Friends Needed....

Hello everyone...... my name is Ashley, i am new to the site and thought that it would be nice to have a few friends on here to help hold me accountable. I am 25 and weight in at a massive 242 pounds... i have 3 wonderful children that i cant seem to keep up with. i have to get this weight off, there is just no way around it... at 25 years old i'm supposed to be in the best shape of my life, right? isnt this the "prime of my life" well, if this is the best there is, i'm screwed!! I refuse to be unhappy and unhealthy anymore!!! This will change!!! my goal weight is 130 lbs, and i hope to hit that before i graduate college in may of 2013. anyone who wants a friend... hit me up!!! :)


  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Hi Ashley welcome aboard... good luck with your journey... add me if you like...

  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'll help if I can
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    Add me as well...we are all on here for the same thing! The numbers may be different but the struggle is still the same..
  • LindaH54
    LindaH54 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it and I'd be more than willing to be your friend. I'm an oldie... 56 and retiring next spring from 35 years of teaching. Used to be slim and trim then added weight slowly and through many life changes made poor eating choices. You are so wise to get it under control now! You can do it!!!!! let me know if you want to 'friend; and older gal. :-):wink:
  • londonerin26
    londonerin26 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ashley - I'm new too - I would love to be friends here! I'm 29 and have about 90 pounds to lose!
  • caroln3
    caroln3 Posts: 217
    Hi I need friends too you can add me! I can't wait to lose the weight I've been trying to lose since I was 25. lol I know we can do it!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Welcome Ashley, MFP can help, it is full of positive supportive folks and you learn a lot about yourself, eating habits, whats good food and how it all comes together. My wife (hootsmamma) are good cheerleaders friend us if you need support. Good luck on yuour journey.
  • pierogiprincess
    pierogiprincess Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome Ashley. Feel free to add me as a friend. We all need support and motivation and I;m here to help anyway i can. It doesn't matter how much we have to lose......taking the first step gets you on the right track! Good luck! :smile:
  • Chr1st1ine
    Chr1st1ine Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Ashely! I'm a mom to 4 and weigh pretty much right there with ya! Feel free to add me too!
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Hi Ashley and welcome to MFP :) Add me if you like and I will help any way I can
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    Hey there Ash! My name's Ashley too, haha! Damn there's too many of us. But anyways welcome times infinity! You have such a wonderful attitude about everything and I know you can achieve your goals! MFP is the best place you could possibly be during your journey, too... Feel absolutely free to add me! I'd love to be there with you on your way. :) And I totally understand the part about wanting to keep up with your kids. @.@ My three year old daughter takes after her father and LET ME TELL YOU... Sheesh. Haha.

    Enjoy your stay and don't let anything or anyone stand in your way! :D
  • lp0007
    lp0007 Posts: 125 Member
    Here's to being our best in our twenties (and beyond!) :)
  • Hi,
    I need to lose about 5lbs so feel free to add me ;o)
  • artdhi_a
    artdhi_a Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ashley, I'm right there with you wanting to take control of my weight in my twenties! Here is to us! Feel free to add me as I am sure we can help each other out :)
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    Well, I'm in my 30's still trying to lose the weight I gained in my 20's! tehee.

    I'd be happy to help you NOT be in my shoes when you are 30 something!

    Feel free to add me......
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Mom of 4 here, but approaching 40 (ack!). I think it's great you are doing this now-you'll be able to keep up with your kids much better. I think you'll find it amazing just what the shift in thinking and eating and adding some exercise will do. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • ruthkennedy
    ruthkennedy Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Ashley, welcome to the best place I've found to achieve your goals. People on here are so supportive and will help you through the good and the bad.

    Friend reques sent

  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Hi Ashley and welcome. Would be happy to help support you on your quest for fitness and health. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. Good luck!
  • HI, I have 40pounds to lose, I'll add you!
    Ohhh and welcome:-D
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Ashley! You can add me too...I'm happy to help!