DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)

Here's the new thread ladies!
1. swillis21
2. curlyleslie
3. aryabrookenelson
4. slimdownspicey
5. sanya77
6. change_happens
7. jennifergayfield
8. tryingeveryday
9. kwinty37
10. jesustapdancingchristy
11. launawe
12. poppyinboulder
13. oliviawink
14. krebsea
15. loveme445
16. wendyc122005

Try to check in each day with
CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: (if you want to include this, it can be helpful I think)

Thought it would be nice to re-post people's intros so that we can all get a chance to meet each other :) For those who have not introduced themselves yet...

OTHER: (Whatever you'd like to share about yourself)

Name: Shannon
Height: 5'2
CW: 149.8
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 135
Favorite workouts: Running (usually on my treadmill at home), and Wii Just Dance 2
Other: SAHM, married 6 yrs, Christian, 2 wonderful children - 3 yr old daughter, 1 yr old son

I'm Jenni and my info is below :)
CW 131.6
GW By Thanksgiving: 128 (may not seem like much to go, but these last few pounds are quite clingy!)
Favorite Workouts: Running outside (just take off from my house), Tennis
Other info: I'm a marriage and family therapist, my husband of almost 4 years is a youth pastor (we're very involved with the church), I have a 6 month old son JJ, my joy

Name: Jackie
Height: 5'1
CW: 175 (even though I won't acknowledge the 3lbs I gained on MFP)
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 163
Favorite workouts: Walking (I live in Manhattan so it's easy to integrate), Kettlebells, and SPINNING
Other: Working full time in sales (7am - 5:30 pm), super unhealthy but not fat boyfriend, living the lifestyle you would imagine of a 26 year old in Manhattan (ie. booze and restaurants kill me)

Name: Rachel
Height: 5'1 and a half LOL
CW: I have not told anyone but I guess now is time to be honest......366 (no judgement right?)
Goal by Thanksgiving: 340
Favorite workouts: Walking and riding a recumbant bike they are the most comfortable for me to do right now but that is temporary!! I also love workout dvds like zumba and walk away the pounds!
Other: Married for 5 years to an amazing man, stay at home wife, Christian, one wonderful black lab!!

Name: Christy
Height: 5'4"
CW: 165 or 170, will weigh tonight...
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 145
Favorite workouts: Insanity, playing softball, row machine, lifting, and hiking/climbing
Other: I live and work in DC and lack the ability to turn down both happy hours and playing softball. I also watch a lot of baseball and football, which is done with lots of booze and unhealthy food so I have to work to keep myself in check. I know how to eat healthy and how to work out properly so I just need some help on motivation and accountability.

Name: Melissa
Height: 5'4”
CW: 185
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 170
Favorite workouts: Walking, Doing yard work (Does that count??? lol )
Other: I am 27 yrs old. I work full time in banking (8am - 6 pm)... pretty much sit in a desk chair ALL day!!!! I have gained 45 pounds in almost 5 years. Yikes.... I need a life change!!! I am very miserable.

Name: Lana
Height: 5'3
CW: 160.4
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 147
Favorite workouts: walking/running in the neighborhood, hiking, yoga
Other: have a boyfriend of 14 years, 2 grown step-daughters, 2 cats

Name: Elisabeth
Height: 5'6"
CW: 150
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 135
Favorite workouts: Walking/running (treadmill or outside), organized sports (volleyball, soccer), and any kind of rowing (canoeing, kayaking, etc.)
Other: Have a 2-year old beagle mix named Annie... she takes up most of my time. :) Oh, and I'm a wine fiend... hoping to curb that "bad" habit by using MFP.

Name: Poppy
Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 225
Favorite workouts: Gym, walks
Other: I'm 60 years old and really want to lose this weight once and forever. I'm really hoping this thread will give me the incentive I need to succeed.


