DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Jenni - Zumba IS a blast, you should try it and see what you think ;) although, I feel so silly sometimes, I'm still learning
    @Billy - I'm so glad you like this site as much as I do! It's crazy hard to get exercise in some days too, i know what u mean!
    @Wendy - hope u liked JD2! Excited to hear what you and the family think, I'm betting u had a blast ;)
    @Jackie - I have a Wii, BUT you live in the greatest city there ever was. It's a toss up, haha :P I would love to be able to go for walks in Manhattan! and WTG w/your kettlebell class! You can post ur weight on here btw and I'll add it to the spreadsheet - then u can look at it whenever.
    @Renee - me too :/ But as long as we keep trying then we haven't failed. It's when we stop trying that we should worry :D
    @Poppy - candy can be hard to resist, I have to put it away up high, and it's still hard ;)
    @Lana - glad u had fun on ur VK - I need to go to the Grand Canyon sometime - we could do it as a day trip, just need to plan it someitme! And glad your back w/us :)

    Today I crashed. Just stressing abt life. Idk, but it happens and sleep - or lack thereof doesn't help. So took a long nap, bc I have the greatest hubby there ever was, and I'll exer. tomorrow I guess!
    I am finishing my 9 glasses of water now - did a calc. thing this morning to see how much water i should be drinking and it's more like 11! Dry climate here in Utah.

    Friday's Goals:
    Diet: Focus on protein still and 9+glasses of water
    Fitness: Run 2ish miles
    Challenges I anticipate: My sleep is off and although I caught up some tday I feel sluggish. Hoping I can perk up some tmorrow. I WILL wake up when my alarm goes off! ;)

    Have a great Friday ladies!!!
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @wendy - I understand the convinience of a treadmill, esp if you have kids, but is it possible to go for a jog outside when they are at school? Or maybe walk to the grocery store and walk back (i really have no option but to walk to mine and I find canvas bags help because you can wear them on your shoulders)
    @shannon - napping is certainly ok if you're too tired! I've gone to the gym before when I was exhausted and actually had to leave because I had no strength. You did the right thing...and good luck with the alarm! I've been trying to wake up without snoozing for years =)

    Exercise: saw my trainer, rocked it! his studio is on the 5th floor of a walkup building so he made me do sprints on the stairs - prob 15 flights total, with pushups in between. but then he streched me out after =). one small NSV though was that he said I'm one of the hardest workers he has, which is an amazing feeling considering i spent every fall during high school pretending my asthma was too bad to run the mile
    Diet: did so/so on the water...i just drink so much coffee and then i'm not thirsty during the day!

    Friday goals...
    Exercise: Get off the subway a stop or two early for my meeting and then when seeing friends tonight since I won't go to the gym
    Diet: Don't go overboard at the bar!
    Challenges: Wings, nachos, and good beer...sigh
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!

    @Wendy-Thanks for the idea about logging my food at the begining of the day I will do that I failed to log yesterday cause I got so busy but I am going to log now so I will know where I stand!

    On a side note I did weigh this morning not my usual day to weigh but I was curious because I am having a hard time logging food and I lost 2.6 lbs!! I am so excited! I won't give my weight until my official weigh in on Monday.

    @Shannon My foot is so much better thank you! I can move it with little pain today and I actually got my exercise in today!

    @Lana welcome back from vacation I am so glad you had a great time! I have never been out that way but I always think it must be beautiful.

    @Billy Welcome!! Glad to have you.

    @everyone you are all doing great and I know we are going to reach our goals thanks for all the encouragement I really enjoy being in this group!

    Ok Goals for today
    Food: Log and stay within calorie goals More water!!
    Exercise: done!!!!
  • PoppyinBoulder
    Weighed this morning and was down to 237. I guess I'm going to lose this weight one-pound-at-a-time. I figure if I weigh on Fridays and Mondays, it might motivate me to eat well during the weekend. I'm going to try really hard to make it work this weekend. I read the "success stories" thread for an hour yesterday and I'm pschyed!!!!!

