SkrillexAsh Member


  • I always have problems with this too!! I just know i will never go back to eating only 1200 a day,. When i did lose weight before that way, i gained it back very quickly! :(
  • i LOVE this!! i've been feeling down on myself lately.. this helped :)
  • I just talked myself out of a binge too.. I'm bored today and i know that's why i want to binge. I also just gave my secret stash of chocolate to my brother before i could dig into it! lol.. But it seriously helps if you just stop for a second and talk to yourself.. why am i doing this?? am i actually hungry or just…
  • Hi everyone, my name is Ashley. I'm 20 years old and live in Alberta, CA. I'm 5'7 and at my highest weight i was 175lbs. I never had a problem with binge eating when i was heavier, but now i weigh in at 146lbs and have developed a binge eating disorder.. I stuggle the most on weekends.. i will eat very well & excercize all…
  • I binged last night!! we were camping and i got drunk and ate a ton of smore's and.. i am so embarassed to say this but i ate two big hot dogs haha.. i haven't ate beef in 3 years!! stupid alchohol... my stomach is so mad at me today..
  • i've learned that i can't let myself have cheat days, because i go fricken nuts.. so this week i'm trying a different approach, eating whatever i want as long as it is in moderation.. wish me luck. lol.
  • i feel the same way as you do right now.. i so badly want to lose more weight, i eat healthy all week long, and exersize, then i counter-act all my hard work by binging on the weekends.. it feels great to binge, but after a binge it's the most horrible feeling!! i feel like such a failure, but i pick up and start again the…
  • Okay, yeah i could try that.. throughout the circuit they make you stop twice for ten seconds to check your heart rate, and mine is usually always in the 80% range which is good.. but i just have no idea how many calories i'm actually burning.. and a heart rate monitor tell you that??
  • Alberta!! :)
  • how much should i be eating?? i only ever see results when i eat 1200 a day.. and i never eat back my workout calories.
  • i was always told that you're not supossed to eat after 8pm though, and i've tried protein shakes, but i find them all disgusting :(
  • when i "binge" i go fricken nuts, over at least 1000 calories in a short period of time, and then i feel like complete crap after!! :(