Hi - I'm Molly, and I had my first baby in September! I'm hoping to be cleared for exercise next week so I can start getting back in shape and working on these extra pounds. For now I'm logging calories to balance eating enough to support breastfeeding but not eating too much. I gained a lot while pregnant, and I still…
Red pepper flakes. They make EVERYTHING taste better.
I'm not a native Texan, but I've been here several years now. Recently escaped DFW and moved to Austin!
Way to go! You almost look like a different person.
Way to go! You look great!
I loved my Polar F7, but now my battery is dead and I think it's ridiculous that they expect me to pay $75+ to send it in and get the battery replaced. I'm looking for another HRM that will allow me to change battery myself or at a jeweler.
Amazing! You look wonderful!
I would alternate weight days and cardio days and add in more healthy calories from whole foods.
I would recommend using a heart rate monitor and/or searching online for average calories burned for those activities. Adding new activities to MFP is really easy.
I've used the 30 day shred, and it kicks my butt! I definitely recommend it. The workouts fit a lot of strength building and calorie burning into a short amount of time. I haven't tried the new one yet, but I've heard good things.
Great job! And that's an adorable puppy :)
If it's a similar intensity to running you would burn about 100 calories for every 10 minutes.
If you have Netflix streaming there are some decent yoga and dance exercises available on there that would be good for light cardio.
Way to go!
Wow! What a great transformation!
Good luck!
Wow! That's an amazing change.
I'm so sorry! You should try this healthy but indulgent tasting cookie dough dip: I made it last night and it's very tasty. Or try anything on her blog... She's figured out the art of healthy comfort food.
I understand the dilemma! I've lost weight while still eating cake because I stick to my calorie totals, but certain foods now leave me feeling heavy and gross, especially if I eat too much at one time.
Fertility Friend is WONDERFUL. They have a phone app (and I guess a website) where you can track your cycles to know if/when you're ovulating, etc., and they send you daily emails telling you how to track everything and then understand your charts.
I've only done the 30 day shred, but I can say that it will definitely give you a good work out. Even when I'm in great shape, that video works me over. And good luck on your fit by 30 plan! I'm doing something similar, but my 30th is sneaking up faster (11/14).
Plate size helps *so much.* I've been eating most of my meals off of dessert plates lately, and it's made a big difference.
I allow myself more food/drink indulgences on the weekend, but I balance it out by also fitting in longer workouts. Are you exercising on the weekend?
Congratulations! Enjoy your skinny new clothes :)
That makes sense! Thanks for the explanation. I've exercised a lot in the past, but I've never really dieted. The calorie counting is definitely making a major difference for me and having some pleasant surprise side effects :)
I've run one half and would like to run another, but I don't know if I'll ever put in the miles for a full marathon. Good luck!
No idea how effective they are, but the two approaches are either to time it based on ovulation because boy/girl sperm travel at different rates or to change your diet so that your body is more or less hospitable to boy sperm.
Ooh, I just started using Fertility Friend too! Between it and MFP I feel like my whole life is on my phone :) We're going to start TTC in November or December. I want to get my weight down 3 or 4 more pounds before we start, then I'll adjust my diet/exercise towards keeping my body fertility friendly.
Way to go! You look great!