Help! New to Calorie Counting. No Weight Loss


I have been counting my calories for about 8 days now. I am about 5'4 and weight about 165. I have been keeping my calories at about 1100-1200 everyday. I have been eating a lot of 100 calorie snacks and sandwiches. Canned soup and lean cuisines. I work and have three small children. So during the week , I eat fast.This is a big cut from my normal diet. I was eating a lot of fast food.I was hoping to see results. At least a couple of pounds. Does anyone have advice on carb amounts or maybe I need to raise or drop calories. Any advice would be great. I do not want to become frustrated so early on.I really need to stick with this.



  • jessicafritz

    I have been counting my calories for about 8 days now. I am about 5'4 and weight about 165. I have been keeping my calories at about 1100-1200 everyday. I have been eating a lot of 100 calorie snacks and sandwiches. Canned soup and lean cuisines. I work and have three small children. So during the week , I eat fast.This is a big cut from my normal diet. I was eating a lot of fast food.I was hoping to see results. At least a couple of pounds. Does anyone have advice on carb amounts or maybe I need to raise or drop calories. Any advice would be great. I do not want to become frustrated so early on.I really need to stick with this.

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Are you drinking a lot of water? Looks like a lot of high sodium foods. :smile:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Are you drinking your water? That is a big must! Is your calorie range what they told you on here? Are you working out any? Sometimes eating a little more will break a plateau and then you will see a weight loss. But do drink your water and exercise some if you aren't yet.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Are you drinking a lot of water? Looks like a lot of high sodium foods. :smile:

    I've gotta go with Shannon, you're having way too much sodium it looks like.
    My suggestion is to eat less of the ready made, full of salt items you've been having, and find some other choices. Plus, drink lots of water, it really does help. :drinker:
  • jessbblonde
    jessbblonde Posts: 19 Member
    on your day off make some fresh food you can eat in the car or for your lunch at work. I have a small child as well and am always running low on time. When I feed him before we go I know I don't have enough time to eat so I make a tuna sandwich and some baby carrots in a bag. drop him off and I go to work and eat while I drive ( I work retail so my hours are different every day) I do this when I close the store. I used to eat the microwave foods too and didn't lose anything cause of the sodium look at your sodium if it's above 600mg it's not good. pre make salads and take dressing with you . again DRINK WATER that is the biggest thing. Good luck
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Okay, I'm around the same weight and just a little taller, I have 1300. Maybe you should switch your goal from 2 pounds to 1 pound a week. You should definately eat more than 1100 calories a day. Your body needs fuel to run on. Also, are you exercising at all? If you are you need to figure in those calories also.

    Here is what I typically eat

    Breakfast (150 to 300 calories)
    2 whole eggs
    Whole grain toast or fruit

    Snack (100 to 150 cal)
    Cheese stick & small V-8

    Lunch (200 to 300)
    Homemade soup

    Snack (100 to 150)
    yogurt (or fruit )and pretzels

    Supper(300 to 500)
    Grilled chicken breast
    1/2 c rice or 1/2 potato

    snack (100)
    Air pop popcorn w/ butter spray

    This is a pretty normal day for me, other things I have for breakfast are oatmeal, cold cereal, french toast with sugar free syrup, or toast with pb,
    Other snacks I have, cottage cheese mixed with yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit, 100 calorie packs, almonds, any kind of fruit, raisens, craisens, Fiber one or special k bars, jerky, carnation instant breakfast, protien shakes, protien bars
    other lunches: tuna or chicken salad (made with fat free miracle whip) on melba toast, lean pockets, regular mcdonald cheese burger, arby's melt, subway salad with ff dressing, cottage cheese with tomatoes,
    For supper I always eat a ton of veggies, I will usually have a bowl of raw veggies sitting there while i'm cooking to snack on, generally we will eat some sort of meat grilled, like salmon, chicken, steak, pork steak, then we typically will have potatoes or rice of which I only take 1/2 serving. Occationally we will eat pizza and I have 1 slice and veggies, we usually will have spaghetti once a week, last night we had tacos, when we have those things, I usually only eat a small amount then fill up on veggies.