Weird/Funniest things you have seen at the Gym



  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    At the gym I go to, the treadmills and the bikes sort of face eachother. About 2 months ago there was a guy running next to me on the treadmill, when he had finished, he went to one of the lateral bikes to warm down. I dont know how I came to notice, and please dont judge me haha, but his running shorts had kind of ridden up his leg, to the point where one of his man vegetables was free, dangling and in full view. I couldnt tell him, because that just makes it look like I was staring at his crotch. I spent the next 15 minutes trying to finish my run in fits of laughter. Still makes me chuckle.

    Do men not wear their underwear to the gym?
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Is it weird to sing when you're on the treadmill? I don't think it long as you can carry a tune. Right? lol

    I don't notice other people that much but when I'm hitting a certain stride and one of my favorite songs comes on the ipod I just can't contain myself......I'm happy. I sing!

    i dont sing out loud but do a mean lip synch, along with hand movements

    What sort of hand movements are we talking about?? Air guitar perhaps.... because I also have a habit of playing drums on the front of the treadmill. When you're listening to a lot of Zeppelin it can't be helped. IMO We could almost start a band man. lol

    drums, guitar and general conductor like wand movements.

    lots of pearl jam, alice in chains and faith no more for me
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    seen this guy i guess supposed to be doing pushups.. his arms would go down about 2"'s then he would basically hump the ground and put his *kitten* way up in the air back at the starting point.

    seen someone on the elliptical not using the arms just holding on in the mid but his head was moving super fast like a chicken running forward and back.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    After a quick google that sounds right, thanks for the term. Looks like it's legit, so it looks like I'm the dumb one (just haven't seen that before).

    Not dumb, those are very odd looking. The first time I saw someone do one I was scared for them!! I thought something was wrong with him, hehehe
  • kcrowers
    kcrowers Posts: 17
    i don't go the gym but i have a treadmill at home and my boyfriend always laughs at me because i like to sing while running, i'm completely off key the whole time but i find that it helps keep me from holding my breath ..i also like to dance on when walking i shake my hips and my arms, its seems a little dangerous, but i'm always careful when i do i;ve actually gotten pretty good i think lol i keep thinking i should post a video on youtube to see how many views i get lol
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    At the gym I go to, the treadmills and the bikes sort of face eachother. About 2 months ago there was a guy running next to me on the treadmill, when he had finished, he went to one of the lateral bikes to warm down. I dont know how I came to notice, and please dont judge me haha, but his running shorts had kind of ridden up his leg, to the point where one of his man vegetables was free, dangling and in full view. I couldnt tell him, because that just makes it look like I was staring at his crotch. I spent the next 15 minutes trying to finish my run in fits of laughter. Still makes me chuckle.

    Do men not wear their underwear to the gym?

    i wear running shorts but they have net mesh inside to keep the veggies in. so no underwear.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    To those of you who reprimanded me when I mentioned the women at my gym who just walk on the treadmill and sit on the machines, tsk tsking that I'm mocking overweight and/or injured people, no, I'm talking about thin, apparently able-bodied university students. There are a bunch of them. I seriously doubt that they are *all* currently recovering from injuries.

    Here's another thing. I went to a bodypump class last night, and almost everybody throws down their barbell so that it hits the floor with a thud at the end of each section. What's that all about? Isn't it better to set it down gently? Are they all using weights that they can barely control?
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Here's another thing. I went to a bodypump class last night, and almost everybody throws down their barbell so that it hits the floor with a thud at the end of each section. What's that all about? Isn't it better to set it down gently? Are they all using weights that they can barely control?

    In my experience it depends on the exercise. When I'm using heavy weights sometimes it's easier or safer to drop them then it is to set them down gentle. I tweaked my shoulder once trying to set something down quietly, not anymore I drop them if I have to.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    IMO you should only use weights that you can control all the time unless there is a spotter. dropping weights isnt only bad decorum (unless you're doing olympic competition lifts) but can also damage the floor and the weights themselves
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Here's another thing. I went to a bodypump class last night, and almost everybody throws down their barbell so that it hits the floor with a thud at the end of each section. What's that all about? Isn't it better to set it down gently? Are they all using weights that they can barely control?

    In my experience it depends on the exercise. When I'm using heavy weights sometimes it's easier or safer to drop them then it is to set them down gentle. I tweaked my shoulder once trying to set something down quietly, not anymore I drop them if I have to.

