artdhi_a Member


  • great job! I don't know how you do it coz for me I can't seem to get more than a pound off me in a week - except for this past week when I dropped three :) Keep up the good work!!
  • great job! I don't know how you do it coz for me I can't seem to get more than a pound off me in a week - except for this past week when I dropped three :) Keep up the good work!!
  • great job everyone! Even if you gained this past week, at least you are keeping yourself accountable by posting on the spreadsheet! That way, when you see the numbers go up, it motivates you to eat better this week. That is what happened to me, I was up by 3 pounds last week but on Sunday's weigh-in I had dropped almost…
  • I've been yo-yoing for a while. Mostly it was my fault because I did not control what I ate. This week I was good for the most part and lost over 3 pounds!!! I am so excited and motivated to keep on saying yes to yummy veggies and fruit :tongue:
  • thank you all for the motivation. Sometimes it is easy to think that I am the ONLY ONE not sticking to my goals...keep the advice coming and let's all keep motivating each other *hugs*
  • Ugh this week wasn't that great :( I am up instead of down. I kind of expected it since it is that time of the month though I have to be honest and say that I cheated all weekend long. I was good all day yesterday even though we went out to celebrate my sis-in-law's bday. I will try to make this week better. Honestly, my…
  • I am glad that it is not too late to join! I actually set up my own goal counter on the fridge so that anytime I am tempted to reach for any extra food, I will see it. I will add myself on the google doc when I get home. Thanks for the challenge as I know it will be a great motivator! SW (9/18)- 138 Week 1 (9/25)- Week 2…
  • Hey! I've just been married a yaer and the weight is piling on. I'm actually 5'3 and weighed in at 141 :( My goal is to be down to 125 by December but ultimately maintain at 120. I have not been very motivated to keep up with MFB especially on the weekends (coz that is when I pig out lol) but it would be great to keep up…
  • Hi Ashley, I'm right there with you wanting to take control of my weight in my twenties! Here is to us! Feel free to add me as I am sure we can help each other out :)
  • Count me in as well!! I have to agree that having the calories in front of me helps me to decide what to eat before hand. Like today my father-in-law wants to tke me out to dinner for my birthday so I am starting out the day with a plan to save some extra calories for tonight :happy: If you would like, you can add me as a…
  • Hey! I just added you as a friend as I too need the support to stay on track. I have always been one to start something only toquit a few days into it. This time I am hoping to stay on track with help from wonderful peeps like you! :smile: I just joined MFP today but I am already excited about all the tools and community…