Chia seeds?

Anyone try chia seeds? I usually don't buy into fads, or miracle foods, or gimmics, but I've really been hearing some great things about these chia seeds & seriously thinking about adding them to my diet. Everything I've read online is super positive & I love all the benefits & different uses for them. Just wanted to get some feedback from some real people.


  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    They're great. Full of goodness and definitely not a fad. Great sprinkled on salads, yogurt etc. Good in smoothies
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    I do use them in my overnight oatmeal daily.

    Quote wikipedia:
    In a one-ounce (28 g) sample, dried chia seeds contain 9% of the Daily Value for protein (4g), 13% fat (9g) (57% of which is ALA) and 42% dietary fiber (11g), based on a daily intake of 2000 calories.[8] The seeds also contain the essential minerals phosphorus, manganese, calcium, potassium and sodium[8] in amounts comparable to other edible seeds, such as flax[9] or sesame.[10]

    Hope that helps. :wink:
  • seekingstrengthX2
    We have some and I remember to sprinkle them on stuff now and then. They don't really have any flavor so I don't use them as much as I thought I would.
  • dvcab
    dvcab Posts: 78
    i have been eating them nearly every day usually in my breakfast yoghurt as my natropath recommended them for their photo estrogen boost. something i have been doing has helped with the menopausal symptoms so im not changing anything.. give them a try
  • DavidOfOz
    DavidOfOz Posts: 225
    I have them on my cereal every morning...along with psyllium husks.!
  • CrSc352
    CrSc352 Posts: 2
    I use them with greek yogurt as a substitute for granola. it gives the crunch. I also use them with my morning oatmeal. They seem to add to me feeling full longer. I am usually not hungry until around noon.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I have some soaking in my lemon snapple. the seeds create a gel makes it a little like bubble tea. :)
  • MernyMac
    MernyMac Posts: 37 Member
    I have a recipe for that overnight oatmeal....I want to give it a try....Do you have to crush up the seeds ?....I've read yes, no and that there is a powdered form.....
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    Tip for moms of pickey eaters:
    You can sprinkle ground chia seeds into almost everything. I buy them whole and grind them up in a 'bullet' (coffee grinder or blender would work too) and sprinkle them on pb and j sandwhiches, grilled cheese, plain noodles, smoothies, sauces, with breadcrumbs for chicken nuggets. I add the seeds whole and/or ground to pancakes, muffins and cookies too. I also sprinkle them on pizza (on top of the tomatoe sauce and under the cheese) Just keep in mind that the seeds will expand and soak up some of the moisture in your recipes, so you have to go by feel and add more liquid as you see fit.
    I also make chia a visible ingrediant as well, as the texture is kinda cool for little kids. Chia oatmeal and Chia pudding are big hits.
    Check out Strawberry Mousse recipe (was on the Prana Ground Chia package)

    Chia-Strawberry Gelati

    2 cups fresh organic strawberries (or any other seasonal fruit: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, mangoes…)
    ¼ cup organic virgin coconut oil
    ½ cup Prana Ground Chia seeds
    ¼ cup honey, maple syrup or brown rice syrup

    1. Blend all ingredients together until you obtain a semi-firm but creamy texture.
    2. Refrigerate for 2 hours, until the mix becomes quite firm.
    3. Enjoy while fresh and garnish with sliced PRANA Amandines!

    I don't know what Prana Amandines are.....:ohwell: so I garnished the mousse with Vanilla Greek Yogurt and it was simply divine!
    (I also used Blue Agave syrup as the sweetner and only used 2 tbsp, the mousse was on the tart side, but the sweet yogurt balanced it, in my opinion)
    Also, melt the coconut oil and drizzle into the food processor or blender like you do for aioli or dressing. make sure your pureed fruit isn't cold, or the coconut oil will harden and form little bits......not the fluffy creamy texture you are aiming for.