I didn't want any other guy in my life and if I lost him or didn't have him near me I would go crazy

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? - 5 months

    5. How long after were you married? - 6 months

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? - Not that I know of! I thought they would because we kind of rushed into things and we were from different countries but then I realized who gives a ****?? I had my friends and family's support and that was more than I needed.

    That's awesome. <3 This!
  • Long story short.. i got divorced. We were best friends. I couldnt afford a house alone with my 2 kids. He moved in to help me with bills... 11 months later we were drunk & partying while my kids were at their dads, the next morning we woke up married. Been married almost 8 years now & its been the best 8 years of my life. :heart:

    That's a helluva story! Love it :flowerforyou:

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I think my heart knew right away, but it took my head a while to catch up.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? It's been so long now I cannot even remember

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? First, I let him take me out again after he stood me up on our first date. And I realized I had slowly dropped all my other "boyfriends" and was dating him exclusively.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 2 months

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year and 9 days after we met

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? My mother did NOT want me to get married. It wasn't him, she just thought I was too young. But I was adamant, so she eventually went along with it.

    We celebrated our 25th anniversary in July. My heart still does a little flip when I see him across a crowded room. :love:

    awww I <3 This!
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm just gonna answer the question in the title because I'm lazy...

    We had a "one night stand" and I knew the next morning after i sobered up.

    lol...that's classic
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Immediately lol I was 5, and told his dad I was gonna marry him someday...15 years later we went out on a real date and hit it off. I still thought he was the one.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? Jokingly, a few weeks, he said it first though, shocked me!

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? He had every single quality I had ever imagined I would want in one person, the perfect southern gentleman, again I was pretty biased about this guy because of my little girl crush, but he proved to be even more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? About 8 months after our first date.

    5. How long after were you married? Almost a year after the engagement.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Absolutely not, everyone loves him and Ive always been like a part of his family even before we were together, everyone was very accepting.

    This is precious! You literally have known one another your entire lives. ADORABLE!
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I don't actually know what "the one" means? I define it as the one you *want* to spend the rest of your life with, because I don't believe there is just one person you are *supposed* to spend the rest of your life with. I am unimaginative and unromantic like that. So, I would say about 3 years into the relationship. I think it takes more "settling into" a relationship and getting to know the person. I don't see the rush in knowing or getting married. If you want to spend the rest of your life with them, and you continue to want to, you will. There is know "supposed to" for me.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? We just knew it and know it. Again, I'm terribly unromantic.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I don't think the feeling can really be described, and I think it varies from person to person, obviously. You just feel it and know it.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Not engaged. No plans to be.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married. No plans to be. Trust me, I'm happy in my relationship. I feel like, even after almost 8 years (!) we are still having far too much fun to get married. And I really dislike the idea of having a wedding.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Definitely not. Ask any of our friends or family and they will tell you how great we are for one another.

    wow. hmph. umm. That's all I got. that was my reaction to this.

    I know it's not all rainbows and sunshine romance, but we absolutely love eachother and we are very happy. And the engagement and marriage thing isn't dependent on the person for me, I just never really wanted either nor did I dream about it like a lot of other women did when they were younger. It's just not important to me and completely separate from the decision to spend the rest of my life with someone. I think you can do that without the ceremony or the piece of paper I guess.
  • 1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I don't actually know what "the one" means? I define it as the one you *want* to spend the rest of your life with, because I don't believe there is just one person you are *supposed* to spend the rest of your life with. I am unimaginative and unromantic like that. So, I would say about 3 years into the relationship. I think it takes more "settling into" a relationship and getting to know the person. I don't see the rush in knowing or getting married. If you want to spend the rest of your life with them, and you continue to want to, you will. There is know "supposed to" for me.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? We just knew it and know it. Again, I'm terribly unromantic.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I don't think the feeling can really be described, and I think it varies from person to person, obviously. You just feel it and know it.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Not engaged. No plans to be.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married. No plans to be. Trust me, I'm happy in my relationship. I feel like, even after almost 8 years (!) we are still having far too much fun to get married. And I really dislike the idea of having a wedding.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Definitely not. Ask any of our friends or family and they will tell you how great we are for one another.

    wow. hmph. umm. That's all I got. that was my reaction to this.

    I know it's not all rainbows and sunshine romance, but we absolutely love eachother and we are very happy. And the engagement and marriage thing isn't dependent on the person for me, I just never really wanted either nor did I dream about it like a lot of other women did when they were younger. It's just not important to me and completely separate from the decision to spend the rest of my life with someone. I think you can do that without the ceremony or the piece of paper I guess.

    you definitely can--it's just the way you wrote it made it seem like the people who are all rainbows and sunshines are disillusioned or something. probably not your intent and just me reading more into it than I should.
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I don't actually know what "the one" means? I define it as the one you *want* to spend the rest of your life with, because I don't believe there is just one person you are *supposed* to spend the rest of your life with. I am unimaginative and unromantic like that. So, I would say about 3 years into the relationship. I think it takes more "settling into" a relationship and getting to know the person. I don't see the rush in knowing or getting married. If you want to spend the rest of your life with them, and you continue to want to, you will. There is know "supposed to" for me.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? We just knew it and know it. Again, I'm terribly unromantic.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I don't think the feeling can really be described, and I think it varies from person to person, obviously. You just feel it and know it.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Not engaged. No plans to be.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married. No plans to be. Trust me, I'm happy in my relationship. I feel like, even after almost 8 years (!) we are still having far too much fun to get married. And I really dislike the idea of having a wedding.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Definitely not. Ask any of our friends or family and they will tell you how great we are for one another.

    wow. hmph. umm. That's all I got. that was my reaction to this.

