Any Runners Out There?


I am a 21 year old runner looking for other runners in my age range (20-30). I am also looking to loose about 5-8 pounds in order to love my body and improve my pace! I will be running my very first Marathon in May and I am TERRIFIED!!! I have ran a couple of Half Marathons, but I decided to step up! I start my training plan on Monday! Conveniently Mondays a rest day! =)

I am trying to get back to clean eating and cutting out the salt and sweets! =) I am still in school so sometimes it is hard because their are times I am too tired to cook so I grab something like Subway or Jimmy Johns.... SALTY! Haha. But I am lactose intolerant so I opt for no dairy products. (That helps!) Anyways, I am an Education Major and I plan on teaching Family Consumer Science Classes to High School Students... With an emphasis mainly on nutrition. The emphasis on nutrition is because I completed 3 undergrad years as a Dietetic major before realizing what I liked about nutrition was not the nutrition itself but teaching the nutrition!

Anyhow... Feel free to add me and we can keep one another accountable for out eating AND our mileage! =)


  • mollb
    mollb Posts: 37 Member
    I've run one half and would like to run another, but I don't know if I'll ever put in the miles for a full marathon. Good luck!