chica6578 Member


  • This is all natural so i had a jar opened and in about 3 weeks it went bad. so you know when store brand bread from the store lasts two-months months and this jar doesnt ever last that long, its gotta be better than all that processed-ness
  • even tho i know there is free *kitten* all over the web, its too overwhelming for me. Even MFP gets to be too much for me. counting and scanning and trying to find the restaurant of add my homecooked meals and sauces... ugh, its too much. i broke and bought the 21 day fix. honestly i love it and hate it. i love it because…
  • i shed as much clothes as possible and go pee before i weigh. lol. my boyfriend is doing this with me and we've been weighing at night after dinner lol. ::shrugs:: dont ask why. we know its wrong and we still do it anywyas hahaha
  • im on day three and i was not happy the first 2 days lol. i was hungry adn my head hurt. but my coach (my bestie) was saying that i need to give my stomach time to shrink.
  • im on day 3. how did you like it?
  • I forgot about ACE, i took those too! lol. again these are full of Caffeine, so i got headaches once i stopped takin them. i did take them for a month but then i stopped and i like to have these on hand for the energy they give me. i'm sure if i actually ate RIGHT, then i wouldnt 'need' these pills. but for me living…
  • Disclaimer - i DO watch my calorie intake, and DO get a little exersice i DO NOT rely on pills (anymore) for weightloss, just as a helper or boost for energy. girl i am the QUEEN of diet pills!! :laugh: i've tried LOTS of them. coming from someone that relied ONLY on pills to lose weight, like eveyone else says. that dont…
  • i struggle with the same, but im not yet ready to try anything to stop it lol im a stubborn person. i will say one thing. it may take longer to lose the weight if you consume too many sugars ( at least thats how my body reacts.) and if you really like your slim fasts, try finding a low sugar protien power. and make it with…
  • i agree. sounds like a habit. cause i just HAD to have a soda when i went out to eat..... now i HAVE to have water. its so nice and refreshing. just habits we have to force ourselves to overcome. i still eat chinese food, but (which is why its taken me 5 months to lose 10 lbs) but i dont feel depressed about it. and i dont…
  • very inspirational to me too!!! i started around the 205-210 area now im finally down to 188 its actually taken me like 3 years to get even this far. mainly due to inconsistancy, ignorance, blah blah blah. whatever. you look so amazing!! i hope i can do it to :-) how long did it take you ? if you havent already answered…
  • two hot dogs, one hamburger. all had cheese and mayo, chips, sweet tea, candy galore (from my son's baskets) dunno how many spoons of potato salad. a macaroni salad with ham adn cheese and (dun dun dun ) more mayo haha. deviled eggs, cokes, pork chops. a tortilla, and dont forget dessert, cupcakes and fruit salad. i…
  • it was always for Vanity with me. I was always reletively healthy. I've gotten all my vitals checked all my blood work done, had my hormones tested. all of it good. so there were no reasons other than laziness that i couldnt lose weight. So i finally just got fed up with not feeling good about myself. and i hated feeling…
  • i buy the cups and sugar free coolwhip. and i mix it all together! i love it i guess the red dyes are supposed to be bad, but hell if it helps you from eating calorie laden treats i say eat up! lol
  • mine was a good weekend. I kept physically busy. i helped a pregnant friend clean her house getting it spring cleaned for the baby (she's due in 20 days) so i was very active which is good for me. but i didnt eat often. but i did eat heavy . i was good on Calories. but maybe not nutrition. lol.
  • I pretty much did NOTHING which i set out to do lol. i was wanting to go to bed early. didnt do it. wanting to watch my sodium. didnt do it. wanted to do my strength trainging ... didnt do it. lol oh dear. ... its the accountability thats so hard :-( its like one day passes and so does the rest of the week. its almost Wed…
  • I was (correction- still am) just like you. you will see everyone's "i was this weight" or "it was here when i realized" and they talk about thier turning points and how they basically "jumped right in" well it really is a learning process if you arent familiar with just about everything (like i was... eeerr... am) it has…
  • i'm going to watch my sodium intake. I never realized until about a week ago when i posted my very first topic starter how much i really was eating until someone pointed it out. I've been wanting to wake up early to do my strength training, but my TOM crept < is that correct spelling?) up on me and really drained the crap…
  • i 192.8 :-p but guess who decided to visit me with a passonate force :explode: lol oh yea. TOM. lol oh well. i'll see how i do Next week hahaha
  • there has been a few studies over the green coffee bean, but the most famous one was done in India over a 5 month period and they consumed i believe about 1600mg of the bean each day. and even tho they lost anywhere from 7 - 15 lbs with nothing changed, thats still a long time to take it. so just with Diet and exersice its…
  • aaww you sound exactly like me!! (i cant give up my chinese food!) lol, i uesd to not really enjoy any "heathy" foods. so i started forcing myslef to like them, slowly slowly, a new one at a time. but now after forcing myslef to eat them i actually really like them now!! i eat i can of Tuna in water covered with 1/4c…
  • ive come realize that i poop more when i drinks lots of water. Also since i'm not a coffee drinker, two - three cups of black coffee with maybe on maybe two individual creamers only, will make me go too. but i dont do the coffee thing anymore because i've become so regular. im not a seller of anything, but i have come to…
  • i never thought about the starches and carbs and just choosing ONE of each. My mom makes fresh tortillas 3x a week and she loves to cook potaties and those are just the meals i have always known to eat. so i usually duplicate them because they are familiar. and i always feel like i have to have lots of variety and color in…
  • i think thats my problem, i havnt taken a HARD look. ive just been poking and peeking around it lol :-) thank you everyone for your words. i really want to get to that year and say "yea, i did it, i improved my life for the better."
  • thank you everyone. persistance and consistancy is key. and to a poster above, i take no offese because you're right i havnt used the MFP to its fullest yet but i think thats what i'm trying to acheive. and i know i've only been at this a month, so i dont plan on giving up yet. I supposed i just wanted to make sure i was…
  • ok im going to quote myself. i finally weighed myself and i still weigh 191 but i added 2oz. lol so im 191.6 oh dear lol. this weight loss ordeal is hard :-p lol
  • hahaha i do that. i compentsate for chinese food!!!
    in Diaries Comment by chica6578 March 2013
  • mine is pure public. lol its not very healthy but gotta start somewhere :-)
    in Diaries Comment by chica6578 March 2013
  • bump for all the cool websites!
  • im not sure my SW Either last ime i was weighed was almost a month ago!! its was 191.4. i havent weighed in since. so im hoping i'm finally like 188 or somewhere around there. i would even be estatic with 189.9!! lol my goal is to keep accountability for myself with the support of others :-) i was feeling really down just…
  • ^^ this, but i prefer the do-it-yourself kinds.