

  • Carrie - my cousin and me told our Grandmother it was ok to take us to MA movie the end scared the **** out of me and i can still see that last scene to this day and shudder
  • Me too i think im good it goes upi fluctuate between 81 and 82 and that darn MFP indicator at the end of the day tells me in 5 weeks i will be 78 ... i think its been telling me that for a couple of months now...but im now in a size 14 i think i was a bride last time i was a 14 so that is my new goal im happy, fitter and…
  • congrats you look great
  • you need to eat something every 4 hrs otherwise your blood sugar will play havoc. it doesnt need to be much each time but you need to get into the habit of fueling your body otherwise you will go into starvation mode and your muscles will break down and start wasteing. i agree with seeing a dietician to set you on a good…
  • Ask him you may not like what you hear but at least you will know and can deal with it
  • think its time for a new pair of pants they are looking a bit baggy...congrats you look fabulous
  • Its the exchanging of the vows that are more important there are other ceremonies other than rings you can do a different colored sand in a jar as the blending of the two of you into one, or use a ribbon to bind your hands together find something that seems more symbolic to the two of you, being together is the most…
  • Thats fantastic youve gone from a pretty girl to a fit pretty girl congratulations
  • tomato sauce for pasta - just crushed tomatos and maybe some herbs and garlic depending on the brand
  • i have been eating them nearly every day usually in my breakfast yoghurt as my natropath recommended them for their photo estrogen boost. something i have been doing has helped with the menopausal symptoms so im not changing anything.. give them a try
    in Chia seeds? Comment by dvcab June 2012
  • I wait till i reach a milestone i have set then adjust or when i stalled in weight lost i played with the figures and actually put my calorie count up for a while, then readjusted it down again. If your comfortable with your current calories and are losing weight just leave it for awhile
    in Check-In ? Comment by dvcab May 2012
  • ACTION REGION: THIRD ROUND (1) Die Hard (21) Terminator (14) Top Gun (2) Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Ditto the ball feels really good on it i ended up with a cortisone injection too so much pain in the morning feel lke an old lady hobbling down the hall way..lol
  • congrats on the start of your journey what is it with fifty year olds who come to this decision why oh why didnt we think of it 10 or more years ago i have been on this site for 8 months now and doing it slow and steady i have lost 16 kilos so far and feel fabulous still have another 10 to go but im in no hurry little bit…
  • :laugh: apparently nothing today but thanks for the laugh http://www.myfitnesspal.com/usmcmp oh look i copied and pasted that!!!!:laugh:
  • great pic i know how you feel i love donuts
  • as they say the slower the better and it will be more manageable for life. if you lose a great amount on a fad diet most times you will put it all back on then some. what you are doing is great your learning portion control and whats good for you and keep it for a life time.
    in discouraged... Comment by dvcab May 2012
  • you look great you no longer have a kardashian bottom congrats
  • bump sounds yummy
  • oh and the cookie diet thats just cruel
    in Pizza Comment by dvcab April 2012
  • Michelle Bridges 12 week weight loss and Iconic shoes..lol i hate shoe shopping so they will never get me
    in Pizza Comment by dvcab April 2012
  • definately in your face but have you measured yourself bet there are cm's missing keep up the good work your heading in the right direction
  • ACTION REGION: FIRST ROUND (1) Die Hard (17) Bourne Ultimatum (8 ) Enter the Dragon (9) Predator (28) Spartacus (12) Speed (20) The Great Escape (29) Platoon (3) Terminator 2 (14) Top Gun (6) Lethal Weapon (11) Dark Knight (26) Long Kiss Goodnight (23) Dirty Harry (15) Rambo: First Blood (2) Indiana Jones: Raiders of the…
  • i too are over the big 5 0 feel free to add me
  • Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • I agree dont take the scales too literally make sure you measure and you will feel your clothes feeling looser. Women especially fluctuate like crazy over the month. keep up your water intake it seems silly we mention water weight but actually drinking more flushes water out. But most important keep on your journey get…
    in help Comment by dvcab April 2012
  • i find myself saying no alot (to myself) im sure i have this devil on my shoulder that keeps saying in my ear you want chips, chocolate ect i would normally have just said ok and eaten them. Now i am saying no i secretly wish he would get laryngitis it would be easier.
  • you should be proud of yourself i bet you not only feel better about yourself but your energy would have increased as well which is just a wonderful side effect of losing weight
  • Hi i go to contures which is a similar style though they have half cardio exercises and half machines that you build up on the weights, i had never been a gym type person but knew i needed to do something to tone as i lost my weight now im addicted and miss going and now i have guns...lol i also walk now to something else…
  • $1.59 in Melbourne i missed buying before it went up 18c damn damn damn...