    I know it's not all rainbows and sunshine romance, but we absolutely love eachother and we are very happy. And the engagement and marriage thing isn't dependent on the person for me, I just never really wanted either nor did I dream about it like a lot of other women did when they were younger. It's just not important to me and completely separate from the decision to spend the rest of my life with someone. I think you can do that without the ceremony or the piece of paper I guess.

    you definitely can--it's just the way you wrote it made it seem like the people who are all rainbows and sunshines are disillusioned or something. probably not your intent and just me reading more into it than I should.

    Oh no definitely not. I just think it's important to have some level of realism attached to wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone. I come from a divorced family (one that ended terribly), and have an awful mother. So that probably just gives me a bit of a more cynical perspective. Or realistic. Who knows. It also comes from the constant expectation and stereotype from people around my boyfriend and I. Like there must be something wrong with us if we don't get married, or if he's not proposing he's afraid of commitment or something. We've talked about all of it. If we wanted to get married, we would. But I certainly want people to be happy and enjoy things in whatever way they want to. Just because I don't want marriage or a wedding for myself in no way means I think other people should want the same.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    my psychic told me she'll have a *kitten* like Serena, Trina, Jennifer Lopez
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? as soon as i saw him

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? 6 years

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I have never felt that way about anyone else, it was an instant i have to have him

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 7 years

    5. How long after were you married? 1 year

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? my family ( but after the got to know him that changed)
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    I knew he was the one when we met.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    He beat me to it. :) He told me he loved me after we had been dating for a month and asked me to marry him. He proposed to me 3 times before I finally said yes.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    I felt no fear when I was around him

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    when I finally accepted we'd been dating for 6-8 months

    5. How long after were you married?
    We got married one year later

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    His aunt did for a short while, but once she realized I wouldn't hurt him she came around.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    A few months.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?

    I didn't really declare it, it just evolved that way.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    More of a growing feeling rather than a specific moment when I realised.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    N/A - Been together 7 years.

    5. How long after were you married?

    N/A - But I don't like long engagements (hence not being engaged yet) so probably it won't be that long.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    Not oppose as such. I think my Dad was a bit sceptical / didn't so much "love" the relationship at first because of the age difference. It's only 4 years difference but I was 15 and him 19 at the time. He got over it though.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? After our first date.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? A few weeks

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? It was something I never thought I would feel again.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? We got engaged on our first year anniversary dating.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married yet.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Every single one of his family and friends opposed us together. I was not "Chinese" enough for him.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    I don't believe in "the one". But after about about half a year, I knew he was one of the "one"s

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    We said "I love you" after knowing each other/dating for about 8 months.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    You just know.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    Not engaged. Been dating for over two years though.

    5. How long after were you married?
    Same as above.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    My ex did, considering I started seeing my boyfriend and I was still with my ex. (Broke it off asap though!!)
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    I do not believe that there is "the one." I think that there are probably a number of people with whom I could have a satisfying long-term relationship, my husband just happens to be the person I found at an opportune moment. I should also add that I am well aware that my marriage could potentially end in divorce, something many people are too afraid to admit to themselves or others (I mention this because it suggest that it is a mistake to put too much stake in the idea that there is one, and only one, person we could have a satisfying relationship with).

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    We started to discuss marriage after we'd been together about 3 years.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    I love him, enjoyed his company, and could see us being together for the indefinite future. There were also some practical advantages to a legal union.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    We got engaged about 6 months after we started talking about marriage. Personally, I find engagements silly, especially when you plan to elope, but we had one.

    5. How long after were you married?
    Roughly 18 months.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    If they did, they had the sense/tact/etc. to keep their mouths shut.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? I guess we had been dating for 6 months when we decided to live together because we couldn't stand to be apart. I was nervous as f*** because I've watched too many judge shows and that usually ends up really badly. The transition was a breeze, and that's when I knew.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? A lot longer to say I love you than to move in together...lol I believe my youngest daughter said something to him about being mommy's special friend and he said I hope I am a lot more than that, I might just love your mommy.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? I think it was the ahhhh factor. One night I'm cooking dinner, and he is playing video games with my kids and helping me cook. The house was filled with laughter and love and it just felt so right.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? We had been together for alittle over 2 years when he asked.

