
/begin RANT
So, I need to rant for a sec because I am pissed!
I am a programer. I belive in rules. if you do A you will get B
so if I do A-1, I get B-1. All Logical and scientic, there is no magic to losing weight, nothing to be surpised.

I followed the plan last week:
eating about 2k calories with 900(with a HRM) calories of exercise everyday! no skipping! ZERO GUESSING,
100% Record keeping; even that stupid oreo I couldn't resist got recoreded.

I jumped on the scale, feeling good, thinking I would lose atleast
the 2lbs that I should of if I followed MFP plan (mine is much harder, but not unrealistic).
Yes, I know what starvation mode is...it's when the body uses muscle instead of fat..
the Key words are "uses muscle"..so if I burned 2lbs of muscle instead of fat, o well. The body needs calories, and the body can't: not need calories.

Besides, I don't need the muscle, I have a lot of muscle that I want to get rid of too. So if I lose muscel
it's still weight I should of lost. The scale tells me that I gained. I gained 4 LBS. I understand losing weight
is hard...infact I expected that...what I didn't realize was that it was impossible...

How can a 300+ lbs man eat and avg of 1k net calories a day..and gain weight!
I could care less that I didn't met my goal. What get's me mad is the fact I wasted this week and last week and it's going to take me atleast 4 weeks to get back on track, for "working my *kitten* off"
so it's going to be 6 weeks wasted...the worst part is that I worked my *kitten* off every day doing Power 90 TWICE each day (because I so dislike Tony) to gain weight. I am pretty sure I could fast for a week, but where does that get me...if I am gaining weight at 1000 calories per day at 300+ lbs..what hope do I ever have of maintaining a weight of 200 lbs...

Guess I will have to live off the cosmos!
or maybe chop off my legs! wait my arms cuz
if I lose my legs, my height will be reduced which means my BMI will go even higher..



  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    I get it. I agree. I feel the same. That being said, it did not go on overnight, will not come off overnight. It is going to take time and be frustrating at times. However, when the weight starts coming off, it will come off fast for a while. You will get there if you continue... Don't give up, feel free to rant, but get back on the wagon and keep going!
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Have you been to a doctor to make sure your body is not throwing up warning signs of a more serious issue? And btw "starvation mode" is a load of crap. That study was based on men who had less than 6% body fat.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    lol biology =/= math sorry darlin.

    Its consistency that works, not a math formula. Youre just going to have to accept that you have to keep doing this for a long time and the results will show up at irregular intervals.

    If you ate 7000 calories in two days, you you automatically gain 2.0 pounds within 24 hours? no. Your body also uses different things from everything you eat, and keeps some of it and loses some of it and that also depends on how much activity you are doing.

    there are just TOO MANY factors involved for this to be a simple subtraction problem, and you need to accept that now before you get so frustrated that you quit cause you cant handle what itll really take.

    People are not all math and logic. Not mentally, nor physically.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Did you track sodium?

    Also, some people see the results two weeks later, so your gain could be from the week before and you'll see the loss next week.
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    You have to give your body time to adjust to the changes. Do not ever give up because that scale is not showing what you think it should. I started at 272 pounds and never thought that I would make any progress because I kept yo-yoing. One day at a time and realize there is a long journey ahead. It took my 5 years to get to where I am now (just broke 200 Saruday).
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Programmer here, too. Been there, done that. For 30 years.

    Weight loss is a diminishing returns system, not a linear returns system. You can't "overclock" weight loss by exceeding design specs. The body is FAR more complex than that. That's why the people behind MFP have designed their stuff the way they do.

    Try following the MFP plan exactly as laid out for a month, and see what happens.
  • Modcom
    Modcom Posts: 18
    Starvation mode is a myth. The only way you would burn muscle is if you stopped eating completely. Since you are taking in calories, you are not burning muscle..

    /begin RANT

    I wish everyone would get a clue that starvation mode is a myth, fictional, fairy tale, BS, etc....

    /end RANT


  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I'm sorry. :-(

    Could it be a fluid imbalance? Not drinking enough water, perhaps, forcing the body to hang onto it? Don't toss out all your hard work! I would bet next week you will some some great numbers!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Hahaha..... This is why logic and biology/medicine don't go hand in hand. The human body is a million times more complicated than the most complex computer system. We only understand the thinnest layer of the surface of it. This is why it takes so many years to develop new medicines, and why ones that looked promising from basic chemistry to advanced animal testing still fail miserably during human trials. And why engineers/businessmen are mocked by medicinal scientists when they say that medicine is a simple problem solving experiment
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    There are lots of reasons why the scale may be a little higher. You can't expect to necessarily see results in one week. Sorry.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    One week is just waayyy to short a time period to have any meaningful significance. Don't overreact.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    From one programmer to another you left out one equation -- did you lose inches? are you replacing fat with muscle?

