DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning:

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes I was so down yesterday I am feeling better today determined to get back to doing this I know I did not stop doing this but in my heart I had!! But I will pick myself up today give it to God and move on because I can do this with Him.

    Goals for today 9-16
    Food: stay under cals
    Exercise: ??
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Rachel-Im glad you are feeling better. Have a Great Day!
    @Wendy-I would be so upset with the treadmill guy. I hope he shows up Saturday.
    @Jenni-Good Job controlling your portions
    @ Lana-Yeah, your body was asking for food and it’s a good thing you listened. Glad you had a nice walk.
    @Shannoon-That’s understandable. Life gets hectic and you have to put your family first. We’ll be here when you have time. Thanks for starting this wonderful thread. It gives me a fresh start everyday

    Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

    FITNESS: Strength Training & 15 mins of Stretching
    ~ST done but I didnt Stretch
    DIET: Stay under cals & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I have a difficult with making sure I stretch after my workouts. I know its important but I just skip it most of the time
    ~No stretching *sighs*

    FITNESS: 30 mins of Just Dance 2, 30 Push-ups & 15 mins of Stretching
    DIET: Stay under cals & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I will find time to Stretch today. I have a hard time staying under cals over the weekend.
  • PoppyinBoulder
    I'm up, I'm down, and I just want to be.

    Sick of this - really, really want to make it work. Can't seem to get it going and make it last. Am down about 4 pounds and that seems stable - I guess that's something.

    So . . . I'm not going to overeat this weekend. I can do this - can't I?????

    Activity - walk, walk, and then walk some more. (got that in already today)
    Get back to doing my daily Pilates/Stretch exercises tomorrow.

    Diet - no sugar!!!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Everyone - thank you for understanding =)
    @Poppy I actually just remembered something key to know about too, when you've been less active for awhile and then you start becoming a lot more active your muscles retain some water, so perhaps this is making it look like you've stalled in losing weight? One thing for sure is that it takes time and I myself gave up after a bit on MFP when I wasn't seeing results much and then realized I wanted to try sticking with it some more. And over time it has come down. I know I can't relate on the being 60 ;) but if you'd like I have a friend who's in a similiar boat and has been frustrated before too, but is doing well w/MFP, her name is Babygurl48 if you want to try friending her, she's great ;)
    @Wendy - that is frustrating that he cancelled again! Maybe meanwhile see who else you can find, he's had his chance and your paying him to be there when you ask.
    @Renne - I hv trouble always stretching too, my muscles don't get too tight, but it's still important ;)
    @Rachael - you most definitely can, especially with His help. Try to see the big picture and know that He wants all of His children to be healthy :) It takes time and work, as all things do, but we are always here for you!

    Well, I did far better than yesterday, so that's good ;) I had a moment of weakness yesterday and then we had a friends going away party at a restaurant (he's being deployed to Korea for 6 mos). So, anyways it was an all you can eat, and I did not eat ALL I could eat, but I prolly shld hv had a tad bit less. Oh, well *shrug* And my house is a wreck lately, so I'm not as focused and finding life too chaotic to fit in my workouts - I need to refocus! which is hard when you're tired. Also, I feel like it being so much darker in the mornings now is making my getting up by 6am that much more difficult :/ So these are my goals for the next few days:
    Diet: Stay under cals and get 9 glasses of water, and tracking calcium now too
    Fitness: Any cardio min 30 min/day
    Challenges: Waking up on time in the morning is key to helping my day to go right, so that's the keystone for me!

  • change_happens
    Hello, everyone! I had to cancel some of my challenges, why? Cuz they were too challenging :) Seriously, I have been having some serious med issues that has landed me in the emergency room 4 times since the month of June. I am trying to stay focused and keep the weight off since I haven't really been losing anything since I haven't been able to workout like I had in the beginning.

    Time will heal and I am hoping that everyone reaches their goals and stays on track.

    I will be checking in often now that I don't have to worry about the other challenges!

    Have an awesome weekend and my personal goals are below!

    This week:
    I still have to take it slow and easy, so I will be walking outdoors while the weather is nice and gorgeous. Hopefully to walk 5 miles a day. This is what I am striving for.
  • billyjoebob
    Blah, I've been sick for a week, finally starting to feel normal again. Today my goal is to resist the ice-cream cones in the freezer:) I lost 4 pounds while sick, I'm hoping they stay off. Guess we'll see!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!

    Goals for today
    Diet: Log all my foods
    Exercise: I am going out of town tomorrow so I have a ton to do this was a surprise that I am leaving for the week so I am not prepared at all!!

    I do have some good news!! On friday I hit the 359.8 mark barely in the 350s but I will take it!!! I am so excited!

    My challenge this week will be I am going to my in laws and they never never cook at home so eating will be hard I am just going to have to work it out but I will post my food so I can be honest and accountable!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @change_happens – Sorry to hear that you’d had to go to the hospital. I hope you are doing better now.
    @billyjoebob – I hope you continue to get better.
    @tryingeveryday – good luck on your trip!!

