where are the 5'4" girls..... age 25+.....



  • kwinty37
    kwinty37 Posts: 66
    Thanks everyone!! Such motivation!!!! This website is the best thing since FACEBOOK! lol :laugh:
  • colesproudmama
    colesproudmama Posts: 29 Member
    Soon to be 27, 5'4", my starting weight WAS 230, but now 181. I still have a ways to go and want to be around 135, as well. I do have a son, but he was just born in July and thanks to him and gestational diabetes... I was able to get this jump started when he was still in the womb!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Well I had to reply...LOL...your topic is almost me to a T :0) I'm 27 1/2, 5'4" (otherwise know as pushin 5'5"), I don't have or want any kids...but my starting weight was really more like 150. Helloooo fellow 5'4"ers!!! Also, I am at my goal weight and have maintained for a year :) Best to you all!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I started MFP at 174 lbs. That was when my kid was 7 years old so I'm not talking pregnancy weight (I was actually less than that when I was 9 month pregnant! Ouch!)....

    I currently weigh 135. Got to 145 mostly just via calorie counting. To get past 145, I had to increase my exercise intensity. I'm shooting for 125 and I think to get any lower I'm gonna have to keep up with calorie counting and exercise, but also limit carbs and eat cleaner....
    oh I'm 5'3.75" and 33 years old!
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    well i am 27 weight 158 and have no kids.....! Im trying but god it is slow going....i honestly feel like my short torso lend to me looking like crap too, all my fat and weight is basically in my middle...which is even worse because that leads to higher heart related illness....i feel like im screwed half the time!
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'4" girls, 26, weighed ~187 before I started losing weight and have no kids (well, just furry 4-legged kids) Been doing the weight loss journey for awhile and slowly but surely losing weight. I didn't gain any weight until I got into a serious long term relationship and went from about 130 to 187 in the matter of 2 years. Ouch. Now I'm back down to about 165, and long term hoping to be in the 130-140 range.
  • kwinty37
    kwinty37 Posts: 66
    I'm 5'4" girls, 26, weighed ~187 before I started losing weight and have no kids (well, just furry 4-legged kids) Been doing the weight loss journey for awhile and slowly but surely losing weight. I didn't gain any weight until I got into a serious long term relationship and went from about 130 to 187 in the matter of 2 years. Ouch. Now I'm back down to about 165, and long term hoping to be in the 130-140 range.

    SAME HERE!! How long did it take you to drop 20lbs and what all did you do to do it???
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    5'4, 29, no kids and CW 178. I started in May at 206 so I'm happy with my progress so far! I was a pretty steady 125-130 up until I got married in 2007, had a terrible marriage for a few years and put on 70 lbs. I got divorced, met someone new and decided to get my health back on track before I get married again and have kids. 28 lbs down but I haven't done any "current" pics yet, but I get verbals NSV's constantly from people who don't see me regularly. All I've done is started MFP, started counting the calories and doing simple workouts at home... I started with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and have joined up in some of the MFP community challenges - that's it! I still eat out a ton, but I've started making smarter choices. I enjoy diet sodas and pizza still and had buffalo tenders and french fries this weekend. I'm sure if I went hardcore I could lose more weight in a shorter period, but I don't want to discourage myself that way. I want to live as "normally" as possible and still lose weight!
  • kwinty37
    kwinty37 Posts: 66
    I enjoy diet sodas and pizza still and had buffalo tenders and french fries this weekend. I'm sure if I went hardcore I could lose more weight in a shorter period, but I don't want to discourage myself that way.

    That is going to be me! My weakness is SATURDAY. Especially if the hubby is not working! We love to drink and go out with friends! Good luck with your journey!
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I meet MOST of the criteria

    28, 5'4", started at 177... I have a baby though, but I've always been between 160 and 180. I'm now 149 (aiming for 135ish ultimately, but my ticker is aiming for 145 right now). Pics are in my profile pic... I was a bit heavier when I took them though.
  • artdhi_a
    artdhi_a Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I've just been married a yaer and the weight is piling on. I'm actually 5'3 and weighed in at 141 :(
    My goal is to be down to 125 by December but ultimately maintain at 120. I have not been very motivated to keep up with MFB especially on the weekends (coz that is when I pig out lol) but it would be great to keep up with like minded people looking to shed the pounds

    Good luck!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm 5'3", 29 years old, no kids, started at 178lbs. Currently at 154, hoping to get down to around 125.
  • 23 going on 24 in a few months! 5'4.. no kids.. not even married even. January 2011 Started at 169.2lbs(highest weight).. from there I worked my butt off atleast 5 times a week. ate perfect for atleast 5 months. let myself eat portion size of my favorite foods after that. Now im currently 134lbs. I did lose most of it from weight watchers. I decided to change it up and count calories about 2-3 weeks ago?. Just to switch it up.
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Hey I'm 5' 4" but I'm 20, I weighed 198lbs in feb and I'm now 178, and I have only really in the last two weeks started trying to lose wight, the 20lbs I've lost has been a mixture of really bad food poisoning and a new job (waitressing) which means I have to be in work at 6:45 pretty much every morning, once realising I could lose weight it made me want to make more of an effort!! so im current goal is to get down to 140 to be a healthy bmi.
  • proctorgirl07
    proctorgirl07 Posts: 68 Member
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm 27 started off at 218.5 lbs and currently at 181.5 and hoping to get down to 154lbs. Would be good to have friends in similar situation as me for motivation and support. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • srk143
    srk143 Posts: 27
    I am 27, 5-4 and 180 pounds..but has a kid.........Yea and i need to loose teh weight too to qualify in ur criteria right :):)
  • kwinty37
    kwinty37 Posts: 66
    Would be good to have friends in similar situation as me for motivation and support.

    I agree!!! Good luck!
  • I'm pushing 5'3", now down to 161.8 from 169 (this time around). No kids, 34. I do not have any helpful advice for you as I am in the same boat, but you can add me if you like for support. I have been taking Phentermine (appetite suppressant) for a week, but have not started exercising yet. I will start the P90X workouts in a few days when I can get this 8' solid wood dining table out of my living room :/
    I am consuming 1200 cal/day and will (try my damnedest) after going off Phentermine in 3 more weeks, to keep it at that until I get to my goal of 120.
    I have done weight watchers before with success for the few months I was doing it. I would like to join ww again after stopping Phentermine but I doubt I will be able to afford to, so I'll just stick to MFP. My hope is that my stomach will shrink enough while on the Phen that it doesn't kill me to restrict myself to 1200 cal/day.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    5'4", 30, no kids, started over 200 but I'm at 183 now.

    The best advice I can give:
    1. Be honest. When you have a bad day, log all that crap that you ate. If you ate 25 M&Ms but only logged 5, you're only cheating yourself.
    2. MOVE!!!! Walk, try C25K, bike, swim, something. Switch it up every once in a while.
    3. Look at the message boards on MFP, but do what is right for you. Sometimes people can be nasty on this site, those are the ones you do not want on your friends list, they are as useless as the "advice" they provide.
    4. Remember that it's a journey... There will be bumps, road blocks and hazards on the way. But the end result is great!!!
    5. Smile!!!! :happy:
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