    You need to add that algorithm into your programs logic and it might work better. :laugh:

    Also what was your sodium intake, too much sodium equates to more fluid retention in the liver and muscles/fat.
  • flukes9
    flukes9 Posts: 78 Member
    You might've lost fat, but also gained more muscle too, which weighs more. Keep at it and you will see results.
  • AmyParker979
    AmyParker979 Posts: 84 Member
    I <3 all of this technical speak! I'm in accounting, not programming, but same concept applies. I've had the same issue since starting. But, if you're eating 2000 calories and burning 900, you're only netting 1100. Thought about eating a bit more?

    http://body-improvements.com/resources/eat/ - this site helped me logically understand (or try to understand) the science behind this whole mess.

    Keep it up, it will happen. It's not the same for everyone and you have to find what works for your body!
  • LucyFordxo
    LucyFordxo Posts: 62 Member
    - just want to add that a few days ago I was beside myself upset, I had been eating well and KILLIN' IT at the gym and GAINED SIX FLIPPING POUNDS AND 2 INCHES on my waist. I posted here and was given some great advice-muscle inflamation and water retention did me in!! A few days later I jumped on the scale (I'm so tempted to throw the damn thing out..but it's needed to track my progress) and BAM I was down FOUR of those SIX lbs.

    It's true that it can take two weeks for good habits to show for the body.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    redo your weigh in a couple of days later. Leave room in your equation for water fluxes.
    But I understand the frustration. It will pay off.
    Last week I was elated with dropping 3 pounds, this week only 1. The difference, for me, prob hormones.
    For you? Maybe salt is to blame.
    Solution? lots of water :)
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I'm so sorry that you are frustrated! Please keep at it! It will come off.
    A couple of thoughts.. you don't seem to be taking in a lot of sodium.. but you don't log your water.. wonder if it has to do with fluid. You might be holding more fluid, especially if you are living in a hot area.
    You don't need to respond but, do you happen to be constipated and holding fluid and matter that way as well?
    I've been there, and I really do understand. A week later I dropped 6 pounds.
    Pat yourself on the back for making good choices.. just think, the results may have been different in a really bad way if you hadn't .
    All the best.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member

    Besides, I don't need the muscle, I have a lot of muscle that I want to get rid of too. So if I lose muscel
    it's still weight I should of lost.

    There are some serious errors with this logic. Just by losing weight you will lose muscle, but you want to do everything you can to retain as much of it as possible. In the end do you want to be a 200lb guy that is fat or a 200 lb guy that is lean? Plus given your concerns of keeping the weight off...calories are not burned in fat cells they are burned in muscle - which will help you maintain once you get to goal.
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    Did you track sodium?

    Also, some people see the results two weeks later, so your gain could be from the week before and you'll see the loss next week.

    Totally agree with this post. Track your sodium. It will change your diet. Eat every few hours, it really helps.

    Here is an article on livestrong that talks about recommended levels of sodium.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    The weight you want to lose... did you gain it in a week? No? Guess what? You're not going to lose it in a week either. Biology is not mathematical, orderly or even common sense for that matter. Stay the course, keep tracking, keep moving, keep eating. It will happen.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    I've had the same thing. After about 2 months of tracking and watching my weight go up and down, I have noticed a trend in my salt intake and water retention. I can retain and lose up to 10 pounds of water at a time! Don't give up. Keep at it and don't put too much emphasis on the number on the scale.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You might've lost fat, but also gained more muscle too, which weighs more. Keep at it and you will see results.
    Gained several pounds of muscle in one week? I'm gonna say no.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Wow one week in a row. Good job!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    You did not see a change of 0.75%. WoW that is sad:indifferent:

    Follow the diet for a month or two and you will see a change. 1 week and a few ponds is to small of a sample size.

    Just keep going with the diet plan. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Weigh yourself 12 times today and that should show you how much your body weight changes each day. Now weigh yourself 5 times in ten minutes. That should show you how repeatable your scale is.
    After this weigh yourself biweekly and always whe you get up in the morning after toilet.
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog

    Everyone blames the poop backlog! Leave the poop backlog alone!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog

    Everyone blames the poop backlog! Leave the poop backlog alone!

    It is true poo knows when it is weigh day and that event holds fast until the weighing event is passed
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Have you been to the doctor? It may be a thyroid problem or digestive problem if you're not "doing the do" regularly. One of those could be the issue!

    Anyway, keep at it! Don't give up, it's great that you're doing what you're doing and you WILL see results if you continue on.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Now to the OP.

    What do you think the 4lb are?

    Annoying as it is you have to put your faith in science. When you consume excess calories your body converts them into fat to store them for later. When you burn more calories than you consume your body takes the energy it requires from sources, primarily fat reserves. Your weight consists of many more factors than just the amount of fat you have. Drink a pint of water and you will increase your weight by approximately 1lb.

    Did you weigh yourself the day after you demolished taco bell? I don't know their macros but I am guessing there was a lot of salt in that meal.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Also, make sure you're not underestimating your calorie intake or overestimating your calories burned.

    I try to be very diligent about both (weighing/measuring foods and using conservative estimates for exercise calories).
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog

    Everyone blames the poop backlog! Leave the poop backlog alone!

    It is true poo knows when it is weigh day and that event holds fast until the weighing event is passed

    I equate most of my fat loss free days just to that event!!

    IBS is a b1tch and never dependable or predictable lol