DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hey all! I know I didn't check in at all this weekend - I kind of "checked out" and just decided to enjoy myself with this hurricane. I was stuck in my apt with my boyfriend. Managed to get to the gym on Saturday but def ate like crap both days (but mostly homemade crap at least).

    Exercise: Tonight is my last kettlebell class with my trainer before she moves to CA. I'm going to give it my all!
    Diet: Get back on track with the food - portions and healthy choices. Also, 5 cups of water before 6:30 PM.
    Challenges: My boyfriend left 2 bags of Kit Kats and a Salami in my fridge. Thanks.

    I'm up 1-2 lbs after the weekend but I suppose I should accept that.

    Btw, random question - I made a low cal turkey baked ziti last night and left it out for like 9 hours...still ok if I throw it in the fridge?
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @Trying - Have you thought about increasing your cals a bit if you're working out? 1200 is pretty low.
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    @Trying - Have you thought about increasing your cals a bit if you're working out? 1200 is pretty low.

    Well I must confess....1200 is an increase last week I was not eating my exercise cals back so I was only at about 850 which I did not realize was not good!! So this weekend I started increasing my cals and lost that 1.6 from friday to today so I am going to try it out right here for now and see how it goes this week! Thanks for the adivce though I am so glad to know what I should be doing or what might help as I have never really tried to lose weight before!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: Walk 6 miles
    ~Walked 3.84
    ~Not at all

    FITNESS: 4 miles Jogging/Walking Intervals
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS, 12 cups of water & 5 fruits/veggies
  • wendyc122005
    I didn't post all weekend. I still logged, but my weekends are so incredibly busy I just didn't get on. To be honest that is pretty typical for me.

    Anyway, diet for the weekend went well. Stayed on track, but a few more cals than I would like on Sunday. This was because I didn't log my dinner until AFTER I had eaten it and I didn't do a very good job at estimating before. It surely wasn't a blow out. Just a 100 or so over, but it will remind me that logging for the day is important BEFORE I eat.

    Exercise was pretty much non-existent on Sat and Sun. Although on Saturday I was shopping. In and out of stores with 2 kids and it is HOT, HOT, HOT so I did get some passive excercise. Yesterday we had some friends over at the last minute from church so my designated exercise time was torpedoed. Getting back on the program today. I was inspired on my shopping trip. When I started I was on the tight end of 20W and this weekend I bought 2 pairs of shorts and a pair of pants that were size 12. It is the most amazing feeling for me!

    @Jackie - BAD BOYFRIEND! :) With two kiddos and a husband we often have "treats" in my house. When I started I would just keep my favorites out of the house. Now it isn't tough to stay away at all.

    @Rachel - You are doing great! I am totally with Shannon. What your neighbors thinking isn't important. It is what you think of yourself and YOU SHOULD BE PROUD!

    Daily Goals:
    Diet: The lunch I brought is within my goals (already logged my meals), but it is a pretty large portion so I am going to work to control myself and stop when I am content and not just eat it because I can.
    Exercise: JUST DO IT!
    Challenge: Just picked up the kid from school with a fever. Ugh!
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @Wendy - you should log that cleaning and shopping time! it counts - i don't know about you but i totally break a sweat when i clean my apartment and i live in a studio! oh, and my bf is the WORST when it comes to food. he won't eat whole wheat anything and complains when i make things with the word "healthy" in it. he's awful about veggies too! he also left a box of fudge in my freezer...grrrrrr
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Don't have much time tday - crazy busy, long story for later. nehooo, did pretty good this weekend, and I've decided on Sundays to eat maintenance calories. Idk if it'll keep me losing steadily, so we'll see :)
    BTW everyone - w/weekends, it's totally up to you if you want to check in - well, any day for that matter. If you think it'll help then do it :) But it's up to you, so don't feel bad if you only check in on weekdays or whatever ;)
    @Jackie - enjoy your last workout w/your trainer/friend!
    p.s. everyone - i do want to make a speadsheet on googledocs - so will get to that hopefully in the next week - so we can see our progress for our thanksgiving goal weights :D

    Fitness: Run/Jog 2 miles on treadmill
    Diet: Drink 10 glasses of water
    Challenges I anticipate: I can be really hard on myself/too competitive - today I just want to go at a good steady pace. And I keep on falling just shy of my water goals, so get to 8 before dinner.
  • PoppyinBoulder
    Good news: I lost 4 pounds
    Bad news: I just barely kept from gaining it back on the weekend.

    However, I did keep it off!!! I think I'm going to start weighing on Saturdays and Mondays. I seem to do great during the work week, good routine, good exercise, better eating habits, but it just goes away over the weekend. I am getting better. At least I posted everything I ate over the weekend and only went over by 100 calories on Sunday, but it was more like 500 over on Saturday. AND, it was CRAP/SUGAR/CANDY that did it. When will I learn?