  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hey everyone! I came close to keeping up with my trainer during Kettlebells - my lower back hurts when I use heavier weights and I had some problems keeping up with the squat jumps. I still managed to burn about 800 calories in 70 minutes though. I also threw out the banana bread and made banana fudge pops instead =).

    I'm so happy to have this group - my personal trainer, who I am very close with, is moving to California at the end of the month and I've been freaking out about it. She set me up with someone else to train with but I also take classes with her and check in all the time - I'll be training with a man now so it will definitely be different. I'm thankful to have some ladies to check in with too!

    My Daily Goals...
    Fitness: Seeing my trainer today - I tend to chat to get out of working out as much and today I'm just going to give it my all!
    Diet: Use only 2 tbsp of dressing on my salad at lunch.
    *Challenges I anticipate today: The salad is HUGE and they give you at least 6-8 tbsp on the side. I brought a 1 oz cup and stuck it in my desk so I would know.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Jackie, great workout! Sounds intense :) And great idea w/the banana pops, sounds good! And with salad, I find it much easier to use less dressing if I can shake the dressing on in a container or something. Idk if you could find a way to do that, but then a little goes a long way. Glad your happy to have the group! me too ;)

    Fitness: Run 2.5 miles - I did it!
    Diet: No eating after 8:30 pm - had frozen yogurt around 8:45, and then 2 twizzlers at 9:30 - BUT it was only 2 bc I was trying to be good

    My Daily Goals...
    Fitness: Run 1.5 miles & 20 min Just Dance 2 (w/jumping rope between songs!)
    Diet: Drink 12 glasses of water
    *Challenges I anticipate today. Going for a run AND Just Dance, usually do one or the other in a day. And drinking more water, have to go get started on that now ;)
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    DAILY GOALS: Stay sane (and hydrated) while working some overtime to meet a data request, and don't celebrate too hard at the baseball game tonight
    FITNESS: Pushups, squats, and lots of stretching (still sore from softball tournament) before bed
    DIET: Stick to the plan...have some black bean soup if getting hungry, or munch on some nuts. Eat dinner before baseball game and stick to just a few beers to save money and carbs.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I had to get in to work early to fulfill a data request for my client so I'm working 4 more hours than I normally do. Breakfast at 7am had me starving for lunch by 12 and I only have so many snacks that I can do between meals. I'll eat dinner while still here and then head to the ballgame. Gotta be smart and not drink myself over my calories/carbs.
  • wendyc122005

    NAME: Wendy
    HEIGHT: 5'4"
    CW: 194
    GOAL WEIGHT FOR THANKSGIVING: 175 ( 2ish a week)
    FAVORITE WORKOUTS: Swimming laps with my son. Adding in treadmill this week.
    OTHER: Wonderful Family! Challenge daily is time. Full time job, 1hr + communte each way, 2 kids and their misc. stuff. All of these equals a struggle to make time for dedicated exercise time. Pushing myself to get on the treadmill in the RIGHT after the kids are tucked in.
  • wendyc122005
    *Challenges I anticipate today: The salad is HUGE and they give you at least 6-8 tbsp on the side. I brought a 1 oz cup and stuck it in my desk so I would know.

    I keep my own dressing in the fridge at work. I LOVE Newman's Light Balsamic (and I am a Ranch girl). It is only 45 cal and 2 carbs for 2 T. It tastes great too.
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone! Good luck today on all your goals I know you can do it be determined and don't surrender! I saw a show last night and a lady said a great line!! "Don't let a muffin have control of your life!" I thought that was great cause when I crave something bad it always seems so loud and I have to give in and in all reality we do have control over what goes in our mouths so take that control back and do what you need to!!

    Daily Goals:
    Diet: stick to my calories for the day
    Excercise: walk and bike a little (I have already done both of these!) I could only do 5 mins on the bike which was aweful but I am going to take it and run with it maybe in a few days/weeks I can up that time and burn more calories!!
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    *Challenges I anticipate today: The salad is HUGE and they give you at least 6-8 tbsp on the side. I brought a 1 oz cup and stuck it in my desk so I would know.

