DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Yes, I disappeared, but that was due to my trip out of town. I will be taking another trip this week, but I will bring my laptop, so I should still be able to get on here. I lost a pound, so I seem to be on track, despite the vacation.

    I didn't really eat late on my trip b/c I was hanging out with family members. I ate some high calorie foods, but tried to balance it by eating lots of seafood. I got some exercise while on my vacation.

    Tomorrow (Wednesday)
    Fitness: 60 minute walk
    Diet: don't skip meals
    Challenges I anticipate: I'm tired and am busy. I have a tendency to skip meals when I get like this.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    oh, and my CW is 159.4
  • change_happens
    With a warning from the doc regarding exercise, I am trying to do as much as is possible at a low intensity level. My goals are pretty much still the same, just continue to make healthy food choices and stay on track. Thanks for having me.
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!!
    Yesterday reached my exercise goals I did not however reach my eating goals I went way over board. I don't even know why I just wanted to I guess and I am paying for it today I am not feeling so well.

    Todays goals 8-31
    Diet: stay with 1200 cals
    Exercise: Need to clean my house I don't know if that counts but I am going to do that.....anyway it is really in need of a good scrubbing and we are headed out Thursday night for a long weekend with family so I need to get a lot done before we leave we are packing tonight so here I go!!!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    Yesterday's Goals:
    Fitness: Not happening, just get a short walk in during lunch, mostly to get energized. Actually get to sleep at least 8 hours, hopefully more.
    Food: Don't go for sweets or comfort foods. Being sick I just want to grab the pack of cookies and sit and eat, but I know that isn't good for me and it will hinder my progress.
    Challenges: My husband spoils me and will offer me cookies and sweets because he knows they can act as pick-me-uppers, so it can be difficult to stay away from it all.
    Outcome: Got a short walk in, but was tired so tried to get rest. Had trouble sleeping as my baby boy got sick as well, and even though Daddy tries, he needs his mommy. This is making it very difficult to get the rest/sleep I need. I stayed away from sweets.

    Today's 8/31/2011 Goals:
    Fitness: Feeling a bit better, so want to at least get a good walk in, hoping to do at least 30 minutes of walking, although might need to split it up in two.
    Food: Drink 12 glasses of water.
    Challenges: I just want to take a nap, and work is so draining. Have to remember to drink water during the day, not just when I get home.


    PS @ Shannon You can go ahead and put my CW as 131.6, it's where I was when we started the group, so I'd like to see how this small group works, loving it so far BTW! Thanks for doing the Spreadsheet, it'll be good for tracking progress.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    please change my CW to 158.4 :-)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    please change my CW to 158.4 :-)
    Woohoo!! That's great, Lana!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Dont have much time, just wanted to get my goals in for today. I'll be back later to comment on your posts.

    FITNESS: 4 miles of exercise, Strength Training & Do Stairs Exercise (any kind)
    ~Did 4.65 miles & my Strength Training. Didnt get to the stairs
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS, 12 cups of water & 5 fruits/veggies
    ~UCs & H20 Done but only had 3 f/vs
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Not sure how Im going to get the Stairs in during the day with my son. So, I might have to force myself to go to the gym
    ~Didnt make it to the gym

    FITNESS: Jog & Do Stairs Exercise (any kind)
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS, 12 cups of water & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: None, I will accomplish all my goals to day no matter what!
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    Yesterday I wrapped up the evening nicely with a filling dinner after yoga. I was guessing that I was about 170 or 171 but I weighed in this morning (AFTER breakfast, whoops) at: 167! Yays

    Today's 8/31/2011 Goals:
    Fitness: Get home and do the Insanity strength building DVD
    Food: Keep rocking the low carbs and make a glorious dinner
    Challenges: Today was "Bagel Wednesday" at the office but I made sure to eat at home: eggs with salsa and avocado. Wasn't even tempted. The challenge will be not going to happy hour tonight though...I know I'd be bad. Gotta stick to this because I want it. Giving in means that I don't.
  • PoppyinBoulder
    CW - 238

    At least I think. Didn't meet my diet goal for yesterday. Ate too much, too much of the wrong stuff, ate my extra calories and then some.

    Got woke up in the middle of the night by a building alarm - ended up outside visiting with neighbors that normally never see until about midnight. Had trouble getting back to sleep, so overslept this am and that meant NO EXERCISE - grrrr! Too hot to do any walking today - will be back at it tomorrow.

    Eating goal for today - stay well under my 1400 calories since no exercise.

    Activity goal - taking a day of rest.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member

    I need your CW if you want to track your progress on a spreadsheet I've made. It'll be the nxt 12 wks til Thanksgiving, and it shows Total Lbs lost and % of weight goal lost. I need it by tonight to get you started. (I will do it every Wed til Thanksgiving, but if you weigh in on Monday or any other day just post that weight) Thanks!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Shannon-I go for my walk/jog during nap time (my stroller is my bestfriend). Thanks for the chart!
    @Jenni-Hope you’re feeling better
    @Christy-What are your carb and protein goals? Just curious what some ppl goals are to help me determine what I should be doing
    @Lana-Hope you had a great trip. Good Job getting in some exercise while on vacation!
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    @loveme (sorry I don't know names haha) In general, I am aiming for 50-100 carbs/day but trying to stay under 75. So not eating grains and sticking to lower carb veggies and more healthy fatty foods. And for protein, it increases when I work out since I make protein shakes but I go by the formula of bodyweight in kg*.8 so for me that's around 65g. I do go over by a little but I definitely don't have a problem getting enough protein-just worried about having too much since that's actually the problem for most Americans. Everyone's different. I used to do 50%carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat but I'm trying something different after researching more. To each her own :)
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I'm going to go ahead and do my update for tomorrow since I pretty much know how I've done today.

