

  • I agree with all the are not eating enough calories. Exercise is important too, not for the calories burned so much, as for the other benefits like stress relief, energy boost, etc., which in turn, will help with the weight loss! When you say you are gaining only in the belly...have you checked with your…
  • I think you are doing the right thing....after a splurge, it's good to get a little extra exercise. You got back on track...stay on! Just go back to your good habits and the number of calories you are supposed to eat every day. I try NOT to eat any exercise calories, just stay at 1200, no matter how much exercise I do.…
  • Sounds delish! I'm going to try this! I like to mix in salsa or pico de gallo, cilantro dressing (greek yog, cilantro, garlic, salt, pepper, tiny bit of parm cheese or cotija cheese), black beans, chicken or shrimp
  • GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!! Hard work paying off! What a fun part of this whole are doing something really right.....gotta feel very proud! We MFPers need this kind of great news!
  • Hey there...DO NOT get discouraged! Keep it up. Try completing the diary EVERY day and EVERYTHING you eat for a couple weeks. Then, you may see a pattern. As you work towards your goals, you'll learn more and more about what you need to eat to lose weight in addition to the exercise. I have to concentrate on high fiber,…
  • Hi! I definitely understand your struggle! I have successfully lost a lot of weight after diagnosis with severe UC. It's work, but also a commitment. I would love to try to form a small support group of those of us who need to lose weight and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent flares and misery!
  • Hi there! I was diagnosed this past January with severe UC. I was incredibly sick, but also had been suffering for at least 3 years undiagnosed (they took out my gall bladder, kept diagnosing severe infection, etc.). BUT, I considered it a huge wake-up call to get the diagnosis. I had to do several months of medications,…
  • Hi! Please feel free to add me if you would like. I, too, understand the need to be healthy after such a tough time. SO HAPPY FOR YOU BEATING YOUR DISEASE!!!!!!! This is a great forum for support and information too! Welcome and here's to your weight loss journey!! You can do it!
  • Absolutely delicious sounding recipes!!!!!!!!!! Im going to save these for dessert...
  • I love blueberries and peaches...but peaches are about done, so today, I did 1/4 C pure pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, a couple walnuts chopped and blueberries. It was yummy! You could add sugar or agave if you need it sweet. I only eat steel cut though...not instant. Adjust your water a bit maybe. LOTS OF GREAT IDEAS…
  • Sounds really come up with a solution for the gravy...:wink:
  • Great job!! This is a great website and forum for those of us who truly want to live a healthy lifestyle, not just "diet". Keep it up!
  • I completely agree with those who posted that, in moderation, "cheating" is actually part of a healthy lifestyle. Depriving yourself of things you are craving can result in slipping back to bad habits. I've learned that if I "cheat"and have a sweet or an empty carb or two, I sure don't want as many as I did when I was…
  • Change to Monday if that's when you want to do it. The key is to only weigh yourself once a week. Otherwise, you will get discouraged occasionally...your weight can really fluctuate. Also, make sure you weigh yourself at the same time every week. ..speaking from experience.... Good luck!
  • This is fabulous work!!!!! Hard work! Reward yourself. Then, tell us some hints on how you did it! Slow and steady was the smart way to go by the way... Good work! You look fabulous. I will use your story as my own inspiration for the week! I have about 20 lbs left to go...