jessbblonde Member


  • i'm having kind of the same problem with my knee. look up strength knee on the net it told me to strengthen the muscle around the knee cause mine hurts on the inside of the leg and under knee cap and it's a weak muscle. it showed how to sit in a chair and lift one leg at a time on lay on the floor and do old school 80's…
  • I have the same issue but the scale is at my Dr I used a weight on my digital and it was correct. the Dr is 5 pounds less and is a dial but I'll take the Dr's scale any day :laugh: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I love GHI and TAPS as well and House and Lie to me and Ghost Whisper and Biggest loser. I sometimes tivo what not to eat. I record these and watch them when I have time so I can zip through the commercials and not sit so long. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm from Ohio too, and we need all the support we can get with this winter wonderland. Created by - Free Food Diary
  • ask the waiter to put half in a box before he/she brings it too you so no temptation and bring the box after you've eaten so it's not sitting there calling your name. if they have bread on the table just say no! tell them to take it away along with the oil.
  • go by the machine's numbers, you may vary in the speed you go, faster and slower and the machine keeps that in account for cal burned. Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • 1 God 2 my wonderful husband and son 3 having a job 4 great friends 5 my families health Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • on your day off make some fresh food you can eat in the car or for your lunch at work. I have a small child as well and am always running low on time. When I feed him before we go I know I don't have enough time to eat so I make a tuna sandwich and some baby carrots in a bag. drop him off and I go to work and eat while I…
  • I lost 5 this week too. and yup all water. I was peeing every hour. so don't worry you keep doing what your doing and it will come off a pound or 2 at a time. but you will have weeks that your body needs to adj and will not lose anything. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I have the one by Bob and it is awsome. I sweat and feel great every time.
  • be positive, plan out your meals. start the day with I will not make a mistake today, I deserve this.
  • First thing first get the crap out of your house, if it's not there you won't eat it. If you must have it because of other people, don't beat yourself up for one slip. I slipped last night too. My best friend brought over a ton of junk food for Ohio state game. in the middle of my binge I realized what the heck am I doing.…
  • I weight about the same and am the same age too with a 5 yr old. I'm trying to lose 2 pounds a week and set up a huge chart in my bathroom charting how much I weight everyday and what I did for exercise and How many calories I took in. I just started today. I want to have another baby and I know It's not a healthy time for…
  • I'm kind of having the same problem, no work out equipment and no modivation to pop in a dvd to move step by step too. I felt like I wasn't getting anything done for my self. But This week I discovered free style dancing. When I was in my teens and early 20's I was dancing every night and my waist was so much thinner, I…
  • every time I go to enter walking no matter which one I select it has the amount and calories burned it won't caculate the calories burned for me. I guess, I'll try to see if I can get it from there and add it here.
  • how old are you? I've been heavy starting at age 11 so I can understand how it feels. I'm 27 now and it get's harder to lose weight when your older :)
  • The way I stay motivated is, I started a reward system and a star chart right above my scale. every pound I get a star and every ten I get a reward like a new outfit or a pedicure, or something for me that is not food. lol. and I have put what I'm going to get after my small goal of five or 10 pounds on the fridge to keep…
  • Hi I'm new to this, I'm a mom of a 4 yr old boy. I want to lose 50 pounds in six months. This is the first time I've ever posted anything. I joined 3 days ago and like it for the most part the only thing I don't like is it does not caculate my calories burned for walking. I have to figure that out for myself.