    I keep my own dressing in the fridge at work. I LOVE Newman's Light Balsamic (and I am a Ranch girl). It is only 45 cal and 2 carbs for 2 T. It tastes great too.

    That's such a good idea! We have a fridge for 4,000 people to share so I tend to lose things in there but I've tried bringing it in pre-portioned cups that day. It's just so tempting when I go out for a salad and the dressing is so good! I usually get the full fat because I am more satisfied (unless the light is really good) but I should go back to bringing my own because then I don't have more in front of me.

    I already failed at my goal and had 3 tbsp! Then I threw the container out =(.

    Have you tried the Bolthouse Farms Yogurt dressings? They are AMAZING - esp the ranch, I like to add ground chipotle to it.
  • wendyc122005
    OK . . . not trying to hog the board. I have short spurts that I can squeeze in posts. Here are my goals for today and my mini goal fo the week.

    FITNESS: Get the treadmill cleaned up so hubby will move it into our room and I can start using it when the kids get to bed.
    DIET: Need to keep my net carbs down below 30. Hubby wanted Mexican last night so I made bean / beef burritos. Thought I had healthified it enough, but when I added up all the ingredients I was WAY over.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: TIME! TIME! TIME! Oldest is back to school and it is really tough to get it all in. I WILL MAKE TIME FOR EXERCISE TODAY!

    MINI GOAL FOR THE WEEK: My current weight was my weigh in from early last week. I am going to hold off until at least Friday before weigh in and hope that I will be in the 180's. Heck I will take 189.9!
  • wendyc122005

    I already failed at my goal and had 3 tbsp! Then I threw the container out =(.

    Have you tried the Bolthouse Farms Yogurt dressings? They are AMAZING - esp the ranch, I like to add ground chipotle to it.

    I will have to look for that dressing. I live where it is REALLY hard to find any specialty item, but I am going to see if I can find it.

    BTW - You didn't eat it all so you didn't fail!!!! Another good thing about the Newman's is that a little goes a long way. Over dressed it make the salad to overwhelming for me.
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Just reposting my goals from today on here...Looks like we got a good group

    Goals for today 8/21/11:
    Fitness: Run 2 miles and ab workout (not yet decided what I will do here, any ideas anyone?)
    Food: Greens, specifically spinach!
    Challenges: I am sooooo lazy about doing ab workouts, plus I'm not very creative with them. Need to find more ways to integrate ab training into my workouts.

    Good luck today all!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everybody!!

    Fitness: 40 minute walk -- done
    Diet: 2 cups fruit, 2 1/2 cups veggies -- I ate the fruit and about 1 1/2 cups of veggies

    My Daily Goals...
    Fitness: walk 40 minutes (still sore from Saturday's hike)
    Diet: 2 cups fruit, 2 1/2 cups veggies
    *Challenges I anticipate today: It's 4 p.m., and I haven't had any veggies or fruit yet. However, I did go to the store and buy some more, so that's promising.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    *Challenges I anticipate today: It's 4 p.m., and I haven't had any veggies or fruit yet. However, I did go to the store and buy some more, so that's promising.

    Make a smoothie maybe ;)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    NAME: Renee (loveme445)
    HEIGHT: 5'7"
    CW: 187
    FAVORITE WORKOUTS: Jogging & Zumba
    OTHER: Im a SAHM, married with 2 toddler boys & Ive been struggling with my weight loss journey for a couple of months. I was doing pretty good with losing the weight from about Oct-March and I was maintaining from April-June. Unfortunately, I lost the motiavtion of being consistent with exercise and logging. As a result, Ive been gaining weight from June-now. However, I just came back from a 3 week vacation and Im ready to finish this journey!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    My Daily Goals for Wed:

    FITNESS: Jogging & Strenth Training
    DIET: 10 cups of water & 5 fruits & veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Getting in my workout with my boys
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I reached my goals yesterday and feel great about it! On a side note I ordered a new scale because I hate the one we have now and I will recieve it in a couple days!! Can't wait to track my weightloss on that!

