Its Friday...let share NSV's :)

I hope I am not the only one who feels the need to celebrate a non-scale victory today :)

Mine..about four months ago I bought a new pair of work pants. Wore them once and though they "fit" by the end of the day I had to unbutton them on the drive home, so they have sat in my closet since then. Wearing them today and they are so loose they are nearly falling off :) Bad part is they are actually probably too loose to wear again so it looks like these may get donated lol


  • ReinaJaLaNa
    ReinaJaLaNa Posts: 151 Member
    Ha! I just posted a status message about this very same sort of thing this morning.

    Found out this morning that at least one of my pairs of skinny jeans is now BAGGY jeans -- so much so that I couldn't wear them. I chose another pair instead, but they, too, are clearly on their way.

    Congratz to you on your NSV! And as for your pants now being too lose, you might want to consider having them tailored before you donate -- especially if you still plan on losing a lot more weight (you don't want have to keep buying new well-fitting pants/clothes every time you go down a size).

    Also, something else I keep trying to remember is that I want to save some of my clothes from the past so that when I'm at my goal weight, I can REALLY compare before and after and truly see how far I've gone. I know keeping around "fat" clothes is sometimes a no-no because you don't want to ever feel comfortable enough about re-gaining weight to where you'll always have them to fall back on, but I feel at least for me, that'll be great to see. Maybce once I'm there and can do one comparison (and of course take some pictures! lol), I'll get rid of the last of it once and for all.

    Anyway, that might be something you'd want to consider -- just a thought! Either way, though, congratz! :)
  • xgirl451
    xgirl451 Posts: 36 Member
    On my Tri last weekend, I was third overall for women! On the bike portion, I had a guy gripe that he couldh't believe he was being passed by a girl! :)
  • jazzygurl81
    jazzygurl81 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, pretty new to MFP, so this is kinda small but important to me...

    Today makes 1 week with NO junk food! No chips, cookies, pizza, candy, French fries -- all of my favorite things! Not that I don't believe I can have those things in moderation, but at this moment while I'm still in the beginning stage of my journey, I'm still trying to develop new habits and will try to incorporate those things later when it's "safe".
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    Today I ran 8 miles without stopping and completed it in 74 minutes :) Super proud of that!
    I also have been doing great this week by sticking with my goal of only having 1 sweet per day :)

    Great job everyone with your NSV's as well! It's always a great feeling accomplishing something that doesn't relate to the scale :)
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Without looking at the size, I bought a pair of navy gingham pedal pushers a few months ago at Goodwill because they just looked like they were meant for me. :love: Today I fit into them comfortably for the first time! Nice to add something to my wardrobe, because I am losing my current pants at a worrying rate (losing in a quite literal sense since they are starting to fall off without being unbuttoned :laugh: ).
  • This is a great thread and I have something I can add.. which to me is awesome too....The past 2 wks I have seen a gain in the weight number and i have been moody for the rest of the day..... Today however i wore a pair of shorts and they are loose compared to fit snugly.. I can leave them buttoned while I sit down..... It feels wonderful knowing I think i'm losing inches.. maybe my eyes aren't decieving me afterall I also completed the C25K wk 1 and feel ok enough to do wk 2.. small victories can sure change our mindset...yeah for that...:happy: mostly ready for next week.
  • PilatesConvert
    PilatesConvert Posts: 55 Member
    I just got back from a 3 week honeymoon and I lost ~ 4 lb! I also expected to be really struggling with pilates when I got back, but I wasn't! YAY for active vacations.
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    One of my college friends sent me a facebook message to let me know I was "skinny minnie"
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    Congrats to all :flowerforyou:

    I did half a push up! The down half!
    Seriously, I can't do even one modified push-up *yet*, but I have been working on it and this was the first time I was able to lower myself with control instead of just crashing into the ground!:laugh:
    Next, conquering the up part!
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Nice job all!

    My recent NSV was about two weeks ago. Work had a blood drive and I contributed with a donation. Whenever they do that they give out free T-shirts to the donors. The nurse asked me what size and I said an X large. She looked me up and down and tried to talk me out of it because it would be to big. I was grinning as I told her it was for my husband (it was bright orange, I never feel like I can wear that color well).

