DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @jennifer - i work in sales/account management at a large financial data provider in midtown manhattan...we provide software that houses data and analytical tools for corporations, traders, analysts, portfolio managers, etc...basically all the people that ruined the economy =) we also get free snacks - sure there's fruit but there's also oreos and dorritos! ughhhh
    @poppy - i know the feeling, i wonder what it is that causes us to lack the discipline to stay focussed. i mean, it's just food right?

    does anyone have a correlation between usernames and actual names? i'm a little embarrassed that i don't have everyone's down yet (i suck at this in real life too)
  • Yesterday I didn't work out because I was exhausted by the time I got home, but I stayed around my calories and had a good night.

    Today 9/1/2011 Thursday Goals:
    Fitness: I'm in a bags (aka *kitten*) league and it's 1.5 miles from work. I have the time so will leave early and walk to it, which is a mainly uphill walk. Not much, but it's something for a Thursday.
    Food: I had my eggs for breakfast, a big Korean "taco" salad thing for lunch with spicy tofu and napa romaine slaw (no corn tortillas for mine though). Dinner will be during/after bags so that'll be hard. Usually get a veg empanada nearby but that'd wreck my carbs a bit....will see what I can do. Might need the carbs since we drink afterwards haha
    Challenges: Drinking post-bags. I got some infuriating news at work today so I really want to just drink heavy tonight. But I know I have a happy hour tomorrow and then will be at the bar for college football Saturday so I need to keep it very light tonight. Will try to resist the urge to self medicate hehe
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Thursday's goal
    Fitness: get enough sleep -- I did not sleep well last night. I'm trying again for tonight!!
    Diet: 3 veggies, 2 fruits -- I did not meet my goal
    I stayed within my calories, but did not meet either one of my goals. I got in over 60 minutes exercise, so that's good!!

    Friday's goal
    Fitness: at least 60 minutes exercise
    Diet: 3 veggies, 2 fruits
    Challenge: We'll be on the road tomorrow, so I'll just have to put some extra focus into getting the fruits and veggies Maybe I can grab some bananas, etc., for healthy snacking in the car.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    My sister that I haven't seen for over 1 1/2 yrs (skyped but that's it!) came to visit for the nxt week and I kinda didn't get much done of anything ;P I still logged everything and entered a recipe in, which takes some time. So, yay for that. Played JD2 for a few songs. But did not run, and had an off day. Kids got to sleep late tonight too. We'll see how tmorrow is...
    btw someone asked abt kids ages - mine are 1 yr old son, and 3 yr old daughter. My sweet angels. They make me crazy and yet make the crazy alllllll so worth it! :P

    Tomorrow's Goals:
    Fitness: Run 2 miles
    Diet: Drink 10 glasss of water, 1 apple, 2 servings raw veggies
    Challenges I anticipate: Completely threw off kids bedtime so...fingers crossed X (I can only workout during their nap)
    @everyone - good job! And let's make this week a good one and get working on our big goal! To be lookin and feelin our best by the Holidays!!
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I survived my new trainer - he's actually great. Super tough workout though. He was super conscious of my lower back pain and i felt like he was really paying attention. Yes, it was incredible tough and he is demanding but I also felt great about myself for pushing and completing it. Plus when it got too hard he would cut the reps down (like when I could no longer move my leg hehe). We talked a bit about nutrition and I told him my biggest problem is pizza or bar food after drinking and he reminded me even trainers have that problem too so I felt a little more normal =).

    For the sodium, my diary says I was under but I picked up dinner from a place where nothing is under 500 cals (that's their thing) and they report all the nutrition facts EXCEPT sodium - I'm sure it was high but being conscious the rest of the day helped.

    Goals for Friday...
    Exercise: don't bail on spin class!
    Diet: Don't go overboard at dinner
    Challenges: I'm sore and I don't feel like spinning - going to a BYOB Indian restaurant with friends and Indian food is like my #1 weakness, I will eat it until I can't move. Also going to a Bulgarian vodka bar after so will try not to get too drunk!

    @swillis - I'm so glad you're sister is here! Maybe you can go for a run together? If she doesn't run how about a long walk, or some shopping?
  • TGIF!!!!!!! I'm so happy that it's Friday.I have no plans for the long weekend except to take some long walks.

