DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • wendyc122005
    Weighed in the AM even though I wanted to wait until the end of the week since it is TOM. Yesterday my new pants were falling off so I knew I had lost. Anyway scale showed just 1 lb, but my typical water retained during TOM is 4-5 lbs so I am anticipating that my loss since last weigh-in was 5-6. But even if is only 1 lb I will take it. It is in the right direction!

    I did great on my diet. Not even a nibble of the party fare. :) As we all know the diet is not my problem attaining it is fitting in the execise. Enjoyed JD2 on Friday and a little on Saturday, but my busy schedule was even busier this weekend so I didn't get anything else in.

    Diet: Need to get to the store . . . my pantry is full . . . of stuff I am not eating!!!!
    Exercise: This week we have a forecast of lots of sun and little chance of rain. I should be able to swim YEAH!
    Challenge: I can't remember the last time I was this tired. I really need to get some good sleep in tonight and tomorrow to get my energy up.

    Happy Monday Everyone!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @billyjoebob - I'm sorry to hear you're sick. It sounds like you are doing a good job taking it easy.
    @tryingeveryday - I hope you're foot feels better!!
    @loveme445 - I like your goals!! I think I might borrow those!!
    @jennifergayfield - Hang in there, and you'll be o.k. I've gained some weight back and have had a few bad days. However, in the long run, what is important is that we get back on that horse!! I hope this upcoming week goes much better!!
    @wendyc - Congrats on getting your diet in! That is esp hard during parties!!
    As for me, I did o.k. yesterday.
    yesterday's goal
    fitness: 60 minute walk (did)
    diet: 2 1/2 veggies, 2 fruit (I was close-- 1 1/2 veggies and 3 fruits)

    today's goal (Monday)
    Fitness: 60 minute walk
    diet: 5 fruits/veggies, 10 cups water
    challenge: I started off the day with a donut b/c I forgot my breakfast :-(
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @billyjoebob - it takes some getting used to the chest strap but once you find the spot it's not bad

    this weekend didn't go that well - i went to two hour long spin classes which was great but i ate a TON and lots of salty food - sunday morning i was up 6 pounds! then i realized almost everything i bought at trader joe's was very high in sodium. i really need to throw out the rice i bought from them which is 50% of daily sodium in 1 serving! i hate wasting food but i think i'll be more upset if i eat it. to top it off, i ate 2,000mg of sodium at lunch just in a turkey sandwich. i'm finding this hard to balance!

    goals for today...
    diet - drink 10 glasses of water and low sodium dinner
    exercise - go to spin class!
    challenges - i've been to spin the past 2 days and want a day off, i haven't had any water since this AM and have been drinking coffee

    will try to comment more later, in training for work all week so it's a little tough
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @ Jenni-Thanks! Today was a good day :smile:
    @ Lana-Sure, feel free...I love to get ideas from other members so Im delighted that Im able to help someone else :smile:

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals
    ~Did about 4.5 miles of walking in the morning. Hubby came home early from work and I was able to do 6.5 miles of Jogging/Walking Intervals this evening. Felt great but Im exhausted!
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water
    ~Done! Had 15 cups of H20
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Getting back into the groove of things after struggling this week~Done!

    FITNESS: Strength Training & 5 miles of exercise
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Renne - Wow! over 10 miles~WTG you! And 15 cups of water, that's a world record! haha, your on fire ;)
    @Jackie - if you buy your sandwich meat - Hillshire Farms has a low sodium Turkey. But, yeah, sodium is annoying :P
    @Lana - very close! I think it's great that you focus on always getting your fruits and veggies in, btw, good job!
    @Wendy - another JD2 fan! glad you like it:D And in a few days I know someone who will be doing their happy dance ;) haha, you def lost more than a lb, wtg!
    @Jenni - We're here for you! If you're really getting frustrated maybe sched a day off here and there where you log, but allow yourself to go up to 500 cals over/maintain. This helps me, so just a suggestion. And know that your learning how to be healthy after a lifetime of unhealthy habits, it takes time *hugs*
    @Rachel - glad your foot is healing some - hope your walk goes well for you! Way to hang in there :)
    @Billy - hope your feeling better!! (call me)

    Sorry I was MIA, been busy w/my kids. So, I did ok this weekend, took Sunday off from eating under cals, but still ended up logging so that I didn't go too crazy ;P And I noticed if i eat sweets it's pretty hard to stop when I'm tired, so going to work on getting some sleep and mostly staying away from them! I esp crave them when I'm tired...which is always, lol.