    I don’t even remember my last challenge. I guess I didn’t come on here over the weekend. I have been pretty much staying under my calorie goals and have eaten o.k. for the past few days. This morning was already messed up because I had two donuts. I already feel the sugar crash.
    Today’s (Monday) challenge:
    Fitness: 40 mnts exercise
    Diet: 5 fruits/veggies (despite starting the day with sugary carbs)
    Challenge: We hiked for about 4 hours yesterday, so I’m feeling tired today.

    I will weigh myself tomorrow and input my weight into the chart.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @change_happens - hope your ok, and glad to have you chat w/us more :)
    @Billy - blue skies ahead :) And don't expect ALL the "weight" to stay off - some of it is likely water loss, but I hope some of it does stay off for you! You've been doing great btw ;)
    @Rachael - congrats on hitting that 350's mark! Idk if you've done this, but I suggest making mini goals for yourself for the next few mos and when you reach them have a mini reward such as a new clothing item, or game or something (just not food related, lol, its counterproductive) Great job!
    @Lana - I wish I could hike like you do! A 4 hr hike sounds like so much fun!! And everyone needs a rest day ;)

    OK, so I got some more sleep, and am finding it harder than ever to wake up at 6AM as it's all dark out now at that time, but hey, the kids sleep in a little more too which is nice :) I have done pretty good, but as it's my TOM have been hungrier lately and gone over some :/ but am dedicating myself to being sure to get my cardio in today!!!!!!!!!
    Monday's goals:
    Diet: Stay under, drink plenty of water, 9 glasses minimum!
    Fitness: Light jog - 30 min

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Hope you all a great weekend!

    Well, I did pretty good this weekend. The bad news is I still havent stretched :grumble: The good news is I stayed under cals ALL weekend! :noway: I havent did this in FOREVER!!!

    On to another week...

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals
    DIET: Stay under cals & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I already did my walk this morning. So, I have to kick my butt and get out of the house this evening to do my walking/jogging intervals.
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Billy Praying you get better soon!
    @Rachel Congrats on getting into the 350s :) Celebrate each milestone, and I agree with Shannon, make mini-goals, and more importantly, mini prizes ;)
    @Lana Don't let the doughnuts ruin your eating day...I had a slice of very fatty and tasty cake today, which I now regret, so I may go over today, but I am still going to go for a healthy dinner!
    @Shannon I totally relate to the TOM and hungrier thing, I'm there right now and I not only get hungrier, but I get cravings, which so aren't conducive to weight loss...
    @Renee Great job on staying under cals over the weekend, it can be a challenge, so props to ya!

    Challenge for today and tomorrow 9/19-20/2011
    Fitness: 30 minutes cardio, some strength training in
    Food: Don't give into cravings, hydrate, during the weekend I am so bad at drinking water...
    Challenges: My husband is taking the Police Department physical test this coming Saturday, so he is upping his training which doesn't leave much time for me to get my workouts in :( Hoping he rocks it though!
  • wendyc122005
    Decided to give myself a break this weekend. I didn't log, but I didn't go out of control either. I did however, eat 1 muffin on Saturday and 1 on Sunday. I also ate some Snyder 4 cheese pretzels and two hot dogs with buns. Totally carb spluges for me and I paid for it yesterday. I felt sluggish and my tummy got upset. Guess that it is a good thing since it means that my body is used to healthier living.

    Yesterday, was a challenge for me . . . I have pretty eliminated snacking with the exception of something small to pick at while making dinner. I think this is a remaining habit, but it hasn't really been a problem as I eat something low in calories, preferably packed with some extra protein. Yesterday, I just kept picking. I also gave into temptation and ate after dinner (about 9:30) this broke a rule that I hadn't broken since I started in June. So disappointed in myself. It that weren't bad enough I ate 3 oz of almonds that put me over on my fat. Bad choice. Maybe this had something to do with my upset tummy last night . . .Hmmm. Anyway, way working today to get back to my normal kind of food day.

    Today's Goals:
    Diet: return to successful eating!
    Exercise: Tuesday's are not good for me. Late night out with church activities. So I won't even pretend that I am going to try. I will be cleaing 2 bathrooms and doing a load or 2 of laundry before bed so that is something at least.
    Challenges: Don't have a plan for dinner since I won't be home until 8 or so. Prepped dinner for tonight, but that was before I remembered we won't be home.

    @Shannon - Totally relate to the hungrier part of TOM. I know that if I give in I won't be satified and just feel bad for giving in so that usually gets me through.
    @Billy - Hope that you feel well soon.
    @Jenni - Like your post to Lana . . . my weekend "break" started with me REALLY wanting that muffin on Saturday. Once I gave in there I decided that I would just enjoy my carbs for the weekend. Oh well, lesson learned. One bad choice does not a whole day, or in this case a weekend, make. BTW, TOM brings cravings for my biggest down fall, Pita Chips, a whole bag a Pita Chips would be great. :tongue:
    @Rachel - GREAT JOB! It is so great when that 2nd number changes. It is huge for me! Eating out can be tough. Try to stick with grilled meats and veggies without sauces or butter. Be careful of salads because so many of them are just out of this world in cals. The dressing and croutons will get you everytime if you aren't careful. Remember these things and you should do just fine. I know that it is tough though with all those choices on the menu! If you are eating at a chain restaurant try checking out the menu and often accompaning nutritional info on the net so you can decide before you go. This helps me to not be side tracked by the other menu offerings.

