Weird/Funniest things you have seen at the Gym



  • KNK1988
    KNK1988 Posts: 27 Member
    I never write in these things, but this reminded me of a few years back I was on an elliptical and a lady got onto the one next to me and had just went to Starbucks and had a HOT drink in her cup holder...odd
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    I seen an older man stretching and doing yoga. He looked like he was throwing Poke balls haha it was hilarious how serious he was too

    Poke balls = pokemon
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    The other day i looked up and there was this guy in the "ab" area dancing away. He looked like he was rehersing something like if he was a back up dancer. The movements alone were pretty funny but what really topped it was the facial expressions. Every move he made came with a different facial expression. There was a guy that went into that area to work out and took one look and walked out. i guess he couldnt workout there withought laughing!
  • ohtobe140
    ohtobe140 Posts: 93
    there are a lot of replies here so I apologize if this was asked, but how do some of those people not die in that video of the workout fails. I mean a fully loaded barbell falling on your neck can't be good and why do some of them seem to pass out, that doesn't seem right. yikes.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    there are a lot of replies here so I apologize if this was asked, but how do some of those people not die in that video of the workout fails. I mean a fully loaded barbell falling on your neck can't be good and why do some of them seem to pass out, that doesn't seem right. yikes.

    I don't know either. There's a lot of vomiting though. :smile:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    LOL yes, gawkers. I was on the treadmill once, warming up and doing a brisk walk and this guy walks behind me... I could see him in the mirror across the room.. and he just stood there and pretended to stretch while watching me. Wtf do you do in that situation?

    I, personally, would let out a loud and smelly fart. Might make them think twice about gawking again.
  • NostalgicGraeme
    NostalgicGraeme Posts: 38 Member
    We have a 'grunter' at our gym. The really funny part if that he's not even muscular... bless him for putting the effort in though :D
  • AstroSquirrel
    AstroSquirrel Posts: 5 Member
    I had belonged to a small neighborhood women's gym. There was an older lady who would come in and get on every piece of cardio equipment for about a minute and then leave. Every. Piece. She wasn't quite dressed for exercise but would do the aerobic video style warm-ups before her round. Needless to say, she would be in there for only 10 minutes but it was a pretty weird experience, especially if you were alone.
  • Guinevere_22
    Guinevere_22 Posts: 14 Member
    I was once in the gym changing room getting ready for my workout - and this women walks out of the shower butt-naked; walks over to where I'm changing as if the entire room wasn't empty and starts chatting to me about my sports bra which was weird enough, but whilst she talked she was drying herself; down-there! lol some people really have no shame...
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    A few years back a few I used to go to Bodypump classes with a few of the ladies from work and one day a couple of the guys decided to join us. Of course, they went straight to the heaviest weights that they could while we were using our little 'girly' weights. It was very funny to watch them sweat, pant, struggle and almost damage themselves while trying to look cool :) . I miss Bodypump!
  • aagaag
    aagaag Posts: 89 Member
    I have a Precor elliptical in my home and I haven't been to a gym for >10 yrs. I am inexperienced with all gym equipment except for the elliptical. Certainly, the desultory remarks about people like me in this thread have reinforced my steadfast determination never to visit a gym again.
  • Pardyqueenxoxo
    Pardyqueenxoxo Posts: 218 Member
    Someone working out wearing Jeans.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    There is this really tall man with a mop of curly hair that always just goes straight for the treadmill. Once he gets started he puts it on prob the steepest incline it will hit and turns up the speed and holds on while running !! Fair play to him I couldnt run up a hill but he looks like hes holding on for dear life lol :D
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    We have a guy who train on a Saturday, and the group was challenged to do a behind the back press-ups, of course he steps up, Try's a Double clap press up, on the concrete floor, lands face first, blood everywhere and had to have 3 stiches!
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    ooo and a lady in the swimming pool with hair done perfect and heavy make up done perfect trying her best the breast stroke without getting her head wet and you could tell she was struggling !! Why would you even bother lol
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Bump for reading later! :D
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    There's a couple of girls who go to one of my gyms that freak me (and a few others out). They are twins, very slim, pretty, long blonde hair, hard to tell their age, could be anything between 18-28). The only use the treadmill and the elliptical but they train together doing exactly the same work-out. You see one nod to the other when it's time to increase the speed or whatever. Sometimes their Mum comes along too and they all three do EXACTLY the same thing.

    This is weird enough but even weirder is that in the changing rooms, they help each other to get dressed etc and dry each others hair. It's just very freaky to see!
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    There's a couple of girls who go to one of my gyms that freak me (and a few others out). They are twins, very slim, pretty, long blonde hair, hard to tell their age, could be anything between 18-28). The only use the treadmill and the elliptical but they train together doing exactly the same work-out. You see one nod to the other when it's time to increase the speed or whatever. Sometimes their Mum comes along too and they all three do EXACTLY the same thing.

    This is weird enough but even weirder is that in the changing rooms, they help each other to get dressed etc and dry each others hair. It's just very freaky to see!

    wonder if they share the same boyfriend.
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    I go to a small gym that seems quite normal. I do suspect I provide the main entertainment at present. I am trying to master the power clean. Apparently not very sussessfully, when i glance in the mirror and find I look more like an epileptic penguin than an in control lifter. And my trainer was muttering about snatches being next :ohwell:
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    A few years back a few I used to go to Bodypump classes with a few of the ladies from work and one day a couple of the guys decided to join us. Of course, they went straight to the heaviest weights that they could while we were using our little 'girly' weights. It was very funny to watch them sweat, pant, struggle and almost damage themselves while trying to look cool :) . I miss Bodypump!

    this was me the first time i did a body pump class. first 10 minutes i kept up, next 10 minutes i skipped every other rep, next 10 i thought about all the mistakes i have made in life, the next 15 i tried not to crap myself or throwup in the room