    5. How long after were you married? Alittle over a year later after our engagement. We had been together for 3 years total.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? If they did, they kept it to themselves.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    about 3 months

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    about 4 months

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    He is in the military and received orders to move. I had this gut reaction that I had to go with him because I didn't want to think about a life without him being a part of it. We had a very serious conversation at that point (5th month of dating) and I did move with him.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    Let me do some math.... hang on for a sec..... okay. 21 months from our first date (so 16 months after I moved with him the first time, and 8 months after our 2nd military move).

    5. How long after were you married?
    17 months

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
    Yes, in the beginning. We met via an online dating website and he was freshly divorced (no kids). His best friend thought I was after his money when our relationship progressed so quickly. My family was upset to find out that he was in the military which potentially meant I would be moving too. Once we told everyone that I would move with him the first time.... well that didn't go over really well. The backlash died down after a couple of months and once we got notice of our next move, well everyone was completely fine. At this point they were all expecting an engagement. :) Now all we hear are comments about grandbabies!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?

    He wanted me to go out with him for about 6 months, but I wasn't interested at the time (we worked together). Then he finally convinced me to come to his apartment to watch the Super Bowl. That's when I realized what a wonderful person he really was. So on our unofficial first date.

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? He declared it to me first. About a week or two into it, I can't remember exactly. I do remember the circumstances. He said, "I love you and I'm not just saying that because we are having sex". LOL

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?

    I don't know how to describe it. We just fit together perfectly. We were right for each other. We were just "right".

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?

    10 months after our first date.

    5. How long after were you married?

    6 months

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?

    He had been engaged before and had a couple of friends go rescue him from the girl because he didn't know how to tell her he didn't really want to marry her. They asked if they needed to come rescue him from me and he told them absolutely not. Some of his family was a bit worried because I had been married before and had a toddler, but now they think I am the best thing that ever happened to him. It's been 22 years since we met and I could not be happier than I am today with him.
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? Immediately love at first site

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? 2 weeks

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? excitement, happy, wanted him,

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? 3 months

    5. How long after were you married? 6 months

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Yes, however been married now 24 years!!
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    my psychic told me she'll have a *kitten* like Serena, Trina, Jennifer Lopez

    But she's gonna have 4 kids and you gotta take all their bad *kitten* to showbiz
  • panthersfly
    panthersfly Posts: 12 Member
    I sniffed her butt and was like "DAMN NOW THIS IS A ***** I CAN LIVE WITH".

    Then I peed. That's all I remember really.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one?
    that day

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her?
    within the month.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)?
    I just knew. It's hard to explain. I was not a child though. I knew what i wanted.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged?
    We were pregnant within 2 months, moved in together, and we married 1.5 years later. Been together 5 years now :D

    5. How long after were you married?
    1.5 years. Our daughter was 7 months.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship?
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    With my Spouse/Wife-Husband:

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? (October 2, 2004) I was her boss at the office, we worked together for about two months before I took the team out to celebrate a great day. She invited me over the next weekend to play board games with her game group. I stayed all weekend ..

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? (Just after Halloween 2004) After dating for about a month, I remember pulling back from a kiss and looking her in the eyes and saying "I am going to ruin everything", and told her I love you. She smiled, hugged me and said she had been waiting to hear it.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? It was when we went to Thanksgiving dinner with her family. I had such a good time with her and my kids were all playing and laughing and none of us wanted to leave to go to my family's house. The kids all begged me to go stop by Grammy's by myself and they'd all stay with my SO.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Alice asked me to marry her in her parent's living room, on bent knee on Christmas Eve 2004. So about 2 and a half months after we started dating, after knowing each other for 6 months.

    5. How long after were you married? We married on March 11.2006. 15 months later. It was a huge $26K wedding. It was really intense. Beautiful, but intense.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? Yes, my family, her family. No one wanted us to "drag the kids into a same sex marriage" ... my family thought I was being silly. A bisexual girl should marry a man and play with women not the other way around. Her family was hoping she would get back with her ex-girlfriend. They really didn't (still don't) like me.

    With my Boyfriend

    1. How long after meeting your SO did you knew he/she was the one? The first date. We met on an online dating site and we laughed and joked and became friends for about a month before we had our first date. (December 2nd, 2011)

    2. How long did it take to declare it to him/her? Until about two months ago.

    3. How did you know (describe the feeling inside of you that made you realize--man, this is it)? He understands that I will never marry him. He understands my relationship with my spouse. He understands I will never give him a home and a family. He was the first man to NEVER ask more of me than I am willing to give.

    4. If applicable, how long till you were engaged? Not engaged, no plans to ever be engaged.

    5. How long after were you married? Not married, no plans to ever be married. We are perfectly happy with our broken relationship.

    6. Did anyone oppose your union/relationship? No. My spouse thinks it is great that he willing to be the "man" in my life without expecting to be a full time part of my life. She is the only person (besides all of you) that even knows about him. It is a perfect balance for all of us. I live in AZ with my family and my spouse. He lives in GA and we see each other when we can.