jesustapdancingchristy Member


  • Good call. I think of the plan as a starting point so that I'm on track and know what I'm doing instead of wandering from familiar machine to familiar machine. I bet that after a week or two, I'll have my strengths/weaknesses figured out a bit more and will switch up the exercises while keeping the M/Th upper body and T/F…
  • Here's a nice summary of FAQ: It's a way of eating (and living sometimes) that is based off of what our bodies are meant to digest and what we need. From the link: "Paleo" is short for paleolithic, and refers to the Paleolithic Era of human evolution, from approximately 2.5 million…
  • I've been doing paleo/primal eating for a little while and don't really count my calories. But sometimes when I'm eating something more elaborate than hardcore paleo (eggs/veg/turkey bacon for breakfast; salad with chicken fore lunch; salmon and veggies for dinner; all cooked in coconut oil/pastured butter), I'll log in to…
  • Here's how yesterday went down: 9/5/2011 Monday Goals: Fitness: Hiking today, will wear the HRM and stay hydrated and fueled Negative. It rained a lot so I got an OCD bug and cleaned the entire kitchen. Yes, the entire kitchen. I threw away stuff I don't want to eat anymore (guess I'm serious this time haha) and rearranged…
  • I am not too good at checking in on the weekend but it's a holiday Monday and I'm here! Friday went out the window a bit by having friends over for movies and I had some vegan pizza. Enjoyed it (not as much as I thought I would though) and knew I'd be back to being good afterwards. Saturday was an all day drinking affair…
  • Yesterday I didn't work out because I was exhausted by the time I got home, but I stayed around my calories and had a good night. Today 9/1/2011 Thursday Goals: Fitness: I'm in a bags (aka *kitten*) league and it's 1.5 miles from work. I have the time so will leave early and walk to it, which is a mainly uphill walk. Not…
  • Keep in mind the healthy range of body fat for your sex and I'm 24 and that site said I'm about 33% so I could healthily get down to about 21% since I'm a female. We ladies have breasts and store fat differently than men. I think that for my body type, 24% or so is probably the healthiest possible for me. Women…
  • @loveme (sorry I don't know names haha) In general, I am aiming for 50-100 carbs/day but trying to stay under 75. So not eating grains and sticking to lower carb veggies and more healthy fatty foods. And for protein, it increases when I work out since I make protein shakes but I go by the formula of bodyweight in kg*.8 so…
  • Yesterday I wrapped up the evening nicely with a filling dinner after yoga. I was guessing that I was about 170 or 171 but I weighed in this morning (AFTER breakfast, whoops) at: 167! Yays Today's 8/31/2011 Goals: Fitness: Get home and do the Insanity strength building DVD Food: Keep rocking the low carbs and make a…
  • @swillis: Insanity is definitely intense but it's worth it even if you can't keep up and need more breaks. It's a lot of fun in the end and you feel like a goddess when you fight through the end. Yesterday: I changed up my goals so now I'm eating less carbs and more protein, which made me go over on carbs just a touch but…
  • I guess I don't feel too bad for not checking in all weekend since a number of us were off the grid with the storm. But we're back and that's what matters. I made plans yesterday with a coworker/friend to start going to a yoga/strength training place next week. We both bought Groupon things to the place and haven't used…
  • DAILY GOALS: Stay sane (and hydrated) while working some overtime to meet a data request, and don't celebrate too hard at the baseball game tonight FITNESS: Pushups, squats, and lots of stretching (still sore from softball tournament) before bed DIET: Stick to the plan...have some black bean soup if getting hungry, or…
  • Hey Jennifer, I don't actually have a row machine but use 2 different ones at my apt gym and the gym near my work. One is an old school Concept2 and I love it, even though the foot straps are funky since it's old. The other is a Kettler and it gets the job done. As for my post-softball indulgence, I just had 2 beers with…
  • Name: Christy Height: 5'4" CW: 165 or 170, will weigh tonight... Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 145 Favorite workouts: Insanity, playing softball, row machine, lifting, and hiking/climbing Other: I live and work in DC and lack the ability to turn down both happy hours and playing softball. I also watch a lot of baseball and…
  • I'm in! I'll post my info in a bit but want to get in :)