    Diet: Stay under sodium, drink 9 glasses
    Fitness: Run 1-2 miles, play some JD2
    Challenges: Tired, need to get to sleep but my sweetie is studying til midnight at the lib. :( So, idk, i like to wait up for him, but might not tonight.
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Everything went well yesterday I did have a slip up at bible study last night I had some chips and dip and two small cookies I should not have but I did I will have to keep my self in check next week.

    Todays Goals 9-13
    Food: already logged it today and going to stick to it
    Exercise: Walk and ride bike!
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @loveme - wow, 11 miles! Way to go!
    @shannon - i still log even when I know im going over too, it's some accountability to not go crazy

    Diet - def had enough water, although i didn't log it all
    Exercise - didn't get to the gym but I did walk to the grocery store and cook. got out of work late and decided just to relax

    Diet - stay under sodium and cals, work on eating more clean during the day, also WATER
    Exercise - get to a total body conditioning class or for a run before therapy
    Challenges - procrastination and my body has been craving crap food

    Trying not to be discouraged today - still up 5lbs from water this past weekend and bought a new digital scale which says i'm 3lbs even higher for a total of 9 lbs above where i was last week.
  • wendyc122005
    Morning all! Wanted to check in, but today is crazy busy so I am not really able to get to personals. Sorry!!!!

    Missed dinner for the 2nd time in a week. This is not good. When I realized it was getting late I just ate some low sodium Boar's Head Chicken and some almonds. Added some cals and protein. Still no extra sleep and it caught up with me. I apparently shut off the alarm and went back to sleep. Woke up 40 minutes late.

    Diet: Already logged. Have a busy, busy night ahead, but I am going to get a Mickey D's salad and I brought my own dressing so I won't miss dinner again.
    Exercise: I am going to try to just go for a walk instead of just eating at my desk today. Otherwise with tonights schedule there is no way.
    Challenges: Tonight I have to pick up Nathan from school, get him dinner, and drop him off at religious ed at 5:45. This is about 40 minutes South of my office. Turn around an drive the 40 minutes back to go to open house and PTO meeting at school. Finish up at the school and turn around for the 40 minutes back to pick up the kid (who has been picked by a friend) by 8:45. Minimum homework to complete with Nathan reading and log. I can work on spelling, math minute, and vocab words in the car (Thank You God!). Oh, and somewhere in there I need to pick up the 2 year old and take her to Dad on my way back to school since he can't pick her up on time. Whew . . . I am tired already.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @wendyc122005 - It sounds like you have a really busy schedule!! Good job getting ready for a dinner tonight!
    Yesterday’s (Monday) goal:
    Fitness: 60 minutes walk (no, but I got in 30 minutes of yoga/pilates)
    Diet: 5 fruits/veggies (not quite, but I got in about 4)

    Today’s (Tuesday) goal:
    Fitness: 60 minutes exercise
    Diet: 5 fruits/veggies
    Challenge: Everybody is getting colds around me, so I’m hoping to stay healthy. I’m planning on getting enough sleep, and eating healthy foods!!

    My weight is fluctuating a lot day to day (about a pound each day). So, I’m not sure what to use as my weigh-in. I might wait and see what it says tomorrow or just stick with yesterday’s weight.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Shannon-Sounds like we have the same problem. Im an emotional eater and when Im tired I snack on everything in sight.
    @Rachel-Remember, its ok to have some things in moderation
    @Jackie-Everyone needs a rest day. I know you are frustrated with the weight but keep drinking that water and hopefully it goes away soon. Good job walking to the store!
    @Wendy-WOW, that is one crazy day. Hats off to you..
    @Lana-Hope your plan works and you don’t get sick. Good Job getting your fruits/veggies in

    FITNESS: Strength Training & 5 miles of exercise
    ~Completed ST & Walked 6.67 miles
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water~Done!

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals & 15 mins of Stretching
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I have a difficult with making sure I stretch after my workouts. I know its important but I just skip it most of the time
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Daily Goals for 9-14
    Food: Stay under calories
    Exercise: ???? I have an inspection on the apartment today and I am not sure when they will come so I don't know when I will be able to get out and do my walk. But it is beautiful here so I really want to get out there!

