Looking for buddies!!

I'mmmm baaack!! I joined at the first of the year but failed!!! I have been back for 3 weeks and going pretty strong! Still no significant weight loss..but my clothes are starting to get lose. So, I'll take it..for now!

I am a 33 y/o stay at home mom to two sets of twins. I have struggled with my weight pretty much all of my adult life. I have PCOS along with a super sweet tooth that enjoys not only candy but baked goods! It's a lovely combination!

I am ready to find out who the person is hiding inside these 85 lbs!!! I'd love to hear from anyone wanting to give and also receive support!! :o)


  • wicklessgal
    wicklessgal Posts: 56 Member
    Would love to be buddies! Wow, two sets of twins... I bet they keep you hoping! Good Luck on your journey!
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    HI.... you can add me if you like...
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    welcome back! :) two sets of twins?! your hands (and heart!) must be full - what a blessing :)

    a sweet tooth isn't the kiss of death - everything in moderation! you can do it :)
  • gillianjoon
    gillianjoon Posts: 96 Member
    Wow 2 sets :drinker: I am in awe I had 1 set many moons ago and its not easy :flowerforyou: add me if you like support is a wonderful thing.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Welcome!!! I'm grammy to 3 yr old twins! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi my name is Karen . I have just the diet this week
    I would love some friends to keep me motivated as I
    Have got at least four stone to lose .xx
  • lp0007
    lp0007 Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome! It took me many attempts to get into mfp and now I'm addicted! Glad you are addicted now too :)
  • minnie22
    minnie22 Posts: 60
    Welcome back, you def got your hands full with two sets of twins, if you want to add me you can :o), hope you get to your goal.
  • mrsbillyk
    mrsbillyk Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Im Kelly

    I live in the UK. Been doing this for only 4 days and lost 1lb everyday. Really pleased so far, lets hope it lasts.
    I too need help and encouragement and are 33yrs old. Been overweight all my life really, but feeling positive at the moment.
  • Tinks2007
    Tinks2007 Posts: 62 Member

    Well done i starting back :) feel free to add x
  • Hey everyone I have just joined up and am determined to get to my goal weight
  • Hello,

    My name is Jessie, i just started using MFP a week ago. I have lost 4 pounds as of yesterday which was my first weigh in so i am very pleased so far. I think seeing the calorie counter in front of me makes a huge difference. I usually put in what i plan to have for breakfast and lunch before i eat so if i don't like the calorie count i can change a meal and then i add my dinner and water at the end of the day. So far...it' working.

    Two sets of twins...you are so blessed. I have one grandson who just turned a year old last month and he is the light of my life. I have 2 girls and a boy of my own. Both the girls are married and although my son has always said "i'm never getting married" i've heard him and his girlfriend talking about maybe after she graduates college in 2 yrs so i guess we'll see...lol

    Support for me has been crucial in my weight loss efforts and i started to try losing weight 4 months ago and it has been a slow process for me, i've lost 15 pounds and i'm content with that. It took me a long time to realize that i didn't gain all this weight over night and i'm not going to lose it overnight either. I started walking last week and i have to say that i had been losing a pound or 2 most weeks, some weeks gaining 1 or 2 back but with the walking...i lost 4 pounds this week so i plan to keep doing that. The 4 pound lost got me really motivated.

    have to get ready for work, have a blessed day
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    I would love to get to know everyone on here! We're all here for similar reasons!!

    Y'all are more than welcome to add me, if you'd like!
  • Hi, welcome back.

    Feel free to add me ;o)
  • kim147
    kim147 Posts: 2 Member

    I have been on here for over a week, would love to get some buddies to give and receive some support.

  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Hi all, and welcome to those who have recently joined, feel free to add me if you wish, it's always nice to make new friends :happy:
  • Count me in....I'm always looking[ for support!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools for support.:smile:
  • artdhi_a
    artdhi_a Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in as well!! I have to agree that having the calories in front of me helps me to decide what to eat before hand. Like today my father-in-law wants to tke me out to dinner for my birthday so I am starting out the day with a plan to save some extra calories for tonight :happy:

    If you would like, you can add me as a friend. I only started 2 days ago but I am already excited about mfp! I can't wait to see myself 20 lbs from now!!!