    Exercise Goal: Walked 90 minutes this am, so that's done.
    Diet Goal: Stick to the plan, Drink at least 8 glasses of water.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Sorry for not checking in this weekend, my internet went down with storms in the area...Anyways, I started getting sick last night and awoke really sick this morning, high fever, really bad throat pain, aches all over, so my goals will show this as I try to just make it through. Weighed in at 130.8 this morning, so looking to get under 130, it's close but seems quite far! Everybody is doing good, and yes, weekends are easy to get off track. On Saturday I ate pizza and was surprised I barely went over on calories, getting better at portion control.
    Goals for Monday 8/29/11
    Fitness: Make it through the day...want to get in bed by 10 and let hubby take the baby...
    Food: Eat at least 1200 calories, and make them healthy...everything hurts going down right now, and I just want to eat whatever is easy, but I want to make the effort to eat healthy and give my body strength.
    Here's to a good week all!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    OK, so I'm working on making the googledoc spreadsheet for us to all track our progress til Thanksgiving! So, I was thinking we can weigh in on Wednesdays, and if you personally weigh a different day of the week then post results from your most recent weigh-in. So, to start I will need everyone to post their weigh-in/progress by this Wednesday, and I can enter it into the chart. I will then put a link to it on here. Thanks ladies!

    @Jenni - feel better! And I would suggest eat foods that are good for sick ppl -you know soups, bananas, rice, etc - don't worry about eating like you should when your body is healthy ;) Take it easy and hope you get better soon!
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    I guess I don't feel too bad for not checking in all weekend since a number of us were off the grid with the storm. But we're back and that's what matters.

    I made plans yesterday with a coworker/friend to start going to a yoga/strength training place next week. We both bought Groupon things to the place and haven't used them yet and we live an equal distance from it so that makes for a good job to/from the workout. It'll be nice to have the partner.

    So in preparation, I had my first really intense workout in awhile by busting back out my Insanity DVDs. Whoof.

    Exercise: I'm posting at night so today's goal was to get back into Insanity for awhile and I made it through most of the workout before caving and taking a shower to start laundry and dinner...
    Diet: I'm over on fat today because of eating both eggs and making guacamole. Delicious avocados! I'm ok going over on fat if that prevents me from going over on carbs and that's exactly what happened so yay!
    Challenges: The boyfriend's home now and I'm making myself a big salad and then a semi-healthy dinner for him. The challenge isn't cooking for him--it's avoiding beer this evening while relaxing. I shall overcome.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Wendy-good job staying with your cals (100 cals is great for a weekend) Hope your child feels better!

    @Poppy-Great Loss! I also struggle over the weekend. It’s a lifestyle change and we just have to keep working on it.

    @ Jenni-Hope you feel better!

    @Shannon-My SW last week was 187. I weighed in this morning @ 186.6 (blame it on the weekend)

    @Christy-Enjoy Insanity! It is a great workout. I started it on Memorial Day but only made it through the 1st month because I had a lot going on over the summer. I plan on trying it again when I get closer to my goal weight.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: 4 miles Jogging/Walking Intervals
    ~Did 5.12 miles
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS, 12 cups of water & 5 fruits/veggies
    ~Done, FINALLY!

    FITNESS: 4 miles of exercise, Strength Training & Do Stairs Exercise (any kind)
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS, 12 cups of water & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Not sure how Im going to get the Stairs in during the day with my son. So, I might have to force myself to go to the gym
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Results from Monday...
    Exercise: Tonight is my last kettlebell class with my trainer before she moves to CA. I'm going to give it my all!
    -ok, so like 90% effort but walked home from work...
    Diet: Get back on track with the food - portions and healthy choices. Also, 5 cups of water before 6:30 PM.
    -did just OK with food - ate a healthy portion for dinner and resisted candy at night but had 2 fun size treats at work
    Challenges: My boyfriend left 2 bags of Kit Kats and a Salami in my fridge. Thanks.

    Last night was really tough emotionally. My trainer has made such a difference in my life, it was so hard to say goodbye to her - I definitely cried. Part of me is so worried that I won't be able to continue this on my own, but I am going to try.

    Goals for today...
    Exercise: Get in some form of it - either walk for 30-60 minutes or get to the gym
    Diet: Try to resist sweets and go easy on beer/food tonight at my friend's BBQ
    Challenges: My friends really like to drink and it's ToM

    @Christy - how do you like Insanity? I'm thinking of getting a DVD for when I don't want the gym.
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    My goals yesterday were all met I finally hit 1200 cals exactly so I am so excited about that I am just trying it out to see if I lose eating that much if not I will up it next week I feel like I am in a trial and error phase!

    Jenni-I hope you are feeling better today!

    Jackie- Sorry about your trainer I know that must have been so hard. I know you can do this on your own she equipped you to do it!

    Loveme-Great Job meeting your goals and exceeding your fitness!

    Poppy-Congrats on the loss that is awesome!

    Wendy-Good job over the weekend I am not great on the weekend so congrats on only 100 over not bad in my book!!

    Christy-I am so happy for you to have found someone to partner with that would be so great!

    Shannon-I weighed in at 364 on Monday I usually weigh in on Monday so I will just post then if that is ok!

