DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Renee - lol "good" workout - I'd say it's a superbly amazing workout! but call it what u like ;) great job!!!!
    @Christy - call me naive, but I didn't realize you could work up such a great sweat from yoga - good for you!! Don't give in! And then if you've worked your but off, have a whatever - sm whatever - at the end of the day ;) it's what I do to keep myself sane, so just a suggestion.
    @Rachel - glad you're still w/us and Yay! for no gain - Your doing great!!
    @Jackie - like i posted on ur wall - it's prolly some sodium/water retention too ;) And Drink TONS of water/ chew some gum to help u stay within your goals, you can do it! :)

    I met my goal of 145 over the weekend (w/a little rounding, lol) so I treated myself to my reward in my signature :)
    ok, my sons crying a lot so g2 hurry!
    Fitness: Run 1.5 miles, I love zumba and JD2 so much on my Wii will prolly end up doing some of those anyhow
    Diet: Drink 10 glasses of water, healthy choices - same as most days ;)
    Challenges I anticipate: I slept in a little, my day is already thrown off :/ But I WILL jump back into the swing of things! Hasta luego!!

    *********************@EVERYONE - WEIGH IN WEIGHTS BY TOMORROW FOR THE SPREADSHEET PLEASE! THNX********************
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Christy Good job not letting the car break in ruin your weekend...that sounds terrible, but it is not everything, and you did not let it bring you down...praying you have a great week!
    @Renee Congrats on not having more than 1/4 of the funnel cake, I like those a bit too much and probably would have devoured it myself...great self-restraint shown!
    @Shannon Congrats on meeting your goal of 145, and glad you had a good time shopping...and now onto the next goal! Keep up the awesome work!

    Did good over the weekend with doing my half hour or more of cardio daily...
    Today's 9/6/2011 Goals:
    Food: Stay under cals
    Fitness: Get in at least 30 minutes cardio
    Challenges: My son gets his shots today, so that will make it difficult to do anything, as he gets very clingy and sad on shot days...may do some DDR at home

    Also, just adjusted my cals to lost 1/2 pound a week instead of 1, hoping that it goes well, although I gotta admit, I'm scared of seeing a gain. I don't have too much more to lose, and progress is slow, so hoping it gets going again!

    Weighing in for this week at: 130.2

    Have an amazing week all!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @ Shannon-CW 184.6; CONGRATS on reaching one of your mini goals and being able to get your rewards (hey, 145.9 or 145.0, its still 145 :wink: )
    @Jenni-Thanks! It was hard because I :heart: :heart: :heart: funnel cakes!; Good job on getting your cardio in this weekend!
    @Jackie-It's probably just water weight. Give it a couple of days and it should be gone. Remember, drink lots of water :drinker: (water of course)
    @Rachel-Congrats on not gaining. Glad you were able to enjoy your weekend and family.

    FITNESS: Strength Training including 100 mountain climbers, 20 burpees, 60 lunges, 75 crunches & 30 push ups. These different challenges Im in are going to kill me!
    DIET: 5 fruits/veggies & 104ozs of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I might be too sore to get all the strength training done
    ~FAILED AT MY GOALS TODAY. :angry: Was busy and didnt get anything done & ate a bunch of junk. I did get my water in :smile:

    FITNESS: Burn 1572 cals (last day of a 5000 cal burn challenge), Jogging/Walking Intevals & Strength Training including 100 mountain climbers, 20 burpees, 60 lunges, 75 crunches & 30 push ups. These different challenges Im in are going to kill me!
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 104ozs of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Too much to get done but I'll do what I can
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!
    Achieved my diet goals yesterday, did not exercise I got busy and did not get it in.

    Goals for today 9-7
    Diet: Eat my calories
    Exercise: Walk the dog and clean my house I had my carpets cleaned yesterday so lots of things are out of place!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day

  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Morning! I just barely stayed under my calories yesterday and as planned did not work out. However, I did lose the 3 lbs I gained over the weekend!

    Today's goals...
    Diet: Stay under my calories, 8 cups of water recorded
    Exercise: Go to kettlebell class!
    Challenges: I have an exam for work tomorrow so I know I will want to stay home and study.

