

  • So much unsaid... Was your starting weight high? It may be best to talk in terms of % as opposed to lbs. Drinking lots of water? Staying away from saturated fats or at least setting a target reduction amount? Get some data built up on this site so you can review your progress.. Once you've established a zone you can begin…
    in Gained 5 kg Comment by edmanski May 2010
  • Go to: MY HOME Goals Change Goals Custom Setting Here you can set your Carbs, Fat and Protein in percentages of your total caloretic intake. Mine is 55C/25F/20P. This works for me as I'm in a reduction phase on the fat. I was really into burgers and fries and ice cream so instead of doing a drastic dump, I'm walking it…
  • Set up a zone around your target amount that is +/- 10%. Focus on your weekly/monthly average. Protein is the most difficult nutrient for the body to convert and therefore can stress the digestive system, especially the liver and kidneys, when digested in high dose. Yet your case suggests all is good. Your only marginally…
  • I agree. MFP Seems high. Metabolism, body size and heart rate are important in computing calorie burn but at best it's usually a "guesstimate" for every "body" burns differently. So what I do is stay on the low side. Because in the end? The only thing that matters is if I'm losing weight or keeping fit, etc so there's no…
  • Hi! Hope you're doing good.... Sounds pretty good to me! You've done well, keeping to your new life plan and making progress. 2lbs per week is the average and that's great, and healthy too! We're certainly not on the .T.V. show Biggest Looser so expecting irrational weight loss that is "made for T.V." is unrealistic.…
  • ...In fun and with total respect and to the contrary.... Don't you LOVE when you eat your breakfast and it feels like you didn't get enough and that means your body is BURNING FAT and your HABITS are adjusting to make for a more HEALTHY and BEAUTIFUL you? Awesome!!
  • Sometimes a cold is just a cold. Yet something I've found to be Very helpful is "Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar". Just a teaspoon in a glass of water every morning and you'll help alkalize your body to prevent colds. Helps to breakdown acids and germ build up, so it reduces all kinds of the bad stuff . You should also take no…
  • Crazy I know! Was just thinking about how I would much prefer the weight just drop of my stomach because I care nothing about losing belt sizes! I mean, who wants new clothes anyway? Okay, new duds are nice, but really, I kinda like some of the threads I got.... So the best thing for me is to think from within. I know I'm…
    in Feel Fat Comment by edmanski April 2010