    It sure was a nice new frontier to have someone tell me something would not fit because I was to small.:happy:
  • fluffymcfluffster
    fluffymcfluffster Posts: 51 Member
    Great thread! I was actually reading the OP's post and was going to comment, then the next and wanted to comment, and the next... Wow ladies!!! You are all amazing! This is awesome! This brightened my day! My nsv is wearing jeans that used to be tight and now are loose, fitting into my first pair of skinny jeans yesterday, and not being able to wear most of my work clothes anymore as they are WAY too big! I was upset they were big and that I would have to spend money shopping but I realized I am super excited!
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    Hi, pretty new to MFP, so this is kinda small but important to me...

    Today makes 1 week with NO junk food! No chips, cookies, pizza, candy, French fries -- all of my favorite things! Not that I don't believe I can have those things in moderation, but at this moment while I'm still in the beginning stage of my journey, I'm still trying to develop new habits and will try to incorporate those things later when it's "safe".

    Great job! It feels so great to get through the first week! It makes you realize that you CAN do this!
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    My NSV's.... 2 for today! First, I went for a half-mile walk this morning and managed to NOT over stress my bad knees! Going to try to make this a more regular occurrence. Second, I met with my nutritionist tonight and absolutely BLEW HER AWAY with the progress I made since our last meeting about 2-1/2 weeks ago. w00t
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    1) Managed to hit over an hour running outside, which is incredibly difficult for me as I have COPD(68% lung function rather than usual 84% for my age).
    2) Managed my longest bike ride yet on Saturday, with a few breaks to walk around villages, but a total of 3 and a half hours, with 93 floors worth of hills and moderate winds.
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Started lifting two and a half month ago and yesterday (friday) I squatted 132 pounds (60 kg.)
  • lswain1970
    lswain1970 Posts: 58 Member
    A great big round of applause for us all :)
  • rCatheriner
    rCatheriner Posts: 48 Member
    I know it's not Friday anymore, but in an effort to focus on the good instead of the bad, I wanted to post as well! On Monday I did 35 minutes on the elliptical (400 calories) and then an hour of Zumba. The last time I was able to make it to a Zumba class was about a month ago and I was pretty out of breath. This week I was able to keep up the whole time and didn't feel too winded! Even after the time on the elliptical! Also, I wore a skirt to work that I haven't worn in about 6 months. Still a little tight, but it was nice to have something "new" to wear. :-)
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    I've had two this week....Last summer I bought my very first jean skirt and wore it one time kinda uncofortably after I bought it. I tried to wear it to dinner the other night and it about fell off of me!!!! The skirt was a size 10, I wear size 6 jeans now. After the skirt incident I decided to go shopping and found a really cute pair of shorts I tried on the size 6 and they were cute but a little too big so I go a size down to the 4/5. If it wasn't for my masive man legs I could have worn them everything but around my thighs fit perfectly!
  • xgirl451
    xgirl451 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, pretty new to MFP, so this is kinda small but important to me...

    Today makes 1 week with NO junk food! No chips, cookies, pizza, candy, French fries -- all of my favorite things! Not that I don't believe I can have those things in moderation, but at this moment while I'm still in the beginning stage of my journey, I'm still trying to develop new habits and will try to incorporate those things later when it's "safe".

    Awesome Job! Its a biggie! Keep up the great work!
  • lswain1970
    lswain1970 Posts: 58 Member
    I had another one Saturday..a weird one for me. I went to put on one of my tankini tops to go to the beach. I have had this top for years and its always been snug. Rarely have I had a bathing suit become too big during weight loss...they stretch ya know so usually they are wearable even when I lose weight. Anyway I went to put the one top on and it was ridiculously big...I mean so loose I was falling out of it (and not because I was over filling it...the part around my ribs was about two inches too big.

    This is so strange to me, because I never thought about losing inches in my ribs since I realy never had a large layer of fat there I can only guess I lost that internal fat and my circumfrance got smaller? guess I need to start tracking my rib measurements lol
  • I too have been reading the posts and became so inspired!! I begin P3 on Thursday and I am at the point where I just have no appetite for P2 foods.....I tried to motivate myself by cleaning out my closet and being able to wear some pants that I hadn't worn in years....I was happy but not motivated...however reading these posts have "inspired" me to kick in and finish strong!!!! I am down 37lbs and looking forward to my next challenge!! Thanks everyone!!!!! :).