    Congrats, Shannon, on reaching your mini goal!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    >>>I need your CW or what u weighed in at earlier this week to update your progress if you'd like me to :)
    Anyone else who'd still like to I can still add you to the spreadsheet, just post your CW and GW for Thanksgiving, here's a link you can copy/paste to the spreadsheet...

    @Jackie - yay, for getting the 3 lbs to go away again! Have fun at your kettlebell class, cuz u'll go ;) And good luck on the exam!
    @Rachel - good job sticking to your diet goals! And what kind of dog do you have btw? I love dogs! Haven't met one I don't like ;)
    @Renee - Yay for water! And that is an intense workout schedule - good job taking such a great challenge on! We're here to cheer for you! :D
    @Jenni - smart move trying ajdusting your calorie levels, I have no clue abt when you get that close to your GW, lol. But I really hope it works for you! And I totally hear you on the cranky vaccination days :/ It always passes, but no fun.

    Diet: Hmmmm, not so much. lol, didn't drink my water and ate out for dinner. I had only 1/3 a pc of pie and it was still 300 cals! But I AM really proud of doing my best to enter everything I ate in to MFP (they don't post their nutrition facts, so it's my best guess for most things). And I would've normally eaten a bit more than I did too. Was full, but not stuffed, and ordered an egg white omelet, multi-grain pancakes (only had one and gave other 2 to my children). And hey! the bill was much nicer this way too ;)
    Fitness: Didn't get any done. It's all good~

    Diet: Drink 10 glasses of water and stay under tday, plus sodium under 2000
    Fitness: Any cardio, 30 min. I think I'm due for running, but I have a new found passion for zumba for Wii :P
    Challenges: Cooking for my whole family (two sisters, bro, and bro-in-law again, and of course my hubby and kiddos) so...it takes some work. IDK how some of these bigger families do it, lol. But I shall overcome! And kids are tired from trip to Chuck E Cheese's that went kinda late last night, but we had fun.

    BTW - I invited my good friend, BillyJoeBob, to join us if that's ok :) (we're only hving abt 8 ppl checking in regularly now) Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • billyjoebob
    Hi! I'm excited to finds some friends on here:) Thanks for inviting me Shannon! (Shannon is my awesome cousin-in-law!)

    NAME: BillyJoeBob
    HEIGHT: 5'8
    CW: 176
    FAVORITE WORKOUTS: walking, step board, wii fit, pilates, swimming
    OTHER: (Whatever you'd like to share about yourself) I'm a stay at home mom of 4 children. (We are in the process of adopting our 2nd oldest) I love to read, and I love babies. I don't really like working out, but I've been exercising quite a bit lately and it's getting more enjoyable. I'm Christian (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I enjoy sweets way to much for my own good.

    I've scanned this thread but will have to come back and read more later on, I've got to get some little ones down for a nap now:)
  • wendyc122005
    I so suck! I am so sorry I dropped out last week. Two sick days with the oldest, storms taking out my cable (and my internet), volunteering at the oldests school, packing for vacation, and said vacation I just didn't get on. I was logging on my phone. (The mobile app really should allow you to post). Anyway, I AM SORRY!

    I did skim the posts that I missed and you all ROCK! :glasses: Everyone is doing so well!

    @Shannon - Congrats on meeting your mini goal! Need to hear about Zumba. I really think that I would enjoy the wii JD2 and Zumba, but need some reviews.

    Someone posted that they are taking yoga. I have thought about doing this for years for the relaxing effects, but not sure how it would work for me. Thoughts?

    Progress last week or so:
    As I posted previously, I logged through Thursday and met my diet goals, but exercise didn't get my attention. :frown: This seems to be a theme for me. My schedule is just crazy, but I need to figure out how to get it done. Swimming (since I don't need to leave the house and I can be getting something else ie dinner, laundry, ect while I am doing it) is really a great exercise for me. The problem, along with the time issue, is that the weather has been horrendous and has prevented me from swimming. I need to remedy this problem because it is severely slowing my loss.

