Weird/Funniest things you have seen at the Gym



  • AlexThreeClaw
    AlexThreeClaw Posts: 73 Member
    Weirdest thing seen at my gym was possibly me, the time I was fiddling my mp3 player, dropped it and then kicked it under the treadmill. I'm sure it looked like I was doing a very strange workout routine. Jog to the treadmill, drop and do a push up. Hop around to the other side. Drop down and get up. Jog to the other end of the gym. Jog back with a pencil. Drop down, poke around, get up. Try the other side. Jog back again... Until I got one of the trainers to start the machine and magically ramp up the incline so I can reach underneath and nab my precious treasure. I felt so foolish.

    There's one guy who drinks straight from the fountain, nothing weird about that, but he laps at the water like it's one of those hamster bottles or something. It's quite funny to watch.
  • lmroessler
    lmroessler Posts: 29 Member
    I'm probably the funniest thing at my gym because I'm there to sweat and work out, and quite honestly don't care what anyone thinks about me. I am the one mouthing the words and banging my head to every song on my iPod, the one "dancing" on the elliptical or treadmill when one of my favorites comes on, the one that will pull my undies out of my crack if they've creeped their way up there, the one who has asked a lady in the locker room to help me with my sports bra because I just got done swimming and I didn't dry off enough, etc., etc. I just really don't care what anyone there thinks as long as I'm burning my calories.

    I do plenty of people watching myself and thoroughly enjoyed this thread, but I assume many of them are like me and just really don't care what the rest of us think.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    The funniest so far for me was not seen; it was heard. I was in Yoga class doing one of the challenging folding poses when one of the ladies let a big, wet one rip. It took everything in my power not to laugh.
  • InspiredSAM
    InspiredSAM Posts: 98 Member
    Lady grumbling at CNN and punching the TV screen on the treadmill repeatedly.

    ^^^ this is hilarious!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I go to a small gym that seems quite normal. I do suspect I provide the main entertainment at present. I am trying to master the power clean. Apparently not very sussessfully, when i glance in the mirror and find I look more like an epileptic penguin than an in control lifter. And my trainer was muttering about snatches being next :ohwell:

    Same here. I feel really stupid doing them, but no doubt look even stupider.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    I really really really try very hard not to laugh at other people in my kickboxing class, but sometimes they look so silly! And then the instructor can't help but smile and then I'm dying to hold back my grin as well >.<

    Also, what is with women who decide to work out with their hair down (or done up nicely with pretty bows etc), and a full face of makeup and all their jewellery (earrings, necklaces, bracelets etc)?

    And I'm sure I get some looks when I'm doing my HIIT workout on the treadmill, especially if the others don't know what I'm doing (and I've never seen anyone else at my gym do HIIT).
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I don't make silly faces but I look mean as a snake when I'm lifting. I looked in the mirror and was thinking when did my sister get here. I am a twin but I look most like my sister when I am really mad which rarely happens. So looking in the mirror when I'm intensely focused and seeing her and not me was kind of if I look in the mirror I don't look at my face.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I saw a guy bench pressing with a friend, who farted every time he started to lower the weight. It'd come down an inch, and he'd fart-- and stop. Then another inch, and another fart-- and another stop. And again. Then... dead silence as he tried to focus.

    He began to lower the bar a fourth time, and farted yet again. This time, it actually had a... questioning... sort of quality about it. The fart, I mean. It sort of went up in pitch at the end. Like his *kitten* was apologizing.

    He and his friend started laughing so hard, he couldn't hold the weight up anymore and he had to let it down on his chest. I had to help his friend get it back up onto the supports.
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Other than the usual grunting or people wearing work or party attire I haven't seen much since I only had a gym pass a year or so

    Although I remember in high school we had to increase The weight we lifted by a percentage every few or so weeks. So by the end I was benching 100 ( I was tiny in hs) and my left arm was much stronger I guess. Well very often the guys had to run and catch the weights on the right because they would slide off the bar. They found it pretty amusing.

    There was also a guy who apparently was competing with me all year, on the last week he walked up to me and said " yeah I beat u!" there were 3 of us girls in the class and we lifted but did so much chatting we hardly gave a crap about the weights, poor guy but I lifted more on my legs than a lot of the boys, he was not ok with that

    Sorry that's all I got
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    There was a lady that swam at the local pool at the same time I did. She was a little "off" but a really nice lady. We were chatting one day a couple of weeks after Daylight Savings Time took effect. She explained about how she was so tired during the summer because that "one less hour of sleep EVERY NIGHT" really took its toll on her.

    I tried to explain that it was only the very FIRST night that was shorter... that all of the other nights still had the same number of hours. (to paraphrase the idea)

    She just shook her had and said "You're real smart, so I guess I'll believe you... but I still get real tired in the summer from the lack of sleep."
  • sineadlpb
    sineadlpb Posts: 59 Member
    There's a lady at the gym I go to who's always trying to recruit people for market research. I only see her once a week (I only go during the day on a Wednesday), but she asks me every time. I wouldn't mind but it's a bit hard to think about market research when you're doing HIIT...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The guys who set the machine to the HIGHEST weight, then struggle to do one rep while turning beet red.

    The girls who wear shorty-shorts, a bra, makeup, and done up hair (we're talking poof and pageant makeup!) They walk to a different machine after 5 reps then socialize for 30 minutes.

    if you are noticing all this, you are not working out hard enough...
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I've seen a guy do "power curls" in the squat rack. Think power cleans but with your grip flipped. He was trying to curl too heavy and had to jerk his whole body to get it up. Yeah, not quite sure what he was trying to accomplish.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Last week this 20ish looking girl came into the gym with a cropped top and wide thong shorts. Hot pink to boot. Her whole *kitten* was hanging out. She came in again this week. I am surprised that they allow her in dressed like that.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    Four words:

    old man ball sack

    Enough said.

    A girl was doing the thigh machine with short shorts and no underwear. you could see what she had for breakfast. :sick:
  • CMMichalk
    CMMichalk Posts: 2
    haha! Love!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Four words:

    old man ball sack

    Enough said.

    A girl was doing the thigh machine with short shorts and no underwear. you could see what she had for breakfast. :sick:

    Wait, what?

    How did breakfast become part of this story?

    Never mind. Don't tell me. I'd prefer that it stay a complete mystery... everything else down there.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've seen a guy do "power curls" in the squat rack. Think power cleans but with your grip flipped. He was trying to curl too heavy and had to jerk his whole body to get it up. Yeah, not quite sure what he was trying to accomplish.

    Probably trying to get women to notice him.

    Given your post:

    Mission. Accomplished.
  • kareyn19
    kareyn19 Posts: 26 Member
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    At my old gym, there was a guy who would come in a few times a week and run on the treadmill in sweats and a big heavy coat with gloves and a stocking cap, year round.

    The gym was next to the fire station, so there were also a couple of girls that would come in during the times the firemen were there wearing shorts so short their cheeks were hanging out and sports bras. (not me, lol) Just funny, not really weird.

    I just joined the gym in my new town, nothing weird there yet.