    I made my goal of 60 minute walk!! I did not make my goal of eating regular meals. I didn't eat lunch until 3 p.m., and still haven't had dinner (at 8 p.m.). We took the car to get a couple things fixed, and it ended up being a 4-hour thing. At least I took a walk to Subway, and a walk to Wal-Mart while the car was being fixed!

    Thursday's goal
    Fitness: get enough sleep
    Diet: 3 veggies, 2 fruits
    Challenges It's another busy day with relatives coming into town.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    k - so I ran 2 miles today, then walked another mile. And I ate an apple ;) lol, I just needed to re-focus on eating more fruits and veggies, and I did! Also drank 11 cups of water tday - much easier when I have a good workout of course.

    So, tomorrow:
    Fitness: Cardio - Run 1.5 miles and then JD2 for a few songs
    Diet: Same - more fruits and veggies and 10 cups water
    Challenges I anticipate: Being too tired can make it tougher, so going to try to get to bed within the hour!

    @Jenni - glad you're feeling a little better, and boy, have I had the restless nights w/a sick baby before! no fun :( Good job resisting the sweets, and I know what you mean abt the hubby trying to be nice to offer a treat - I had to tell mine several times that it did not make me happy later on. Hang in there!
    @Lana - that's rough when your stuck at a garage it sounds like. But yay! for a great walk tday!
    @Poppy - sounds like a tough and different kind of day for you too! I think its great though that we're all not throwing in the towel on days like this!! WTG!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: Jog & Do Stairs Exercise (any kind)
    ~Did 3.3 miles of Jogging/Walking intervals and made it to the gym, did 40 mins on StairMaster
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS, 12 cups of water & 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: None, I will accomplish all my goals to day no matter what!

    FITNESS: Strength Training
    DIET: STAY UNDER CALS and 5 fruits/veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Going out to dinner with my friend so its going to be hard to stay under cals

    @ Christy-Thanks for the infor!
    @ Lana-Good Job getting in that walk!
    @ Shannon-WTG on getting in more fruits/veggies. I dont understand why I have such a tough time eating my f/v's.
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hey! Sorry for my absence yesterday - I was travelling for work during the day and went right to the gym when I got home, then dinner with my dad and his gf. I didn't really have goals for yesterday, other that have reasonable food while on the road. I definitely went over on the sodium (ty Starbuck's breakfast wrap) but I'm not sure if lunch sodium was accurate since I ate at a diner, not the chains I pulled the info from. I got an omelet and got pickles instead of the potatoes...and at dinner I skipped the booze to save cals/carbs and instead of the caramel cheesecake for dessert I had fruit salad (and this cheesecake is the best thing ever).

    Goals for today...
    Exercise - I'm meeting my new trainer for the first time so just give it my all.
    Food - Keep within my sodium range (eek!)
    Challenges - This sodium thing is TOUGH, especially since I go out to lunch

    CW - 175 still (it's also ToM and yea, I had that hurricane eating fest hehe)

    @jesustapdancingc - have you tried ezekiel 4:9 bread? it's sprouted grain and lower in carbs, i actually really like it and it's helped me cut my carbs a lot. also, definitely enter the cleaning and cooking to mfp!
    @swillis - wow on the water!
    @luana - welcome back!
    @tryingeverday - one of the problems with a low calorie goal, such as 1200, is that it can lead to binging. Even if you can keep it for a few days in the end your body will tell you it needs more food - i would really suggest going to 1350 at least, even if it means you take a 30 minute walk or start cooking dinner and log the active cooking time (chopping is tough work!). we can def talk on the side if you want - i struggled with binging and it's evil counterpart for 2 years and this is one of the things i learned from my therapist
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I met my goals yesterday.

    todays goals 9-1
    Diet: just make good choices we are going to travel tonight and I have no idea what to have for dinner
    Exercise: ?? I am packing today and getting everything ready to leave for our four day weekend so I am thinking that will count?
    Challenge: I cook all our meals and so eating out is hard because I am not sure where and what to have but I will figure it out!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    8/31/2011 Goals:
    Fitness: Feeling a bit better, so want to at least get a good walk in, hoping to do at least 30 minutes of walking, although might need to split it up in two.
    Food: Drink 12 glasses of water.
    Challenges: I just want to take a nap, and work is so draining. Have to remember to drink water during the day, not just when I get home.
    Did walk for 30 minutes during church (carrying baby) was exhausted, but need to get moving. As for the water, I only drank 8 cups, but going to try again today.

    Today 9/1/2011 Thursday Goals:
    Fitness: Get 30 minutes cardio in. I'm still a bit under the weather, but exercise really makes me feel better. Not sure what I'll do, but want to make sure and squeeze something in.
    Food: 10+ cups water, 3-4 Veggies
    Challenges: Me+Veggies=So not friends...but I'm confident I'll get it done today!

    @Lana Good job making the most of your time while the car was at the shop, great idea to use that time to get your walking done.
    @Poppy Sounds like you've had a tough time, hope you have gotten some rest.
    @ Jackie Great job resisting both alcohol and a cheesecake!
    @Rachel Hope you have a great vacation, good luck with incorporating good eating!

    Also, thank you all for the well wishes, feeling so much better today, not 100%, but pretty good. So ready for the 3 day weekend...so, just curious, I know we have some SAHM's in the group, tell us, what are your kids' ages? Also, for those of you that work, what do you do? Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • PoppyinBoulder
    Just a quick check in.

    I need to get serious . . . seriously!!!

    I DID NOT meet my diet goals for yesterday.

    Todays Goals:
    Diet: Have a perfect Food Diary today
    Activity: Walk 80 minutes (was running late or I would have walked longer) - check

    Good day everyone.