    @Shannon my weight for this week is 361.8
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Sorry for not checking in yesterday, had a very busy workday...anyhow, got a good 2 mile run in and 30 minutes of stairs, so good fitness day, and I also resisted eating simply because I had calories left over, proud of myself for that.
    Today, 9/14/11 Goals:
    Fitness: 60 minutes in, at least 30 cardio, 20 strength training, other 10 can be whatever
    Food: Having fajitas tonight for dinner, so staying in control and not eating a dozen tortillas. Stay within calories!
    Challenges: I do love tortillas...so self-control is definitely an issue...
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @loveme445 – congrats on the fruits, veggies, and water!! Great job!
    @tryingeveryday – good luck on the walking!
    @jennifergayfield – great exercise!! Yeah, I love tortillas, too!!
    Yesterday’s (Tuesday) goals:
    Fitness: got in over 60 mnts!!
    Diet: I pretty much reached my goal of 5 veggies/fruits

    Today’s goals (Wednesday):
    Fitness: over 60 mnts exercise
    Diet: 5 fruits & veggies
    Challenges: Still just working on staying healthy.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @everyone- I don't know if I can check in here everyday like I want to and had planned on :/ I love reading abt everyone's goals and want to be supportive daily, but my husband is ALWAYS studying now and quite frankly I feel like a lot of my workload and time I need to spend with my kids has doubled. So, I'll be sporatic, but for those of you who are finding checking in daily still helpful, please do! I will check a few times a week as I find time.

    My goals for the next few days are:
    Diet: Stay under on sodium, and eat more clean
    Fitness: Keep running! (I've gotten into the swing of things and am addicted again, lol)

    Challenges I anticipate: Time, but above anything else, energy! Which I've noticed after my runs it picks up ;) And I like that then I can eat more, so that helps. Also w/my diet I need to stay away from the ranch and high sodium choices for veggies. Grrr, not so easy for me.
    @Lana - Your doing great w/your walks every day! keep it up!!
    @Jenni - That's great that you've hit that point when u realize you don't eat just bc there are cals left, listening to your hunger is great!
    @Rachel - great job w/your weight loss so far! It's working :D
    @Renee - I'm not alone! That's why I gained so much both pregnancies too I think, bc I ate to get energy (I am always tired when pregnant) lol, just remembering it makes me tired. lol

    And btw - i still don't if ppl are able to pull up the chart, and if you want to use it, post your weight so I can add your CW :) Thnx
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Shannon-CW 187.6 :grumble: last week was horrible and this is the consequence....I was able to pull up the chart

    FITNESS: Jogging/Walking Intervals & 15 mins of Stretching
    ~No, but I did walk today
    DIET: Stay under cals, 5 fruits/veggies & 12 cups of water
    ~Only got my water in today

    FITNESS: Strength Training & 15 mins of Stretching
    DIET: Stay under cals & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I have a difficult with making sure I stretch after my workouts. I know its important but I just skip it most of the time
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Yesterday did ok with my calories I ate too many biscuts at dinner I had 3 they were soo good but put me over on sodium and the butter I used put me over on fat for the day. I had a great dinner of steak and veggies but those biscuts got me. I am disappointed in myself but I am not going to get down today is a new day and I am still alive so I will try again!

    Goals for today 9-15
    Diet: stay under cals
    Exercise: walk
    Challenges: I am feeling down lately I don't know what it is all about but I am very discouraged. I know I lost this week but then I get on the scale the next day and it is almost 3 lbs higher I just don't know what to trust. I am feeling like I am never going to be able to really lose this weight and the reason I want to is so important and I feel like I am losing time. I don't know if I told you all but the reason I need to lose this weight besides my life is I want to have a baby I can't get pregnant and we have been married for almost 5 years and we are both having baby fever!!!

    Ok enough pity party sorry everyone!!

    @shannon I can see the chart I forgot I did not tell you I could view it.
  • wendyc122005
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Made it through the CRAZINESS of Tuesday! Ended up missing my planned dinner just because of time, but even though it was later than I ever eat I did eat a small dinner of protein only.

    I stayed home from work and did a deep clean of most of the house ceiling to floor and in-between. Opened the fridge and my husband have left a little bit of fried rice. Two big spoonfuls before I stopped myself. It has been forever since I have eaten rice and it was just calling to me. Oh well move on. Other than that I had a great day.