    My Goals today are:
    Diet: Exactly like yesterday stay within my calorie count!
    Excercise:Walk for 20mins and ride the bike for 10
    Obstacales I forsee are I am super tired this morning and If I don't get off here and go I may not go for a walk at all.
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Morning! I 1/2 achieved yesterdays goals - ate 3 tbsp of dressing instead of 2 but did manage to throw out the other like 1/4 cup =). I definitely did a tough workout with my trainer - my legs were on FIRE - but I could have pushed harder.

    My Daily Goals...
    Fitness: Walk to and from all my meetings, even the one that's a mile away (time permitting).
    Diet: Drink 6 glasses of water before Kettlebell class tonight so I'm not as thirsty working out.
    *Challenges I anticipate today: I tend to not drink water in the morning because I'm sucking down iced coffee like a maniac. Gotta get water too!
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    I reached my goals yesterday and feel great about it! On a side note I ordered a new scale because I hate the one we have now and I will recieve it in a couple days!! Can't wait to track my weightloss on that!

    Congrats on reaching your goals! What kind of scale did you order? I don't even have a digital one which I love/hate because my weight can go up/down a lb depending on how I stand...you've got me thinking I should get a better one.
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Rachel, good job on achieving your goals yesterday, and I totally understand the importance of a good scale, thinking of getting a new one myself bc it fell recently and has been having issues.
    @Jackie You should consider getting a good digital scale, they are more accurate, and it can be important when tracking weight loss.
    I got my goals done yesterday, ate spinach, although reluctantly, and got my 2 miles in...Shannon you are so right that we are not in high school anymore, but it can be difficult to not compare my not so great times now to my HS times. Still, proud that I'm getting fit, even though slowly.
    Goals for 8/24/2011:
    Fitness: Church Wednesdays, gotta be there at 6:30 and get home around 5:30, so just hoping to do about 20 minutes of stairs during lunch. It's not much, but better than no workout today.
    Food: Behave at dinner, don't go over on calories. Having grilled chicken on flatbread and some rice tonight, but it can be easy to overeat, which is especially not good on small workout days. Portion control is not my friend.
    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday...anyone else going to church tonight?
  • wendyc122005
    Well didn't meet my fitness goal yesterday. Had an awful mess with my son's school bus. He wasn't on it! By the time I got him from school and met with the principal to get her to correct their bussing problems I was an hour behind. That meant everything was behind. Dinner, homework, showers, baths, reading to the kids and bed for them. All that and I still needed to get lunches and laundry. UGH! I like to think that all that hustling burned some calories enough though I didn't get my butt on the treadmill or in the pool.

    Anyway it is a new day so here are my goals for today.

    FITNESS: Get the treadmill in the bedroom and get at least 4 miles in.
    DIET: I have entered all of my meals for the day into my food diary. My goal is to not deviate at all from it.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: NONE! I wlll keep myself on track today no matter what!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member

    This is the scale I ordered! I feel like I need to explain my purchase...I like this one because the weight limit is so high and because of my weight I wanted to get a scale that I am sure can weigh me properly...I also like it because it has a wide base to stand on so I won't be squeezing my thighs together to fit on the scale!! (not that they don't touch anyway but that is temporary?? hopefully) And I love that there are over 1000 reviews for this scale and of course there are some bad reviews but each bad review I read they reported back saying that the company replaced thier scale promptly and they have had sucess with the second one. Most of the reviews are raves though!! Also the scale does not have to "wake up" like most digital scales do you can just step on this one and it will weigh you.

    Hope this helps!! I will post when I get mine and let you know if it is all I wanted it to be! I did 2 day shipping so it will be here the 25th!:happy:

    Oh and just to update I did get off of the computer and went on a walk this morning so my tired did not defeat me!!