    Didn't get to the gym yesterday but I think I'll change my workout routine after my mini vacation in a couple of weeks. It's getting too dark in the early morning to walk, so I'll be hitting the gym before work and walking at lunch.

    Activity - already walked this morning.
    Diet - stay under calories all weekend - 3 days - starting today.

  • billyjoebob
    Thanks for welcoming me everyone! :)

    Jenni-How cool, my daughter just turned 8 months:) Weaning my other kids was such a pain, did you have an easy time weaning?

    Shannon-I do love this website! I had been trying to lose weight on my own for awhile, but it was so hard. This site has really helped me so much, thanks for recommending it:)

    Fitness: I've got to get my 30 minutes of exercise in. I'm doing a 'Biggest Loser' competition with some friends on Facebook for 12 weeks. We all put $20 into a big pot and the winners get money. Money is so motivating:) We've got two categories, each gets a winner. The first is who loses the most weight (I won't be able to win this one) and the second is a healthy living category. Each day we get points for exercising for 30 minutes, eating 5 fruits/veggies, and drinking 8 cups of water. I'm determined to win this category, we've been doing it for 2 1/2 weeks and I've done all 3 categories everyday. Only one other person has done it every day, so my competition is pretty small. As for the weight loss category, I'm in 3rd to last place:)
    Food: We are going grocery shopping today and I'm determined to find some yummy, healthy snacks and stay away from the junky ones. And buy tons of fresh fruits and veggies. I'm such a convienence food eater, it's helpful for me to keep healthy grab and go foods on hand.
    Challenges: Does cleaning my house count as a challenge? :)
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @billyjoebob - log your cleaning! i don't know about you but i definitely sweat when i'm cleaning! if you have a HRM i would wear that =) i'm going to do that next time i clean (but MFP does have an entry for cleaning)

  • wendyc122005
    @Jackie - Would love to be able to get outside and not rely on the treadmill, but my schedule just doesn't allow. I get up each day at 4:45 to be out the door by 6:10. Drop off kids (daycare and school) and off to work. Commute time puts me at work at 7:30. By the time that all happens in reverse and we are home it is close to 6. Dinner (cook, eat and clean up), homework, baths, and some quality time (including Nathan's 20-30 minutes of required reading time) . . . 8:30 teeth brushing and bed. It is typically 8:45 before I have time for anything else. When the weather cooperates and I can swim this can be my quality fun time with the kids. Unfortunately, the weather has just stunk for the last 2 weeks or so. Typical Florida summer afternoon / evening showers. :tongue: So I totally need the convenience of having a way to exercise at home. I have a 24 hour gym close and have considered using it, but dragging myself out of bed an hour earlier or out of the house after the kids are tucked in just isn't something I can commit to. My days are already so long. On another note, I know how great you must feel after your trainer's compliment. Yeah! Congratulations!

    @billyjoebob - My daughter wouldn't nurse and I noticed a huge difference in the time to loose the weight. Nursing helps a ton, keep it up. Most women even adding calories have a deficit when they bf.

    @Rachel - Congratulations!!!!!! Great Job! You will have to let me know if logging in advance helped.

    @Shannon - Got the stupid thing home. Finished all my normal stuff and had the kids in front of the TV and the stupid game didn't work!!! I swapped it out this morning so try again tonight!

    @Poppy - Great Job! A lb is a lb and you should be proud!

    Ended up doing some On Demand Fitness videos, because Just Dance game didn't work. Maybe God is trying to tell me something. :smile:
    Also ended up eating a little more for dinner than I had planned, but still stayed under my cals.

    Fitness: Swap out Just Dance . . . can't wait to try it!
    Diet: Trying to figure out a way to add more non-animal proteins to my diet without adding carbs. Any suggestions?
    Challenges: TOM and I am starving. My typical pattern . . . I don't crave anything in particular, I am just hungry all the time. I have learned to get past it, but I can't stop think about eating for 3 days.