    Goals for today 8-30
    Diet get 1200 cals
    Exercise walk 20 mins with dog bike 10 mins already walked I walk very early so that is done most days before I even check in on here!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    grrrr - just lost my whole post so here goes again...

    @Jackie - You are stronger than you give yourself credit I think. You can do this, plus you definitely are not alone bc we are all here for you! *hugs* And TOM is never fun :/ I find it helps if I just hold off from having whatever for a bit, and then have a little...then pop some minty gum. (It helps me) And have fun at your friends bbq!
    @Renee - Wow! Great job w/your diet, cals, water and fruit/veggies! Amazin'!! And I am very curious how do you fit in a 4 mile - often 5- run w/your little ones?? do share!
    @Christy - Glad you found a good workout partner, that's great! And I haven't tried the Insanity DVDs, but they sound intense! Hope the rest of your night went well for you.
    @Rachel - Yay for meeting all of your goals again! You're doing super! If you're not feeling hungry on 1200 that's great, but if you are, don't hesitate to up them a little. Just be sure to listen to your body. P.S. I reallly admire how you get up so early every day - way to seize the day!

    Fitness: Ran 2 miles at a steady pace, good workout. And I played JustDance2 w/family too.
    Diet: Drank 10 glasses of water. I've noticed I feel healthier when I do this too ;)

    Fitness: JD2 for 30 min w/jumping rup between songs... or run 2.5 miles, whichever I'm in the mood for.
    Diet: No eating after 8:45 pm, and drink 10 glasses of water
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Goals for Monday 8/29/11
    Fitness: Make it through the day...want to get in bed by 10 and let hubby take the baby...
    Food: Eat at least 1200 calories, and make them healthy...everything hurts going down right now, and I just want to eat whatever is easy, but I want to make the effort to eat healthy and give my body strength.
    So I took a long nap after work and then woke up around 10 and couldn't get back to sleep. Thinking of taking Nyquil or something to help me sleep through the night. I tried to just eat what I could, had some soup and ate some veggies, but really didn't have an appetite, just ate because I need to keep my strength up. Feeling slightly better today, but still a bit blah...

    @Renee Great job exceeding your fitness goals, you are seriously an inspiration! Also, thanks for the well wishes.
    @Jackie You can do it on your own, and yes, you do have us as a support system. It may be hard without your trainer, but see it as a challenge to step up, get even stronger!
    @Shannon & Rachel I'm trying to get better, it is just so hard, and I don't like calling into work because of my patients, so that makes it difficult to get rest. God is giving me strength, and I will try and get rest to see if I can be back up and running by the weekend.
    Today Tuesday 8/30/2011 Goals
    Fitness: Not happening, just get a short walk in during lunch, mostly to get energized. Actually get to sleep at least 8 hours, hopefully more.
    Food: Don't go for sweets or comfort foods. Being sick I just want to grab the pack of cookies and sit and eat, but I know that isn't good for me and it will hinder my progress.
    Challenges: My husband spoils me and will offer me cookies and sweets because he knows they can act as pick-me-uppers, so it can be difficult to stay away from it all.

  • PoppyinBoulder
    My cats woke me up an hour early this am, so I got a 2-hour walk in. I love being out before sunrise/during sunrise - get a real feel for the day beginning.

    Exercise Goal for the day - done
    Diet Goal for the day - be well below my calories and drink more water

    My feet felt like I was retaining water this morning when I walked.

    Hope eveyone has a good Tuesday.
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    @swillis: Insanity is definitely intense but it's worth it even if you can't keep up and need more breaks. It's a lot of fun in the end and you feel like a goddess when you fight through the end.

    Yesterday: I changed up my goals so now I'm eating less carbs and more protein, which made me go over on carbs just a touch but I'm new to the low carbing and figure as long as I keep it decently low, it'll be ok.

    Goals for Monday 8/29/11
    Fitness: Squeeze in a workout after work, before cleaning out my closet and making dinner. I walked the 1.5 miles to work today but a lot is downhill...may walk home...
    Food: Had eggs and mushrooms with hot sauce for breakfast, some veg chicken and then carrots and cauliflower with hummus and some blueberries for lunch, and will snack on some latin black bean soup and a protein shake before going home. Dinner should be a stir fry of some sort with veggies and tempeh, and will try making a cauliflower "rice" thing to serve it on to keep the carbs low :)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    I played JD2 by myself for 15 min, w/my hubby for 15, and then some with the kiddos when they got up from nap tday. It was fun!
    And I drank 10 glasses of water =) I will have my last snack now and not be eating after 8:45 tonight too!

    Fitness: Run 2-3 miles on treadmill, stretch more this time too
    Diet: Have an apple :) And drink 10 glasses of water

    @those who haven't checked in for a bit - looking to get everyone's CW for a chart I've made so we can track our weightloss journey til Thanksgiving! If you want to track, then be sure to put your CW by Wednesday! Thanks!!

    A link is here...

    (and is only viewable by ppl with the link)