    Diet: Running out of healthy food at the house and I have a FULL pantry of stuff I can't eat so I need a trip to Sam's!
    Exercise: Treadmill guy coming in T minus 1:24! Yeah!
    Challenge: Test day again for Nathan tomorrow and final prep takes me a lot of time on Thursday night; however, just bought a new book on Kindle that I have been wanting and I love to read on the treadmill so I can't wait.

    @Shannon - Totally understand. Being a Mom comes first to all things in my book. It is great that you are so supportive of your husband.

    @Jackie - You have been putting so much into your exercise routine and I have no doubt you have gained muscle. Don't forget muscle weighs more than fat so the scale isn't your best indicator of what you have accomplished. Measurements and how your clothes fit would be more accurate. You are doing great. Don't let that number discourage you!

    @Jennifer (and the rest of you tortilla lovers) - Look for low carb tortilla shells. I think that they taste better than the others. I also use non-fat greek yogurt in lieu of sour cream. It tastes better and more like the real thing than light or ff sour cream.

    @Rachel - 1. Note my comments to Jackie about the scale. 2. Remember that the process of losing weight is not a quick one. I know that we all want it to be, but we have to remember that the road to unhealthy eating and lifestyle didn't happen overnight and it won't come off that way either. I know it is tough when you can see where you want to be and want you want to accomplish. ((HUGS)) 3. I have sent you a friend request and I would like to view your food diary if you don't mind. I can honestly say that I want to help you. If you are willing we can work together. 4. I think it is wonderful that you want to have a baby and get healthy before you do. It is so much better for you and your baby that way. I also understand the problems that you are having getting pg are heartbreaking. Took us 13 months to get pg with our first. Although I never said it out loud nor did my dr, my periods were irregular due to my weight and stress of trying. So I have been there. Know this, if you want it you will do it!!!! 5. Are you weighing everyday? Lastly . . . Chin up! It is a new day!

  • jenniferjgayfield
    @Wendy Thanks for the low carb tortilla shell idea, I'll be on the lookout for it. Also, think it's awesome that you read on the treadmill!
    @Rachel BISCUITS...sounds yummy...I am sure I would've given in too. Also want to send you virtual hugs! Also, just a thought, remember to practice stress management as you try to get pregnant. I have had a few friends who had fertility issues who were able to conceive after taking a stress management class. Congrats on trying to get healthy for your family!
    @Shannon Family first, thank you for getting this group together and for doing the chart, it's great! We'll be here, you take care of your family and post when you can!
    Yesterday 9/14/11 Goals:
    Fitness: 60 minutes in, at least 30 cardio, 20 strength training, other 10 can be whatever
    Food: Having fajitas tonight for dinner, so staying in control and not eating a dozen tortillas. Stay within calories!
    Did my exercise, and was controlled with the fajitas, only had 1.5 tortillas, most controlled I've ever been!

    Today 9/15/2011 Goals:
    Fitness: 30 minutes cardio
    Food: Stay under on sodium...
    Challenges: Didn't bring lunch and have wheat thins in the office, as well as some fruit, so hoping I don't overdo it on wheat thins!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Shannon - I know what it's like to have a busy schedule. Great job taking care of your family!! For me, I just try to be on here when possible. That's great that you are into running!! I hope to gradually get back to it. We were doing it for awhile, and then I got new shoes..and whatever other excuses I have. I always enjoy it once I get going!!
    @tryingeveryday - I feel your frustration. I feel like my weight loss is very slow, and it is often yo-yo-ing.
    @Wendy - great positive words!! I'm thinking maybe I need a Kindle for Christmas!!

    Yesterday (Wednesday)
    Not the best day. I didn't eat between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., and ate dinner around 8:30 p.m. Then, I ate snacks after bed. I'm sure that I was hungry later because I missed earlier meals. I missed my fruit/veggie count. However, I did get in a great walk down to the Rio Grande (which is in my neighborhood).
    My CW is back down to 158.6.

    Today's goal (Thursday):
    Fitness: at least 60 minute walk
    Diet: eat regular meals and eat it all before bedtime!!!
    Challenges: just my own mind. Things will be settled here until I start back at classes in a month. Then, I will be super, crazy busy.
  • wendyc122005
    You're not going to believe it, but the treadmill guy cancelled! Giving him one more chance to make it on Saturday and if he misses I will get someone else. So frustrating!

    Biscuits . . . have you seen the Simply Biscuits by Pillsbury. A good alternative to the yummy Grands biscuits.