Whooo HOoo That's brillant, congratulations. I love it when you pass those milestones. Still heading for mine, but inspired by yours.
You look awesome, congratulations. What an inspirational photo!
Two suggestions - firstly evening primrose oil taken daily can help manage the symptoms. My second suggestion is a tad unusual - try switching to a moon cup ( I never suffered badly , but what I did suffer is gone - something about not blocking the flow . Hope you find relief
Welcome to the wonderfully supportive MFP family
On a backpackers bus trip between Vancouver and Banff. We had 2 days together. Did the long distance thing betweek UK and Aust for 3 years, got married 12 years ago and couldn't be happier. I think you find your soul mate when you stop looking and just be your own wonderful self
Yes please, I'd love the extra motivation of a December (and who needs to wait to January to set goals!)
Yes please, I'd love the extra motivation of a December (and who needs to wait to January to set goals!)
When I go to the gym its early morning, and I can't eat that early either. Just make sure you drink - you'll need tobe hydrated to complete your workout . I find a glass of juice helps to give me a quick energy burst and hydrate before a work out
You're an amazing inspiration:)
Great story. I think its ony when you start to notice the effect of the lifestyle changes that this really begins to work. I used to wonder how people survived on so little food when I'd eat a big meal and then snack afterwards - I think you've shown me the way. Thanks for the great inspiration
When I get sick of sandwiches ( or can't be bothered to make an exciting sandwich ) I switch to a 3 bean mixed salad. So quick and easy to make, so cheap, really yummy and it keeps you satisfied. Here's the recipe: To make it simplier I just use a can of beans - you can…
Thank you. Drinking lots of water has really helped. And I'll try to leave on time so I can drop into the gym. I really appreciate your support - thanks
I haven't yet, but am going to. In the past (old diets) I found it helped if the pounds weren't falling off you could still see progress through the inches
I'll be a partner in crime. I've been on MFP for about 3 weeks, - we can motivate each other!