Christmas Challenge 2011



  • So glad I joined this Challenge. I wrote about this in my blog today, but I might have to have surgery right before Christmas, so I am motivated more than ever to be successful. If I have the surgery, I won't be able to work out using my feet for at least 3 weeks. Can hardly wait till Sunday to post my first week results.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    So far on our spreadsheet we have 27 participants....hoping everyone has signed on the spreadsheet and checks in :smile: I'm looking forward to Sunday to see how everyone is doing so far....Good luck! Again if you haven't feel free to add me as a friend.
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    28 now :) Just added my info :)
  • Love the google doc idea! I'm so glad I've joined a challenge again, its really giving me the motivation I had lost. For example I didn't eat the full serving of ben and jerry's fro yo I was going to eat, I had just a few bites then put it away. WOHO
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    So in!!! Heres my info!

    SW (9/18)- 235

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 199
    NWG (non weight goal)-Walk everyday the rest of this week!
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in too! I had started Sunday with my own step up plan. This totally solidifies it! Yes! Let's go!

    SW (9/18)- 234

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight-210
    NWG- 5 workouts a week!
  • brynnesmum
    brynnesmum Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, you are all so skinny! Take it from me--you really, really seem so skinny to me. I just started and just weighed in the start of the week so this is a perfect time for time to start a challenge. I hope you don't mind me joining a little late and a LOT bigger than you all.

    SW (9/18)- 335

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight after 14 weeks-- Keeping it simple for now, just 2 lbs a week, so 307 by Christmas!
    NWG- To be consistent with my calorie tracking and make it a habit!
  • ma2erin
    ma2erin Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to join, too, if it's not too late! I'm technology challenged, (seriously, it's, so I'm not sure how to join a group....I need a lot of help to get motivated again. I lost 22 lbs between April-Oct last year. I gained 20 lbs back & I am so disgusted with myself...but, I've done it before, I hope I can do it again!

    SW (9/18)- 145 lbs

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Alright we have 33 participants...for those just joining us, here's some FAQs answered and welcome!! :flowerforyou: :smile:

    FAQs answered:

    -Never! We always welcome new members and as I like to say, better late than never

    -There is a new way. Since we have so many new members, I made a spreadsheet where everyone can click on the link and add their info, so you don't have to look for your post each week. Here's the link and so you have the link each Sunday when we check in, you can bookmark it.

    Please, everyone that has signed up, please get your info into the spreadsheet.....On Sunday I will post a new link to the new thread, so that everyone can find it easier and we'll start there! Looking forward to seeing everyone!! GOOD LUCK!
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    At my highest I was 335 . Got down to 300 and hovered around there for years. mostly going up and back down to 300 and have since last summer dropped to 234, it is possible! you CAN DO IT!!! From being larger, I love that I can now cross my legs when I sit down. It may be small to others but I can not remember the last time I could do that. :) I know you can get there!
  • For some reason I wasn't on there, but I went ahead and added myself to the bottom of the list.
    I think this is a really great idea!
  • I'm in!

    I actually made a list exactly like this but I started on 9/20.

    My goal is to lose 2 lbs for each of the first two weeks, and then 1.5 pounds every week after.

    Excited that other people have the same idea!
  • I've actually been weighing myself on tuesdays, and I hope it's okay I stick with that. I'll just have to update the spreadsheet 2 days after everybody else!

    and my other goal is to fit into my jeans that are at the bottom of my pile because they don't fit!
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Fab, I'm on it, great sheet for tracking. I've popped a note in my diary for sunday!
  • artdhi_a
    artdhi_a Posts: 14 Member
    I am glad that it is not too late to join! I actually set up my own goal counter on the fridge so that anytime I am tempted to reach for any extra food, I will see it. I will add myself on the google doc when I get home.
    Thanks for the challenge as I know it will be a great motivator!

    SW (9/18)- 138

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 125 or lower
    NWG (non weight goal)- to improve on my half marathon time on Nov 20th
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Wow, you are all so skinny! Take it from me--you really, really seem so skinny to me. I just started and just weighed in the start of the week so this is a perfect time for time to start a challenge. I hope you don't mind me joining a little late and a LOT bigger than you all.

    Goal weight after 14 weeks-- Keeping it simple for now, just 2 lbs a week, so 307 by Christmas!
    NWG- To be consistent with my calorie tracking and make it a habit!

    No matter what our weight issues... its tough for all of us! No one is looking at your weight :) just that your losing it lol:laugh:
  • Yay! This sounds awesome! I want to join! This may help me to actually stay on track and stop falling off the wagon! Thanks! :glasses:

    SW (9/22)- 211.3 :embarassed:

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 185 :happy:
    NWG (non weight goal)- To make at least 30 minutes of exercise a part of my daily routine

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165 :flowerforyou:
  • 1shep1
    1shep1 Posts: 24 Member
    OMG I would love to join too!!

    SW = 234.1

    Week 1 (9/25)-
    Week 2 (10/2)-
    Week 3 (10/9)-
    Week 4 (10/16)-
    Week 5 (10/23)-
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-
  • brynnesmum
    brynnesmum Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the support and those that have indicated I can do it and am welcome even though I am coming in at a larger weight. I understand you are all working toward a goal regardless of your size and will be very supportive of you all. Here is to a great Holiday and reaching our goals!
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for the support and those that have indicated I can do it and am welcome even though I am coming in at a larger weight. I understand you are all working toward a goal regardless of your size and will be very supportive of you all. Here is to a great Holiday and reaching our goals!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, anyone else too :) Can't wait to see us all at the end of the year! Wooot