liapr Member


  • Mihani, that asparagus sounds delicious! Yum. I always make it the same basic way - roasted with a tiny bit of oil and a tiny bit of sea salt! I love asparagus though. I'm going to have to try out your way soon.. How are you feeling re boss coming back? I can't tell whether you need another lawyer or another 5 clerks!!!…
  • B - Coconut yogurt, granola, strawberries and blackberries L - big salad with shredded carrots, orange pepper, pumpkin seeds, and a white balsamic vinaigrette (I'm going to try for more variety next time like yours, Mihani!) D - unplanned (uh oh) S - orange, canteloupe, and ... a client dropped off muffins at our office...
  • LOVE that wrap, Karrie! I love the shape of it too. Looks so versatile. Your kitten is sooooo cute. More pictures!! I am with you, I just can't bring myself to go crazy right now. My food prep is pretty half-@ssed for sure, but I've still got healthy lunches everyday and mostly healthy dinners and breakfasts too, but too…
  • Happy birthday, CARLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay that is awesome. What delicious food are you going to have tonight? It's my Mom's birthday on Sunday so we are doing celebrations tomorrow night actually. Hope you have a nice night out, you deserve it :) It's funny, I don't nearly have the same property as you Carla and I was…
  • Hi guys, Mihani - oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle :( What day is the funeral scheduled? I hope it's okay and not crazy work-wise, you don't need that on top of everything else. Hopefully one of your colleagues will offer a little extra help to cover you :( Aww Karrie sorry to hear about your little kitty, but…
  • Carla I was also going to say, your kitchen is beautiful lol. And super clean! So funny. The loom looks SO cool!!!! I am in awe. Also, how do you just pick up crocheting so quickly?!?! I still have not done anything with my ball of yarn lol. I'm the worst. Mmmm glass of wine sounds delish right now Mihani (and it's 10am,…
  • great idea, Karrie, I like bite-sized goals too (no pun intended). They're easier to accomplish! I'm going to try that for next week. Like I will have at least three green smoothies for breakfast next week. Mihani, I had an amy's burrito last night! I wish they were bigger lol. So annoying about the ants... My client today…
  • Yay thanks for starting the new thread, Mihani! I love the name actually, haha, it's kinda perfect for our group! Ahhhh I can't believe it happened again with the bank!! Argghhhhhhhh. Not fair. Glad you noticed it right away though. Awesome that your cravings are better these days too, woohoo! My goal for march is more…
  • Here are my latest purchases!
  • I know it's March but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MIHANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you got to enjoy some sushi and hopefully some especially needed R&R? How was it? Mmm I think I need to make some tofu scramble soon. Man Carla that is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you made it, it's gorgeous. Are you bored with the loom now?…
  • Hi guys! I am going crazy at work again suddenly, I thought it was supposed to be quieter. Sounds like story of all of our lives, right? Anyway, it's beautiful and warm here today which is crazy for February 23, so I'll take it. Also, it is so nice not having to worry about slipping on snow and ice! My eating has been…
  • Whoa sorry that turned out so huge! Carla I'm obsessed with your resin artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats on the pieces going up! I can't believe you make them, it boggles my mind. Also, the loom looks so cool! How's it going now? Also, anything that you can do in the immediate future to ease the gallbladder pain? :( Also, I…
  • Thought of you guys when I saw this and ewspecoally you Mihani putting nooch on everything! Hehe
  • Hi guys! Oh no Carla that's awful!! I can't believe that. My parents just finished 3 weeks without a furnace... it died on them and their technician was SO SLOW getting them a new one. They still had electricity and a working fireplace so they had to buy a bunch of heaters and that made it bearable. But my gosh, to lose…
  • I love seeing everyone's cute pets. Here is my little pouffy dog lazing around with a little onesie I bought to compare size lol. Bro and sis to be! My friend brought her newborn over on Sunday and Cody did not notice or care about the baby at all!! haha. So it'll be an experiment.
  • Mihani, my aunt and cousin both got an Instant Pot in the last year and both can't say enough about it too! It made me interested, but good to know you can make a ton of delish veg stuff in it, Carla! My husband has some bachelor party thing in the city for a friend who is having a town hall wedding/baby in the next month!…
  • Hi lovely ladies!! (Speaking of, I wonder how Sloth is doing these days?!) How are you guys? Sorry for being MIA. I felt like I got too far behind on the thread and was just lurking. But then a puppy picture went up and just like that, I am backkkkkkkkK! Also Carla, THAT is Ruby now?!?!?! OMG she's so big. And…
  • Wow Karrie, that's amazing!!!!! I can't even imagine doing a pattern like that?! Sadly, my yarn is in a closet somewhere lol. But thanks for reminding me. January is a lot less insane than December and I've started to get into baby mode a little more, so I think I'll pull it out and try along with some youtube videos! I…
  • Yay thanks for starting the thread, Mihani!!! Great job with all the smoothies, I've gone back to them too. I generally like porridge in the winters, but smoothies are a nice way to get my greens in when I'm really not feeling like salads. I also got into some snacking nuts last night and went overboard lol. Carla, OMG…
  • Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all are enjoying some time off and some family time and some relaxing time. I had food poisoning Christmas Eve so it's a Christmas miracle that I haven't stuffed my face this holiday but I am craving lots of fruit, so I'll take it. Very happy to have you guys around toooooo ❤❤❤
  • HI guys, Sorry for being the worst MFP!!!! I've missed you but I haven't had a chance to come on and actually write to you. I got my gender news this morning- we are having a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so thrilled. I feel like this is the first time where I actually feel excited, it feels a bit more real now. And now I…
  • Heheheheeh I also love Jingle Joel December, that must be one of our all-time bests lol. Mihani, I totally understand, I definitely EAT when I'm stressed. When I'm busiest, it seems I never am one of those people who 'forgets' to eat, instead I just eat quick and crappy foods. What are your plans or hopes for limiting the…
  • Aw yay Carla, that's awesome! Relaxing with no set plans is actually the BEST holiday plans!!! haha. My husband is already whining about all the plans and family gatherings to come over Christmas lol. I had greens AND beans for lunch. Woohoo! But it's really about 50/50 right now as far as ETL/non-ETL. Yesterday I had…
  • Happy thanksgiving, US friends!!! I hope you have a beautiful day with lovely people and delicious food (and drinks!). Have a wine for me too, Mihani xoxo
  • Hi guys! Is it Christmas yet?! I'm dying for it. I am finally feeling mostly normal again!! Yayyyy. I need to work on my eating though. I'm eating less than I was before, but it's still not all healthful. Cookies follow a lot of meals lol. And my stomach is starting to stick out, which is weird, because isn't that what we…
  • Hi guys! How is your week going? Karrie, I'm so sorry about your hedgie :( How did the kids take it? I can't imagine having to be the "adult" in those situations... I dread eventually having my pup pass away during my time. He's the first pet that is actually mine, and I will be so crushed. Carla, I'm obsessed with your…
  • Ahh that's so convenient re voting Carla! I feel like that is the way of the future eventually... we have that option in Ontario but only if you're not going to be in your city on the voting days. Mmmmm coconut stew.....
  • Thanks you guys <3 It is still taking some getting used to. Mmm that veggie stew looks yummy, and easy, which I like almost as much! Thanks for sharing. LEt us know how the meal plans work for you Karrie! Carla, managing to stay way from chocolate is a huge thing for me! Lol. Also, I'm with you, I totally am prioritizing…
  • Hey Emmy, welcome to the November thread and great job on the loss so far!!