    Happy Friday!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Ok went to the store today and looking over all the veggies and fruits I decided to pick up a spagetti squash!! One problem I have never cooked one how about you all? Can anyone tell me what I need to do with it?? I am laughing as I type this cause I am not a try new things girl but I really want to add new things to my diet!!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Happy Friday All...did good on my goals yesterday, hoping the weekend goes as well. There is a church prayer and training event going on tonight, Saturday and Sunday, so I will be super busy, which is not cool as this is my mommy-baby time, but oh well, will keep him with me as much as possible, and maybe even skip a training session to hang out.

    @Wendy Great job for finding time to exercise, those seem like really long days, you finding time and energy to exercise shows your commitment to getting healthy!
    @Billy Weaning was harder on me than on him...he started self-weaning right after turning 6 months, I tried to get him to keep nursing, enjoyed the closeness, but he really did it on his own. Good luck with weaning your daughter when the time comes!

    Goals for 9/9/11-9/11/11
    Food: Stay under calories! Keep drinking water-I do well at this at work, but it seems harder when not sitting at my desk...
    Fitness: Get in at least 30 minutes each day, and at least one good run over the weekend!
    Challenges: Time...
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!

    Well the weekend is so tough for me because I feel like it is "off time" with the diet like calories don't count!! So I am going to try and change that this weekend.

    Goals: 9-10
    Diet: log my food this morning that seems to be working for me and not eat like it does not matter!
    Exercise: Lots of stuff going on here today getting new furniture (I am so excited we pay cash for everything because we want to live a debt free life so furniture has been a long thing coming!!) so I am organizing and cleaning getting everything ready for it to be delivered I will be counting my cleaning and everything so I will see how much I can burn!!

    Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!!

  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Wendy - hope you have fun playing JD2 this weekend!
    @Rachel - i think we all struggle a tad more on the weekends, just think of it this way, you don't want to undo all your hard work throughout the week - so at the very least still make good food choices and don't go over your maintenance calories ;) Enjoy your new furniture too!! That's great that you pay cash, more American's need to hv a similiar attitude towards money! My husband is still in school, and we try to be careful!

    OK so yesterday I was under cals, just not the healthiest foods, but not bad either. I drank my 9 glasses of water too!
    I did a lot of cardio too :)) I ran for 2 miles and played JD2 for 35 min.

    So, today's goals:
    Diet: 9 glasses of water, watch the empty calories!
    Fitness: Run 2-3 miles
    Challenges I anticipate: Going to a bday party for my daughter's friend...will resist the cake, just a bit or two or hers is the goal ;) I was exhausted yesterday but really did feel more enegized after my run, so hopefully can keep this in mind too!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Update>>>Ugh, went to the bday party w/my kids tday and it was 11-1, so it was a lunch party. Well, there were corn-dogs, french fries, coke, cake and mandarin oranges in syrup. :/ Well had the oranges and abt a serving of fries, but I was starving. Plus there was no water - I was going to bring mine, but I was alone w/the kids so my hands were pretty full. nehoo-she sd well it's just once a yr to eat like this, but um, there are several bday's we hv and go to, so more like 10+ a yr. neways. was tough, now I'm home :)
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I did not make my last goal (which was two days ago).

    Today's goal (Saturday)
    Fitness: Walk at least 60 minutes (already walked 90)
    Food: 3 veggies, 2 1/2 fruit
    Difficulties: I haven't been grocery shopping after my two vacations, so the cupboards don't have many choices!!
  • wendyc122005
    @Rachel - I am glad that logging in the beginning of the day is helping you. Funny weekends are so busy for me that it is easier than when I am sitting at my desk during the week.

    @Shannon - People that aren't dieting don't get it. I have found that I am turning down invites because I don't want to have to explain. Although Nathan has a bday party tomorrow. It is after lunch though. Oh love JD2! Will be buying it!