    Ok, now that I have written a book Happy Tuesday everyone! Closer to the weekend than yesterday!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @everybody - I hope all of you have a good Tuesday.
    Yesterday’s goal (Monday)
    60 mnts exercise (done)
    5 fruits/veggies (got in about 3)

    Today’s goal (Tuesday)
    Physical: at least 60 mnts exercise
    Diet: 5 fruits/veggies
    Challenges: I don’t expect any.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals
    ~Did 4.45 miles with 10lb Kettlebell (1st time did this for a challenge group, I think I'll be sore today :cry: )
    DIET: Stay under cals & 5 fruits/veggies~Done!

    FITNESS: Strength Training & 10 mins of Stretching
    DIET: Stay under cals, Stay under sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Making stretching a priority

    Have a Great Day Everyone! Good Luck on your weigh in tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • wendyc122005
    FYI - Zumba for Wii or Xbox on $25 from Amazon. Today only Gold Box Deal! You can also get free shipping.
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hi everyone - sorry I haven't checked in at all. I've been sick with a sinus infection, ear infection, and awful cough so I've just been home resting and eating soup. Today is actually the first day I'm logging my food again. I'll probably start up with goals again Thursday and try to read how everyone is doing!

    Big challenge for me has been sodium - even today it's way high...dinner should be lower since it's homemade but still breakfast and lunch were high.

    I also got a new scale and my weight is up a few pounds on it so I'm at 178 - new Thanksgiving goal is 165 =).

    @wendy - i really have that problem with picking while i cook too, even if i'm not actually snacking on something i taste test a lot and i feel like it adds up. i've heard gum can help but i'm not a gum chewer - i'm making rosh hashanah dinner for my whole fam next ewek and i'm going to try leaving out a bowl of blueberries and some fat free cheese cubes =)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Hello all :D Cookies are evillll, lol. I don't bake often, but did on Monday and then tday a friend brough some buy. So, I keep having them (usually just one ea sitting) but still, not good. Well, that's my update - and it's hard to stay under w/them in the house. And I've been exhausted lately - feel like most days I'm a single parent, and it's a huge adjustment from the summer when my sweetie did not have too many more hours and was not in school. Now he still works several days a week and is crazy busy w/classes. Just exhausted, but hanging in there :/ So, my goals for the next week:
    Diet: Log everything - some days I am so close to not wanting to, and have more fruit/veggie snacks - try to limit other snacks to only 1 or 2 ea day.
    Fitness: If I'm tired to take a nap and not feel guilty, but on days that I can get in 30 min of cardio during naptime
    Challenges: As stated above, overworked mother lately, and just tired, so try to stick to my bedtime to help w/this!

    Sorry, if I sound pessimistic - hope everyone's week is going well and
    @Jackie - hope you're feeling better!
    @Wendy - thanks for the tip ;) so true! I also love the weight drop at the end of my TOM, so looking forward to that helps too ;)
    Take care everyone and stay strong! You're all awesome!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Swills-I hope you are able to get some rest soon. I know its hard trying to resist temptation when you're exhausted so do your best :flowerforyou:
    CW: 183.2, Im happy that water weight from last week went away and took some extra with it :bigsmile:
    FITNESS: Strength Training & 10 mins of Stretching
    ~ST Done! Of course, I still havent stretched :grumble:
    DIET: Stay under cals, Stay under sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
    ~UC & 5 FV but was OS

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals & 10 mins of Stretching
    DIET: Stay under cals, Stay under sodium Goal & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Making stretching a priority
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme445 – great job!!
    @slimdownspicey – I’m sorry to hear you are sick. I know how awful it is to have a sinus infection/ear infection. I’m glad to hear you’re taking care of yourself. Soup is a great option.
    @Shannon – You’re doing a great job hanging in there and logging. I hope you get a break soon. Is there any program around you where you can get a mom respite?
    @loveme445 – How about a yoga DVD? Would that encourage you to stretch? I have one that has short segments.
    Yesterday’s goal (Tuesday):
    Fitness: did 40 minutes out of my 60 minute goal
    Diet: I did not quite get to 5 fruits/veggies. This is more challenging than I realized!!

    Today’s goal (Wed.):
    Fitness: 60 mnts
    Diet: MFP calorie goal & at least 8 cups water
    Challenges: I can’t think of anything in particular.
  • billyjoebob
    Shannon-So far I've only gained 1 pound back from being sick, but I've also got af right now and I always weigh more during that time. So far it looks like it's staying off-hooray!
    jenni-Thank you!
    slimdownspicey-I hope you are feeling better. I didn't log for most of the time when I was sick either. On the days I did it told me I wasn't eating enough calories.
    Shannon-You don't sound pessimistic, just tired:) I hope things get easier for you soon!

    Today's goals-I'm tired today-baby has been waking up way too many times at night. She used to sleep through the night! Anyway, I've got to get my ouse cleaned up and my exercise in.