Caloric intake increases with exercise?

This is my first day using MFP and was happy with the number of calories that was suggested. I only have about 10 lbs to lose and would like to aim for 2lbs a week of weight loss. What I don't understand is why I was given extra calories because I exercised. That will only take me that much longer to lose the last of this weight. It's making me not want to add when I exercise. Anyone have any issues with that too?


  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    Yup that's how it works on here, so I usually put the exercise in at the end of the night! Welcome! :drinker:
  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    No - you should eat back you exercise calories to keep up your metabolism. If you don't, your body may go into starvation mode and you will not lose weight.
  • lcm3
    lcm3 Posts: 2 Member
    That's taken into account with the caloric intake suggestion. You don't have to eat all of your exercise calories back if you feel well enough without the extra fuel.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Think of your exercise like going for a drive in your car.

    You start off with a full tank of gas....but when you reach your's on Empty. You need to re-fill the tank to prep for your next journey and this is why you need to take in the additoinal calories to balance off the ones burned in your exercise.

    The system already calculates a deficit for you in line with your daily goals.

    Increasing this deficit will NOT have you reach your goal faster.

    Re-filling the tank and keeping fueled will enable your body to function with optimal efficiency
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I never eat back my exercise many calories did MFP suggest for you?
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    I am doing weight watchers and tracking on MFP. You do get extra calories, but you don't have to use them. I usually have about 400 extra at the end of the day, but depending on how hard I workout then I do go into them. You will get an "erorr" so to speak when you finish the entry for the day if you don't eat enough.
  • wildside79
    Yeah - your going to be getting a lot of replies saying eat your exercise calories back, it seems counter intuitive, but it works, just check the success stories for proof.

    BUT - if you just had a baby and if your nursing you should check with your doc before you start any sort of calorie deficit program.
  • wildside79
    double post, sry.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I've been reading a lot lately on losing weight when you only have a few pounds to lose. It is REALLY hard. Your body doesn't like to have that low of body fat for evolutionary reasons so it's hard to get it to let go (fat is good in times of famine). They best way to do so is to have a SMALL calorie deficit. 2lbs a week is WAY too large. Everything I've read says you should set it at 0.5lbs per week, expect it to take a while, and eat your exercise calories. Even if you manage to lose weight with the 2lbs a week deficit there is a good chance that most of that loss will be muscle and not fat (muscle isn't as essential for survival) and then you won't be as happy with your results (I've gotten to my goal weight before and didn't like what I saw in the mirror).

    Good luck!
  • jocraw66
    jocraw66 Posts: 52
    there are days I eat my exercise calories and days I don't. Sometimes I eat all of them and then at times I use only some of them.

    The deficit has been created when you filled out your goals. It was taking into consideration your activity when it designed the plan for you.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    The general rule is that you dont have to eat your exercise calories, as long as you are netting at least 1200 cals. So if your normal goal is 1200 and you work out, you will have to eat more.

    This is the general rule and there are exceptions for everything. Good luck!
  • Fitladyboo
    Thanks everyone for all the advice. I have been alloted 1200 calories for the day. I successfully lost 30lbs on Weight Watchers before getting pregnant for baby number 2 and I was eating 1000 calories and exercising. I wasn't allowing myself more food because I worked out back then and I succeeded with my weight loss goals and even toned and looked fantastic. That's why I was asking about how it works on here. I guess it's going to be a trial and error type of thing. I'll just make sure I eat enough to feel comfortable and go from there. I'm not nursing anymore so I don't have to worry about that - that is actually another reason I have these last pounds to lose... eating the same as I was when I was breastfeeding!!! lol Ah well, with a little bit of motivation, I will be looking hot and toned in no time :D
  • joannab65
    Im regularly under my calorie "goal" for the day (1200, or more if ive done a workout) and im eating like a pig! Im having plenty of protein, fresh fruit and veg, as well as protein shakes after a workout to help muscle recovery. I eat several smaller meals rather than 3 large ones so im never hungry and it seems to be working for me, different strokes for different folks!
    Good luck :-)