    My teacher makes us do push ups, if she hears those weights bang down.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    IMO you should only use weights that you can control all the time unless there is a spotter. dropping weights isnt only bad decorum (unless you're doing olympic competition lifts) but can also damage the floor and the weights themselves

    For me it's not about control, it's more about the position I am in. I have control. I'm also talking about dumbells so maybe that's the difference. Oh well, decorum never has been my speciality :-)
  • Me trying out Zumba for the first time.....funniest sight ever.

    Just picture baby giraffe.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    seen this guy i guess supposed to be doing pushups.. his arms would go down about 2"'s then he would basically hump the ground and put his *kitten* way up in the air back at the starting point.

    It sounds like he's doing a plank into a chataranga to upward dog or Cobra to down dog. It's a vinyasa flow movement (yoga), and not nearly as easy as it looks to do it with proper form.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    The bouncing boobs story made me die laughing!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    IDK how funny this is, but I have a joint gym membership with my dad, so we work out together quite often. I'm sure all of you ladies know how there are so many weight machines that put you in positions with your legs open, behind in the air, cleavage showing, etc. and how guys put little effort into hiding their blatant staring and ogling. So while I'm on the machines, they are staring at me and my dad is glaring angrily at the guys staring. So awkward! I'm thinking of switching to my own gym. lol
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    IDK how funny this is, but I have a joint gym membership with my dad, so we work out together quite often. I'm sure all of you ladies know how there are so many weight machines that put you in positions with your legs open, behind in the air, cleavage showing, etc. and how guys put little effort into hiding their blatant staring and ogling. So while I'm on the machines, they are staring at me and my dad is glaring angrily at the guys staring. So awkward! I'm thinking of switching to my own gym. lol

    Awww that's so sweet....and yet awkward at the same time lol
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    A few from over the years but here's a few

    1) Just last night there was a teeny bopper guy curling on a balance platform who lost his balance & came crashing down so loud that I heard him w/ my earbuds in which usually drowns everything out. Everyone was looking & chuckling because it was so loud. I just continued on just shaking my head.

    2) The old guy who always gives unsolicited advise because 30 years ago he was a ski instructor, came up to me mid interval session on the treadmill to ask me how much I weigh because I was shaking the entire floor. This ticked me off at the time but is proof that I'm kicking azz in my workout.

    3) At my old gym there was a lady on a stationary bike in front of a line of treadmills I was using. She was wearing black spandex cycling shorts. The way the sun was coming in the window as the sun set it was focused on her bum. In the sun you could see right through the shorts like they weren't there, I'm sure she didn't notice but I did notice that she didn't have any underwear.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Very funny, bump for later.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    IDK how funny this is, but I have a joint gym membership with my dad, so we work out together quite often. I'm sure all of you ladies know how there are so many weight machines that put you in positions with your legs open, behind in the air, cleavage showing, etc. and how guys put little effort into hiding their blatant staring and ogling. So while I'm on the machines, they are staring at me and my dad is glaring angrily at the guys staring. So awkward! I'm thinking of switching to my own gym. lol

    my gym might be too far to commute

    similarly a few guys were standing around and talking about the women in the zumba/pump class and saying this and that and everyone had a good, oh yea moment.

    it was all fun and games until someone said something about the one guys daughter who is 19 and in that class.....
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    So.. last night at the gym, it was pretty quiet being Sunday night, and I was in the corner quietly getting on with my squats and overhead presses.. it was impossible not to notice a young svelte blonde monopolising two guys in the weights section. She'd talk to them for 5 minutes, go off and do one exercise on the mats, come back, then they were trying to help her with the pullup machine.

    Eventually they went over to the bench, and I almost dropped the bar because for one guy's first set she literally sat on his lap. I thought this was only something that happened in male fantasies (and seriously, with which part of his body was he trying to lift?!). She didn't try that stunt for the rest of the time they were on the bench.. but after I'd finished I went to stretch out and she was at the other end of the area. A few minutes later, the guy she'd sat on came over to 'help' her stretch. kneeling in her crotch. pushing one leg vertical over her head and the other flat on the floor. I left them to it..


    Now don't quote me on this, but I was reading an article in my local newspaper about how women SHOULD sit on men's laps while they're doing arm/shoulder presses (free weights of course). The reasoning was that it increased the mans testosterone levels, pumped up his muscles, and ultimately made him work out harder and longer then if she wasn't sitting on his lap.
    So you never know, maybe she was "helping" him out :)