Gained 5 kg

Shellza Posts: 38 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone,

Dont know how I have done it but I have gained 5 kg (11 lbs ):sad: !! I have been sticking to my calorie limit and been exercising but I have put on. I am a little disheartened now.
I did have trouble getting anywhere near my limit which was weird so must have been well under eating calorie wise but wasn't really exercising before.

any words of wisdom from any one, should I just ride with it and hope for the best?

Thanks guys


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    to put on 11 pounds you would have had to eat 38,500 calories more than you burned, how long did it take you to gain this weight, and are you sure it isn't an issue with the scale you are using?
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    mmm might be scales, I used my Wii fit the first time as the batteries in my scale were flat, got weighed at the docs today and 11 pounds had arrived somewhere! I am also in the UK is there a difference between UK pounds and American?
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    If you're looking at two different scales for those numbers, that's probably where your problem came in. My original scale and my current one were about 10 pounds different. Don't know why and there's really nothing I could do about it. So when I switched over to the new scale I changed my current weight and starting weight. Still upsetting, but it had to be done.

    Pick one scale and stick with it. They all vary by at least a couple of pounds. I haven't gotten the same response on more than one scale in the four months I've been at this!

    Don't let it freak you out.

    Good luck!
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    A pound is a pound. You are not comparing apples to apples. Different scales are calibrated differently...I always weigh more on the doctor's scale. Weigh yourself again on your Wii. :smile:
  • Shellza
    Shellza Posts: 38 Member
    I have just weighed myself on my original scales ( the ones that needed new batteries ) and it is a pound different ( less ) to the docs scales so will stick with them! How can I change the start weight then? so I get an accurate reading from now on.
  • edmanski
    edmanski Posts: 8
    So much unsaid...

    Was your starting weight high? It may be best to talk in terms of % as opposed to lbs.
    Drinking lots of water? Staying away from saturated fats or at least setting a target reduction amount?

    Get some data built up on this site so you can review your progress.. Once you've established a zone you can begin to reduce fat, sat. fat and claorie intake.

    Slowly adjust just one thing out of your diet and replace it with something better.

    For me? I LOVED buttered toast. I removed the butter and went to Almond butter. I then removed that and went to fresh honey.

    That move alone took 8g of fat off my daily intake. I now LOVE honey toast and TOTALLY don't need the butter.

    Make these type of small but helpful adjustments one step at a time....
  • LMT90
    LMT90 Posts: 24
    I wish I could go by the weight on my wii fit, it would certainly be a smaller number lol.
    If your put your wii fit on carpet that may be a reason for the big difference.
    Don't be disheartened by it, you're doing so well... just an electrical blip! x
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