    Spent 4 days at Disney. I think that I had mentioned that I intended to just enjoy myself and not log. I didn't go overboard (quantity or lots of junk), but I definitely went WAY over my calories. I also did tons of walking and sweating so ultimately I only gained 1 lb.

    I did get back on track (diet) yesterday and really thought that I would drop that 1 over night, but instead I found I am up another 3! TOM is due so I am attributing those 3 to that. Since I started losing I have typically gained 3-4 lbs about 5 days before I started so . . .

    Diet: Already logged for the day. No snacking will be my theme to jump start my diet after my vacation. I will keep this routine for at least a week to get back my good habits. :smile:
    Fitness: A little different today and I already met it. I am tired of waiting for my husband to fix my treadmill so I called to have someone come tomorrow. Yeah! If I can't swim I will walk / run starting tomorrow!!!!
    Long Term Fitness Goal: I am adding this to my list because I have decided that I am going to do a 5K in January. I have never been a runner, but I have thought about this for a while and I am committing to it now! I am so excited about this. I am thinking that I may want to try a 1/2 marathon in 2013. We shall see, but in the meantime I am going to keep my eye on my January goal!
    Challenges: TOM
  • wendyc122005
    I so suck! I am so sorry I dropped out last week. Two sick days with the oldest, storms taking out my cable (and my internet), volunteering at the oldests school, packing for vacation, and said vacation I just didn't get on. I was logging on my phone. (The mobile app really should allow you to post). Anyway, I AM SORRY!

    I did skim the posts that I missed and you all ROCK! :glasses: Everyone is doing so well!

    @Shannon - Congrats on meeting your mini goal! Need to hear about Zumba. I really think that I would enjoy the wii JD2 and Zumba, but need some reviews.

    Someone posted that they are taking yoga. I have thought about doing this for years for the relaxing effects, but not sure how it would work for me. Thoughts?

    Progress last week or so:
    As I posted previously, I logged through Thursday and met my diet goals, but exercise didn't get my attention. :frown: This seems to be a theme for me. My schedule is just crazy, but I need to figure out how to get it done. Swimming (since I don't need to leave the house and I can be getting something else ie dinner, laundry, ect while I am doing it) is really a great exercise for me. The problem, along with the time issue, is that the weather has been horrendous and has prevented me from swimming. I need to remedy this problem because it is severely slowing my loss.

    Spent 4 days at Disney. I think that I had mentioned that I intended to just enjoy myself and not log. I didn't go overboard (quantity or lots of junk), but I definitely went WAY over my calories. I also did tons of walking and sweating so ultimately I only gained 1 lb.

    I did get back on track (diet) yesterday and really thought that I would drop that 1 over night, but instead I found I am up another 3! TOM is due so I am attributing those 3 to that. Since I started losing I have typically gained 3-4 lbs about 5 days before I started so . . .

    Diet: Already logged for the day. No snacking will be my theme to jump start my diet after my vacation. I will keep this routine for at least a week to get back my good habits. :smile:
    Fitness: A little different today and I already met it. I am tired of waiting for my husband to fix my treadmill so I called to have someone come tomorrow. Yeah! If I can't swim I will walk / run starting tomorrow!!!!
    Long Term Fitness Goal: I am adding this to my list because I have decided that I am going to do a 5K in January. I have never been a runner, but I have thought about this for a while and I am committing to it now! I am so excited about this. I am thinking that I may want to try a 1/2 marathon in 2013. We shall see, but in the meantime I am going to keep my eye on my January goal!
    Challenges: TOM
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Renee Wow, that is a massive number of calories to burn, best of luck to ya!
    @Shannon I hope it is a smart idea to move to a half pound loss a week, it's an experiment so we'll see how it goes and adjust as necessary. Good luck with that cooking, that is a lot of people! I feel like I cook a lot when I have to cook for 4 if we have another couple over...sure you'll do great and be a Blessing!
    @Wendy Glad you are going to be working on running...it is my favorite workout, so relaxing for me, really hope you enjoy it. I am hoping to do my first half marathon next year, but I've been a runner for a long time, just deciding to push myself. A 5k by January should be doable, let me know if you have any questions, and keep us updated on how the training is going!

