

  • Try , is what most have used, and apparently it is accurate
  • SOoOoOoOo inpiring! Thank you so much for this wonderful video!
  • Thanks a lot. I'm really going to consider the reset. I wanna do it right this time!
  • Yes! It can feel like a bunch of food, especially because healthy food are normally not so high in calories, compared to other kinds of food. Just try to eat every three hours with 6 or 7 meals a day, and you'll be fine. I also noticed in your diary that you are still eating the percentage of macro nutrients set by MFP, so…
  • Hey there :) You should be eating your TDEE for around 8 weeks. There are some people who decide to do it for a shorter period of time, but normally it takes around 8 weeks. It really is up to you. If you think your metabolism is not that bad, you can do it for 4-6 weeks, and if you feel your metabolism is OFF! then you…
  • Thanks for replying :). I know I'm in a good shape already. However, my goal is to lose between 6 and 10 pounds of fat in order to lower my body fat % to athlete instead of fitness as I'm currently at. I added some calories to my diet and it feels right so far. I'm not hungry nor craving, and hopefully the scale will start…
  • you gain muscle when having a surplus in your diet that is based on lean protein and good carbs and fats. But of course if you only eat mcdonalds you'll only gain fat
  • I'm 22 years old, have lost 16 lbs, currently 124 and wanna get rid of 9 more for a final weight of 115 lbs. Struggling with muscle weight though :S Add me ;)
  • Check here for some fun and low cal snacks!
  • I totally agree with you! GIRLS WE ARE WHAT WE PROJECT! If we project insecurity, or something like that people will perceive it. Just feel good about yourself, walk straight, look up and shine ;)
  • First of all it's important you don't get discouraged. Now, this could be happening for different reasons: 1. Too much sodium: If you are eating too much canned food (including tuna), too much salt, or not drinking enough water, you might be retaining liquid in your system. 2. Not tolerant to Carbs: You might not be so…
  • It's great you've decided to take a step forward and improve your health and appearance. Since you're saying you don't know much about exercises and good food, I would advise you to start with programs such as p90x If you want to lift some weights, because they give you directions on how to do so. However, if you are…