    Didn't have a perfect day yesterday - got into the office candy in the afternoon. Still fighting the sugar thing and I really think, no I absolutely KNOW, that staying from it all together is better than trying to eat just a few. Even a few, are heavy with calories.

    Activity - lovely 90 minute walk this am.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: Strength Training
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS and 5 fruits/veggies
    ~Had my fruits and veggies but I ended up going over my cals at dinner

    FITNESS: 6 Week 6 Pack DVD
  • do we have a banner?
  • @ Jackie Indian food sounds great...I love it too much myself. Good luck staying within your calories today!
    @Poppy It can be so hard to track EVERY calorie. I myself give myself a one treat break a day, usually a small cookie or candy. I can't make myself track everything...
    @Renee Tell me how you like 6W6P...abs are my super trouble area, and I am thinking of trying it to get some toning.
    @Everyone Hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend! I am looking forward to time with the family!

    Goals for Today through Monday in case I don't get on 9/2/11-9/5/11:
    Fitness: At least 30 minutes cardio daily, and at least 2 runs over the weekend, preferably 3.
    Food: Stay under cals and drink lots of water 10+ cups daily.
    Challenges: Going out of town tomorrow, makes it really hard to stay under cals while eating out, I get spoiled easily, but gonna try my best.

    Take care!
  • I can't believe that this year is almost over. Halloween is right around the corner, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year... wow! Time to start thinking about Christmas and wrapping paper.

    I am still headed toward my goal of getting down to 150 before my anniversary in October.

    I am pressing forward.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    I soooooooo did myself in this morning, but at least I logged it and will be careful for the rest of the day (arnd 600 cals from french toast bfast). I wasn't trying to make it healthy, since it was just a nice big bfast w/family.

    @Jackie - that's great that you had a good workout w/your trainer! Abt your comment, idk if her and I will have time to go for a run, she's actually doing tons of stuff w/my other siblings and not around much. We had fun catching up that first day, but maybe we will go for a run Tues.

    Today's Goals:
    Diet: Had afore mentioned bfast :/ so, no snacks this morning and light lunch to get back on track. 10 glasses of water!
    Fitness: Run 1.5 miles (more if I feel up to it, but I'm still exhausted!)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Well, I didnt exercise Friday and I was over my cals because I decided to take a rest day.

    My goal for today (Saturday) was to get my Strength Training done & Stay Under Cals.
    ~Mission Accomplished. I even went to a birthday party and resisted the wonderful food (nachos, chili cheese dogs, cupcake, etc.)

    @ Jenni-I didnt get a chance to do 6Wk 6 Pk Friday and Ive only did it once before. I think its a pretty good workout because it also includes cardio with the ab workout. I'll give you an update when I do it again.

    FITNESS: 30 mins of exercise
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Going to a water park with my family. Plan on taking a lunch and snacks so I wont have to eat the food there.
  • Hi, Everyone! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! I am hoping to catch a sale or two :) I need a new shirt! :)
  • I am not too good at checking in on the weekend but it's a holiday Monday and I'm here! Friday went out the window a bit by having friends over for movies and I had some vegan pizza. Enjoyed it (not as much as I thought I would though) and knew I'd be back to being good afterwards. Saturday was an all day drinking affair since college football started back up, but I didn't eat poorly...just drank a lot. And then Sunday I was amazing, walked 1.5 miles to the farmer's market and then back with a bunch of healthy goodness (uphill!). I ate fantastically but missed yoga since I had to deal with the police/insurance since someone broke in to my car and stole stuff. Obviously upsetting but I'm not going to let it ruin my life.

    Today 9/5/2011 Monday Goals:
    Fitness: Hiking today, will wear the HRM and stay hydrated and fueled
    Food: Breakfast was 2 eggs with a huge side of sauteed baby bellas with cauliflower cooked in coconut oil. So filling and delicious. Gotta keep my carbs low, stay away from grains, enjoy my fat and maintain my protein amounts.
    Challenges: Today I feel like there's nothing that can get in my way actually :D
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Christy-Sorry to hear about your car being broken into. Glad you had a good day Sunday and I hope you enjoy your hike today

    FITNESS: 30 mins of exercise
    ~Did 40 mins of Walking and Stairs
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Going to a water park with my family. Plan on taking a lunch and snacks so I wont have to eat the food there
    ~Had my lunch as I planned. However, my mom bought me a funnel cake because she knows I love them and didnt get one last year. So, I ate 1/4 of it and shared the rest. So, I think I did pretty good at the water park.

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: It's Labor Day and I dont feel like doing anything
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    I usually take Sundays off, like I did yesterday, so I logged but didn't worry if I ate up to my maintenace calories. And that was my goal :)
    @Christy- that sounds like a great day walking to the farmers market! Two-in-one!! And yeah, sorry abt your car :/ had that happen before too :P

    Fitness: Workout w/my new Zumba Fitness for the Wii, one class, and I'd like to run a little too (1.5 miles) time permitting
    Diet: Drink 9.5 glasses of water - I have a new waterbottle, so I'll just need to fill it 3 times to reach this
    challenges...stuff just came up so idk
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals
    ~Did 8.54 miles...hubby was home from work for the holiday and was spending time with the boys. So, I decided to get a good workout in
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS & 5 fruits/veggies~Done!
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: It's Labor Day and I dont feel like doing anything
    ~Kicked myself in the butt and got my workout in

    FITNESS: Strength Training including 100 mountain climbers, 20 burpees, 60 lunges, 75 crunches & 30 push ups. These different challenges Im in are going to kill me!
    DIET: 5 fruits/veggies & 104ozs of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I might be too sore to get all the strength training done
  • Here's how yesterday went down:

    9/5/2011 Monday Goals:
    Fitness: Hiking today, will wear the HRM and stay hydrated and fueled

    Negative. It rained a lot so I got an OCD bug and cleaned the entire kitchen. Yes, the entire kitchen. I threw away stuff I don't want to eat anymore (guess I'm serious this time haha) and rearranged the pantry and such so that I'm set up for health. And cleaned every drawer out, scrubbed the stove, etc. Didn't wear my HRM but it must have been quite a workout for the 5 hours or so I did it!

    Food: Breakfast was 2 eggs with a huge side of sauteed baby bellas with cauliflower cooked in coconut oil. So filling and delicious. Gotta keep my carbs low, stay away from grains, enjoy my fat and maintain my protein amounts.

    I actually was too far under my calories yesterday and need to make sure I fuel myself enough. I did sleep until 9am or so, semi-skipping breakfast so maybe that was part of it.

    Challenges: Today I feel like there's nothing that can get in my way actually :D

    This went fine obviously!

    TODAY'S GOALS 9/6/2011

    FITNESS: Started yoga classes on my Groupon this morning, was dripping sweat during the peak! Also going to walk to and from work today.
    FOOD: A new Whole Foods is opening today near my work. Check it out and get some awesome snacks for work and lunch things. Bring home some fresh fish for dinner.
    CHALLENGES: I have a meeting that will have lots of bagels and donuts. Not giving in though. And then I have a training this afternoon where they will try to give me cookies for sure. Also not giving in :)
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone! I have not logged in since Friday I was visiting family and just enjoyed them and did not even think about MFP! I think this will show on my scale this morning and I am sort of avoiding it! But I am back and starting again.

    My goals for today 9-6
    Diet: Stay under my calories and just be aware of what goes in my mouth
    Exercise: Walk and ride the bike

    It has been so long that I have logged in so I will not attempt to comment about everyone else but just know I have read all the comments and I am thinking of each of you and hope you are all doing great!


    Just weighed and did not even gain an ounce this weekend!!! This is exciting to me so my weight is the same as last week but I am so glad I did not gain!! Back to losing this week though I will not sit still at this weight.
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hey everyone...hope everyone had a great long weekend! I had lots of fun up in the Berkshires but my diet did not go so well. It wasn't nice out so I didn't get ANY exercise on Sat/Sun/Mon and I ate a lot. Most of it was food we cooked but still no good. I also drank quite a bit...I'm up 3lbs today but I'm hoping to take it off this week by being dilligent.

    Goals for today...
    Exercise - I'm not making a goal for today, I have group therapy from 6:45-8:30 so it's a tough night. Moving forward I'm going to try to get to the gym though before.
    Diet - Stay under my calorie goal and drink lots of water.
    Challenges - Without exercise I tend to have trouble staying at 1470 cals.