    Yesterday...I actually got some cardio in and stayed under cals, by a lot, switching to a half pound loss a week means I have to learn to eat more and that's hard after getting used to not eating as much...I'm sure I'll get used to it.

    Goals for 9/7/2011:
    Food: Stay within cals, eat some greens!
    Fitness: 60 minutes of cardio minimum! Got some done during lunch, but determined to fit some in tonight after church!
    Challenges: Church can seem like a good excuse to not workout...
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Spreadsheet link:
    Let me know if this link works, I'm hving trouble getting a link for it.
    ****************I'm missing a lot of ppls weigh-ins for the spreadsheet. It's up to you if you want to track. And for anyone who didn't give me a weight last wk, you can still start now :) It's nice I think bc we have our CW and GW for Thanksgiving and it shows %done towards your goal*************************************

    @Jenni - lol, have fun trying to eat more ;) What kind of cardio do you do btw? Mostly running??
    @Wendy - missed you! but life does sound kinda crazy busy, so don't feel badly! Yay for hopefully a solution for your treadmill! And that's pretty good just 1 lb!! Plus I kinda look forward to TOM a little, haha, bc I know by the end I'll see some huge drop, which is always welcome! :) So, my reviews, hmmm, I love LOVE JD2 - it has such a great variety of songs, everything from "Wake Me up Before You Go Go" to Britney to Jackson 5 to some song from India :P And it's esp great to play w/friends and family. It's helped me get my workout in for the day several times when I don't get to it til later in the day/eveining. And Zumba, I like it pretty good, but am not the most coordinated and find it more technically challenging...I really seem to lack hip coordination too, lol. But it has given my legs a great workout, esp my calves *shrug* I looked up videos of the game on YouTube and you could do the same w/JD2 to see if it's your cup of tea :D
    @Billy - Hi!

    Fitness: Did about 20 min JD2 and 40 min Zumba - so check for my 30 min cardio goal.
    Diet: Did well overall, still need more protein, hmph, I don't like meat a lot and I never come close. I've considered being vegetarian before even, for various reasons. But for now I'm not, just keep falling short here. :ohwell: I'm finishing my 10 glasses of water now.
    Challenges: Was a busy day, put the grocery shopping off til tmorrow and just went w/pasta for the dinner for 8. And my sis brought me cookies, I was grateful, but now am practicing some restriction! Only had 2 :)

    Fitness: Run 2 miles, easy moderate pace
    Diet: Drink 10 glasses of water
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good morning

    @shannon I stayed exactly the same this week on my weight sorry I did not get on after I posted yesterday morning

    Goals for today: 9-8
    Diet: log everything I got out of the habit while I was on vacation so I need to get back to it because I know I am not at a place where I can eat the right amount of calories so I really need to be posting them
    Exercise: I fell the day before yesterday so I am very sore and I think I may have pulled something in my foot so I am going to rest it today.

    Have a wonderful day

  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Rachel - thanks for the weight check-in. And does the link work for you, just curious? And I hope your foot heals quickly for you!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I disappeared again due to being in the middle of nowhere on my vacation, but I am back again for good. I enjoyed a great trip with family to Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, etc. I will have to re-weigh myself. I got a lot of exercise on vacation, but I think I splurged too much on food. I'm back to be "back in the saddle again," as they say.
    My last goal was to get enough sleep. I was able to do that some nights while on vacation. My diet goal was 3 veggies & 2 fruits. I was able to accomplish this most days.
    Thursday's goal
    Fitness: 60 mnts walking
    Diet: stay within calorie goals
    Challenges: I haven't been food shopping yet after vacation.
  • PoppyinBoulder
    Hi all.

