

  • i've also talked to my cardiologist he says theres nothing wrong with running ( i just have a VSD) for me just hydration is the only thing i have to worry about i just am not allowed to get close to being dehydrated
  • yeah i thinking about trying to wake up earlier to get done earlier..also my treadmill broke sadly i have to fix it :( i'm also just a retarted i din't even relize till now hubby meant husband..i've called him that as a cutsey name..although so many people have mistakenly thought were married we're not, we've just been…
  • i don't go the gym but i have a treadmill at home and my boyfriend always laughs at me because i like to sing while running, i'm completely off key the whole time but i find that it helps keep me from holding my breath ..i also like to dance on when walking i shake my hips and my arms, its seems a little dangerous, but i'm…
  • i usually walk around half mile first i have unnaturally tight muscles so it takes a bit to get me going..i never stretch before hand though..after i usually walk slow and then do another 1/4 to half mile backwards, it looks funny but it deffinatly helps stretch out my shins and i get less shin splints, i also feel that it…
  • i'm just throwing this out there but have you guys heard of the genically modified food supplement L-Tryptophan that killed 37 people and disabled 1500, right? i'm not quite sure it its enirely safe, from what i researched it seems to be more of a marketing scheme from the companies that produce these gmo foods, there are…
  • i'm starting to think it might be low-blood sugar to I just looked it up on google..last night was the worse its ever been...I only had a half a block of tofu post workout..i'm really poor at the moment and live off food stamps as a gluten-free vegan (slight gluten free intolerance..i couldn't even afford meat if I wanted…
  • I have one I love it...I use it for cross training and its definitely a great way to get a good workout in with out having to buy weights
    in Bowflex? Comment by kcrowers June 2013
  • I usually work out mid morning to mid-dayi never go beyond 6 o'clock for that reason, I also notice like in between after I eat something I'm usually fine too for a while its just when it starts to get late at night that it just comes back.....
  • thanks for the advice this defiantly helped raise my hopes up for being able to do this :)
  • i'm doing intervals right now usually I end up jogging for around 5 minutes walk at speed close to 4mph for like 7 minutes and then repeat. I do a long run already on the weekend where I finish the whole thirteen miles last week I ended with a time of 3:30, it was the first time I went the whole distance I disappointed…
  • my calorie goal is 1,410 its on the lose .5 lbs a week but i've had no change what so ever. i do cheat though once a week not by much just by like 200 cals. but usually i'm deficient on the days were i have my long run i can never eat enough. i did take measurements before and i think my body fat was is at 19% i have a 12…
  • i also do 30 minutes of strength training 3x per week a followed by a 30 minute walk on days where i'm not running.
  • hi, i noticed to that i've begun to hold onto a lot of waterwith running. i took a week off for vacation and ate more than i usually do ( i still walked a lot) and i dropped 15lbs in a week it was pretty crazy...so i'm thinking its water
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