bcr1559 Member


  • Not at all! For this reason, on days that I fail to prep everything, my diary looks like I only ate about 900 calories bc I know I that the things I did eat will not have an accurate calorie count (usually higher than I think). Weighing is the only way for me to get an accurate number!
  • Pour bleach down all your drains every night. Any produce that you keep sitting out needs to be put in a container of some sort. These are the only things that have ever worked for me. Good luck!
  • Hi! I am also a mother of 2. Both are boys ages 5 and 1. I have lost my baby weight and am now trying to get rid of the jiggle. I will send a friend request with more info. Add me if you would like :)
  • Reasons women can be pregnant and not know it: 1) periods can continue throughout your pregnancy (i had mine until i was 5 months along) 2) if the placenta develops on the front of the uterus it makes feeling movements hard/less likely. It also makes finding a heart beat very difficult. 3) Some women are told they cannot…
  • I run in the rain and my clothes stick to my body :)
  • deniseearhear: Great loss so far! Keep up the good work!
  • I just started NROLFW 2 weeks ago. I have only lost .5 pounds BUT I have lost a total of 7.5 inches on my body and my arms have become more defined already. I am loving lifting and wish I would have started it sooner!
  • I freeze everything! I have a freezer full of tomato sauce, apple sauce, different soups, homemade breads, apple sauce, vegetables and fruits, and dinners. Soups- Make as big of a pot as you can and let it cool. Portion out into freezer bags and lay flat to freeze. then they are nice and skinny and fit really well in a…
  • Since exercise is pretty much out of the question right after you have a baby you really can only watch what you eat. Spent a couple days eating like you normally do and tracking everything you put into your mouth. After you get a good picture on where improvements can be made, you can start changing things. If you are…
  • type "strength training" into the search bar. It is in there. The calories are not even close to accurate though. I recommend using a heart rate monitor to get the right numbers.
  • You look great! Really excited I started lifting heavy now!
  • SKinnytaste.com has saved my marriage! My husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy too. Here's the link for baked potato soup. It is a favorite at our house. It is made mostly with cauliflower and my hubby has no idea. http://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/02/baked-potato-soup.html
  • I love my crazy curly hair and the 2 freckles on my lips.
  • My son would love a day like that! I think if you talk to the little one a lot, let them walk whenever they want and plan on really moving once nap time hits you should be good to go. It looks like you have enough food to eat, so I wouldn't worry about that. Also, if the kiddo wants to be done before you planned, you can…
  • Buy a HRM!!!!! I was given one for Christmas and I love it. I know they can be a little pricey but it is worth checking them out and hopefully finding one that does what you want.
  • I joined the group! Thanks ladies :wink:
  • Name: Matt (husband, 3 years) Physical: His height. He is 6'8". I am only 5'4" and the top of my head hits his nipples :tongue: Non:physical: He is so mellow. He never gets ruffled. Always handles life with a smile and a well thought out plan. :heart:
  • I think I hear crickets chirping. Well , I guess I am just going to wing it.
  • I don't cover up when I answer the door. The thought has never even crossed my mind. I always figured I wear a bathing suit in public whenever I go to the beach so there is nothing wrong with it. Well maybe I have made people uncomfortable in the past and never even known it. Oh well :tongue:
  • That is a great start! Your face looks a lot slimmer. Keep it up!
  • Shred zucchini and peppers into tomato sauce. Eat grilled portobellas instead of burgers. Always have broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus ready to be steamed. I made grilled romaine lettuce the other day and it was really good. If you get bored with just plain veggies throw them in a bag with marinade to spice things up.…
  • You look fantastic and so happy! Congratulations!
  • I think you should go back to weight watchers. You can still use MFP for the support if you want to but WW is a great plan! Use what works for you. The most important thing when trying to get healthy is YOU. Spent the money and don't feel guilty about it. You are worth the $40 or so a month!
  • I am 5'4" and currently weight 142 with a goal of 130. I Think once I hit 130 I might decide to go a little lower but we'll see. I really think you need to get to 150, since that is your goal, and see how you feel. I can honestly say that right now I feel better then I did when I weighed 117 in college. My whole life style…
  • I get up and do yoga. Just a little 20 minute routine to get my blood flowing.
  • You are looking good! Keep that positive attitude and nothing is going to stop you!
  • I have been thinking about ordering this book. After seeing your results, I just ordered it from amazon! You look great keep it up and thanks for the inspiration!!!
  • When my siblings and I were little our parents had us convinced that if we could get salt onto a birds tail it couldn't fly, so we could hold it. It kept us outside forever hunting for birds. I now do this with my son and nephews all the time. It's really fun to watch them sneak around and get so excited just at the idea…
  • use c25k.com for a great training program. I used it in March 2011 and when I started I couldn't even run for 2 minutes without having to stop. After finishing the program I was running 3 miles with no problems. I then decided to try for a half marathon in the fall. I used the marathonrookie.com training. I finished my 1/2…