


  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    I've had the same thing. After about 2 months of tracking and watching my weight go up and down, I have noticed a trend in my salt intake and water retention. I can retain and lose up to 10 pounds of water at a time! Don't give up. Keep at it and don't put too much emphasis on the number on the scale.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You might've lost fat, but also gained more muscle too, which weighs more. Keep at it and you will see results.
    Gained several pounds of muscle in one week? I'm gonna say no.
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Wow one week in a row. Good job!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    You did not see a change of 0.75%. WoW that is sad:indifferent:

    Follow the diet for a month or two and you will see a change. 1 week and a few ponds is to small of a sample size.

    Just keep going with the diet plan. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Weigh yourself 12 times today and that should show you how much your body weight changes each day. Now weigh yourself 5 times in ten minutes. That should show you how repeatable your scale is.
    After this weigh yourself biweekly and always whe you get up in the morning after toilet.
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog

    Everyone blames the poop backlog! Leave the poop backlog alone!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog

    Everyone blames the poop backlog! Leave the poop backlog alone!

    It is true poo knows when it is weigh day and that event holds fast until the weighing event is passed
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Have you been to the doctor? It may be a thyroid problem or digestive problem if you're not "doing the do" regularly. One of those could be the issue!

    Anyway, keep at it! Don't give up, it's great that you're doing what you're doing and you WILL see results if you continue on.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Now to the OP.

    What do you think the 4lb are?

    Annoying as it is you have to put your faith in science. When you consume excess calories your body converts them into fat to store them for later. When you burn more calories than you consume your body takes the energy it requires from sources, primarily fat reserves. Your weight consists of many more factors than just the amount of fat you have. Drink a pint of water and you will increase your weight by approximately 1lb.

    Did you weigh yourself the day after you demolished taco bell? I don't know their macros but I am guessing there was a lot of salt in that meal.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Also, make sure you're not underestimating your calorie intake or overestimating your calories burned.

    I try to be very diligent about both (weighing/measuring foods and using conservative estimates for exercise calories).
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    Prolbably water weight. And poop backlog

    Everyone blames the poop backlog! Leave the poop backlog alone!

    It is true poo knows when it is weigh day and that event holds fast until the weighing event is passed

    I equate most of my fat loss free days just to that event!!

    IBS is a b1tch and never dependable or predictable lol
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Here is my suggestion... just a suggestion - watch the sodium, I peeked at your diary and it seems that the things that you are eating are pretty high in sodium...

    Baby steps... and by the way, you want muscle, just saying - helps you burn more calories...
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    How can a 300+ lbs man eat and avg of 1k net calories a day..and gain weight!

    Scale error. You're a programmer so you know about averages, use them instead. If you want to know how much scale error you're seeing, buy another scale and make a scatter graph of the difference between each scale.
  • this1bigdog
    this1bigdog Posts: 350 Member
    1st I wear a HRM every time I work out so I get the excat numbers...
    2nd I try to over esitmate or pick something I know will be in the system! ...I over estimate the portion size everytime to to make sure...
    3rd I hate weighing myself because of this example. I won't weight myself again till next monday..hopefully it will be less!

    having said that, I will definetly watch my salt more..pretty sure there is nothing i can do about the pooping, short of an enema (zero plans for that). I will continue counting calories, working out tirelessly and drink lots of water (you win for now Tony)...and will keep my arms and legs for now! heres crossing my fingers and toes on said limbs!

    Cheers and thanks :o)
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    ur not eating enough calories
  • pavingnewpaths
    pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
    Not quite sure if you want advice or not, but here's but I think.

    1. You can't try to gain muscle (doing p90) and lose weight at the same time. Focus on losing weight, then build muscle once you've reached your goal weight.

    2. Your body is going into starvation mode because you're eating a small amount of calories for your size. Starvation mode doesn't mean you lose muscle, it means that your body taps in to your "stored fat" chamber because it thinks your body is starved. Make sure to eat as many calories as you're supposed while staying under everything else as well. Don't eat less calories because you think it'll help you lose weight quicker.

    3. Be patient! It's OKAY that you've gained a bit of weight. Just stop, breath, and re-adjust. Don't stress yourself out or beat yourself up, it's all right. You have all the time in the world. Focus on losing weight by eating right and if you're going to exercise, do cardio not muscle building exercises.

    I personally do thing it's just the fact that these little things added up and left you where you are now. It really shouldn't be hard to get back on track as long as you don't allow yourself to be deterred! :smile:
  • chelsa1986
    chelsa1986 Posts: 71
    WHY would you WANT to lose muscle? I'm sure you're not a body builder under the fat. The fat isn't going to melt away and under will be this freakish Hulk character with disproportionate muscle mass.

    I've been at this for two years. After losing 100 lbs I can tell you, one week I would lose oz, the next multiple lbs, then I would plateau for a month. You cannot let it get to you or you'll never cross the finish line.

    You can do this. Your body is not a math formula. Take a breath, remember you're a human being with outside factors and get back in the game. Maybe lay off the scale for a few weeks, too...