

  • I have to workout in the evening after the kids have gone to bed. I would love to try morning sweat sessions but I hate to wake up the little ones and end up getting an interrupted run at it! :angry:
  • - In my opinion, one of the best sites for short high intensity training. :)
  • Alright in theory then I should be able to eat a bit more calories and just lift heavy for 4 days a week? I realise that I don't need cardio to lose fat but it's really my weak point and so I've been pushing myself to add some to my routine. I started jumping rope which has been so great and I can easily tack it to my…
  • Jillian ROCKS. I love this workout. It's a tough one for sure and I can make it thru the warm up and three circuits on a good day but I've only finished the whole workout once and I've owned this DVD for a couple of years.. lmao. Don't get discouraged and keep on changing it up and doing a couple of different circuits…
  • I did eat a bunch of potato chips last night :S (bad me!!!) I ended up weighing myself before and after going to the loo as I new it could make a difference but it only helped with a few oz .. hahah
  • I hadn't thought of it that way... thank you so much, I think I may just have to hide that scale for awhile :P
  • To someone who has alot of weight to lose, I can see how counting vegetables calories is important but I only have a few pounds to lose and most of it will probably be taken care of with just plain old exercising. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing because I'm looking pretty good.
  • Every ww point is 50 calories.. when I was alloted 20 ww points, I was eating 1000 calories a day but I could eat as many veggies as I wanted and those were not counted. I still lost 30 lbs even if I didn't count the veggies. I now regret ever posting this topic as I see that ppl here like to belittle others.
  • Very simply put.. I don't get it because I lost 30lbs on weight watchers and vegetables didn't count.
  • I was just thinking a portion of rice or pasta?
  • It's because when I was on weight watchers previously, vegetables were zero points. Whenever I wanted a snack at night I would eat veggies and didn't worry about it. I know vegetables are important nutrients but if I'm looking for something more sustaining, I don't know that they would be my first choice.
  • The idea that muscle weighs more than fat is misunderstood. One pound of muscle is the same as one pound of fat BUT the difference is having 5 lbs of muscle does not look and work the same on and in your body as 5 lbs of fat. :)
  • Hi! I'm not sure of details but I have read other mommy's from forums on breastfeeding that they state they can't lose weight while breastfeeding. Luckily for me I was the opposite and had no problem losing weight using weight watchers. Try not being too hard on yourself for now as your giving your baby the best right now…
  • Thanks everyone for all the advice. I have been alloted 1200 calories for the day. I successfully lost 30lbs on Weight Watchers before getting pregnant for baby number 2 and I was eating 1000 calories and exercising. I wasn't allowing myself more food because I worked out back then and I succeeded with my weight loss goals…
  • Northern Ontario :bigsmile: