Logging exercises - can't find anything close

How would i name these exercises so I can log them? I cannot find them in the exercise search. I don't know how many calories they use, but I am wiped out by the end of a session.
dumbell flys,
using the machines for
squats without weights,
planks, front, back, and side
core exercises
other isometrics.

At least I can log stationary cycling.


  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I think that is listed under strength, but they don't track calories do they? Anyway this is what I suggest. Get a heart rate monitor and see how many calories you burn per session and give each one if they are different a custom name. I did that with the 30 day shred DVD which is close to circuit training, but when I got my HRM I found each level tended to burn at a different rate, so I call them " 30DS level 1" and so on . . So if don't wear my monitor I just plug in my custom exercise and I'm pretty close.
  • chikachic817
    chikachic817 Posts: 55 Member
    I think hip adduction and hip abduction are there. If they aren't then you just add them yourself.
  • mollb
    mollb Posts: 37 Member
    I would recommend using a heart rate monitor and/or searching online for average calories burned for those activities. Adding new activities to MFP is really easy.