    @launawe - I too need to hit the grocery. Lots of stuff I can't eat, but having to eat alot of the same things because the cupboard is bare.

    Goals: Made them today.

    No plans yet for tomorrow, but stick to it!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I made it to the grocery store, so that should help!!

    yesterday's goals (Saturday):
    fitness: 60 minutes exercise--completed 90 minutes walking
    diet: 2 1/2 veggies, 2 fruits -- didn't quite make it. I got in the 2 1/2 veggies, though!!

    today's goals (Sunday)
    fitness: 60 minutes exercise
    diet: 2 1/2 veggies, 2 fruits
    challenges: I should be able to accomplish both goals today. I choose fruit instead of hash browns with my breakfast this morning, so that's a start.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Unfortunately, I've gained some weight back. However, I am not discouraged. I think that not recording calories on my vacation made it difficult. Some days we got a lot of exercise (hiking and horseback riding). However, other days we spent a lot of time in the car, and I probably ate too many chips!!
  • billyjoebob
    I don't have a HRM. Are they uncomfortable to wear?

    wendy-I definitely log my nursing, I'd starve if I didn't:) That's why I'm glad I'm still nursing, it gives me a good 'excuse' to eat more:)

    tryingeveryday-I'm curious to know how the spagetti squash turned out! And hooray for the new furniture and paying cash for things! We are the same way, and we live in a fixer-upper house. It's hard because there are so many projects that require money so we have to do them one at a time as we have the money, but it's so freeing to not have extra debt for things that can wait.

    jennifer-Yeah, my other 2 totally did not want to stop nursing, it made weaning hard. I can imagine it would be kind of sad if they wanted to self wean though.

    FITNESS:I'm sick, but I needed to get 30 minutes of exercise in for my competition. I ended up Googling exercise to do while sitting, and did a bunch of light stretches and arm exercises, split up in two 15 minute segments.

    DIET:I haven't eaten very much at all today because I'm sick and not very hungry. I've drank a bunch of fruit juice and vegetable juice today though.
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone! I have not been online all weekend just enjoyed my time home with my hubby! I am going to put my goals on for tomorrow 9-12 tonight.

    Diet: snack on fruit and keep calories where they should be
    Exercise: Walk the dog I am starting back after hurting my foot last week so I will just see how far I can get! I am hoping to increase this week to 30 mins walking 10 mins biking but taking last week off I am not sure how I will feel??

    I have not tried the spagetti squash yet but I will this week! I hope it is so good. I will let you all know!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ok, so this was a rough week for me. Hope things are better next week :ohwell:

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Getting back into the groove of things after struggling this week
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Rachel Good job paying for everything in cash, my husband and I do the same, and are looking to buy a car soon, so have just started saving up for that. It takes patience, but is worth being debt free!
    @Shannon You did what you had to, starving is not an option. You stayed strong and kept control though, so good job!
    @Renee Sorry you struggled last week, good luck getting back to it this week.

    As for me, I fell so far off the bandwagon this weekend I can't even see it anymore. To say I overate is a total understatement, I ate a whole pizza Friday night, must have been in the 4k+ vicinity on Saturday and Sunday. I know I'm up about 3-4 pounds, so I think I will skip weigh in this week because I am already so discouraged. Going to do my best this week to really focus on eating well, logging everything, and just keep focus and not let myself get too down. It was a very long weekend with 20+hours spent on trainings and special services at church, but really did bad with taking care of my eating. Going to stay accountable to y'all this week, I know that's the only thing that can help me get back on track!
    Goals for today 9/12/11 Monday:
    Fitness: 45 Minutes (Combo of stairs and DDR)
    Food: LOG EVERYTHING, stay under cals!
    Challenges: Honestly, I just want to cry, I'm so embarrassed at my loss of control this weekend. Motivation is lacking.