divachris2 Member


  • the worst thing you can do is give up, you will see results, give it more time! Good luck!:wink:
    in upset! Comment by divachris2 June 2010
  • It is so easy to "fall off the wagon" I added you.Good luck!
  • I sent you a friend request:smile:
  • my grand total for the week was 495 minutes!I am happy and I hope everyone did well, no matter what your goal was!I am going to do this again starting tomorrow!I hope you all will join me!:happy:
  • I have not checked in here since tuesday but I have been working out! Sar far I am at 355 minutes and I have lost 2 pounds this week! It has been a good week but it will be a challenge this weekend!Today is my wedding anniversary so we are going out to dinner (I plan to make smart choices) saturday I have my cousins…
  • That is awesome! I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago so I know what that is like!I love how you got yourself a gift!You deserve it!Congratulations!
  • cleaned the house for 87 minutes and rode the exercise bike for 10.So far 147 minutes down 213 to go1
  • I went to the gym this morning and went on the bike 25 min. and the treadmill 25 min. So I am still in!:happy:
  • I did o.k., I exercised for 69 minutes today and burned off 343 calories.I drank 48 oz of water and have not gone over my calorie, fat and carb goal.But I did go over my sodium goal!:cry: My husband brought home Kentucky Fried chicken for dinner :ohwell: I had the grilled chicken but I still had a biscuit!So maybe I didn't…
  • YAY!People in my age group!My name is Chris and I am 42.I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago (right after my 40th birthday) and switched my addiction to food! I gained 42lbs and started wearing sweat pants because I could no longer fit into my jeans! I am a mom of 4 and I just was letting myself go, I started making excuses like…
  • Weekends are hard for me, so I need this challenge!I wish I would have saw this last saturday!Good luck to everyone who is doing this today!I AM READY!:smile: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I am In! I got off track last weekend (Memorial Day weekend) so hopefully this will help! My name is Chris and I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago and replaced my addiction to food and gained 42lbs so far I have lost 24 and fit into SOME of my clothes but I need to keep going and I love this challenge!Thank you!
  • I think they are both important to watch! When I saw how much my sodium intake was, I cut down on diet soda and ice tea! I lost 2 pounds right away and my stomach aches went away.