    Activity goal: Walked 80 minutes. Do one other thing today, maybe the gym.
    Food goal: Stay under calories. No candy!!!!!!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Was busy yesterday and Didnt get anything done on my goals list :grumble:
    Well, its a new day so here are my goals:

    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @shannon - you're really making me want a wii! also, will post my weight if i remember =) i can't access google docs at work
    @billyjoebob - welcome!
    @wendy - I was thinking that I really want to train for a 5k and you've totally inspired me, maybe try couch 2 5k if you're not a runner? I'm working on making mixes for the weeks that time how long to run then changes songs so I will send it to you when i'm done

    Made it to kettlebell class and ROCKED it! I almost fell there was so much sweat on the floor =). It was also POURING rain and my gym is a 4 block walk but I didn't let that stop me. I forgot to record my cals during the first half of class but during the second 30 min (which was not as intense) I burned 511. I left the entry as 800 total to be conservative. Also met my water goal (prob over since I don't record water after the gym) and stayed under my cals.

    Thursday goals
    Exercise: Seeing my trainer again. Of course his gym is on the 5th floor of walkup building. Tonight I'm going to give it my all again - I want to try to walk home if it's not raining (I live about 20 blocks from the gym so that's a mile). I'm also going to continue to tell him when exercises hurt my lower back so I don't get a real injury.
    Diet: Stay under cals, lots more water...need to get in 6 cups before the gym because I get so thirsty there, then I chug, then I feel sick.
  • wendyc122005
    Was waaaay under my calorie yesterday. Stuff got me crazy busy and by the time I stopped to put kids to bed it was too late to eat dinner. This sometimes happens when the family wants something that I am not eating. I cook for them and get busy doing something else . . . it doesn't take long fo time to get away from me and I don't eat. I need to be more careful about doing that.

    My treadmill guy cancelled on me and the next time I can meet him is next Thursday - UGH! However, I just reserved Just Dance 2 at Redbox so I am going to give it a try!

    @Rachel - I am logging all my food at the beginning of the day and I have this kind of rule that I don't deviate from it. This also makes sure that at the end of the day I have no surprises. I have had days I thought what I was eating was within my goals and when I added my last meal I had gone over.

    @Shannon - thanks for the reviews! Trying JD2 today!

    @Jackie - I really going to shoot for the 5k. If I don't think I will be ready by the end of November I will just push it out to ebruary. Now that I have decided to do go for it I can't wait!

    Everyone - I think we should all sign our posts. I can't seem to remember names so I have to open a new window and check out the first page of our thread.

    Diet: My goal has more to do with tomorrow than today. After day 3 of eating tuna in a pouch for lunch I really need to take the time to make myself something for lunch. There is something to be said for convenience, but I definitely need some variety added tomorrow.
    Fitness: I am looking forward to trying my JD2 rental. It should be a good time for me and the family.
    Challenge: Son has 2 tests tomorrow and a project that he needs to finish to turn in tomorrow.

    Have a great day!
  • billyjoebob
    DAILY GOALS: Today has been a crazy day, but I'm determined to exercise even if I can't get to it until tonight.
    FITNESS: See above
    DIET: Today hasn't been so bad food wise. I'm tall and nursing so I can eat a decent amount of calories per day and still lose weight, as long as I pick the right foods. It's funny, before I found this website I wanted to wean my baby because I was having a hard time losing weight without being able to "diet" ( I wasn't going to, just wanted to) but now I'm so glad I do nurse her because I can eat more food:)

    I'm excited to get to know you all!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Billy Welcome, we're glad you're here and we get to know you! And yes, nursing is so great, it really helped me with my weight loss. I just recently weaned my son, he turns 7 months next week.
    @Shannon My cardio is mostly running, I like to incorporate stairs, and I am starting to incorporate DDR. I really want to try Zumba, have heard it's a blast.
    @Lana Welcome back!
    @Jackie Glad you rocked it at Kettleball, and good luck with the trainer today!
    YESTERDAY: Goals for 9/7/2011:
    Food: Stay within cals, eat some greens!
    Fitness: 60 minutes of cardio minimum! Got some done during lunch, but determined to fit some in tonight after church!
    Challenges: Church can seem like a good excuse to not workout...
    Did my cardio and ate some greens, although probably should have had more of those.

    Today 9/8/2011:
    Fitness: 45 minutes of Cardio
    Food: Stay under cals, drinks lots of water
    Challenges: Next few days will be busy, just want to take a day of rest!