malenahan Member


  • Thanks. I'm going to have to work up to the oat shakes. I have to convince myself that it is ok to drink 500 calories at a time (even though I know I probably need the calories).
  • Thank you for all your responses and posts! I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight at my number one goal, but if I lost 3-4 more pounds that would be great. I just want to run fast and become more lean. I eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies so getting that many calories is tough. I think I am going to add the Defense…
  • I really need to travel West for a marathon!
  • I have the DVD and was thinking of starting tomorrow...
  • I've added that into my training schedule as well. Do you run the day after your long run as well? Do you run your training runs at the same pace that you want to run your race?
  • I agree with arc! 26 miles is a long way and no one knows how their body is going to react to the mileage until after they have done 1 or 2. I would also suggest (if you're feeling ok) making one of the 20 mile training runs a 22 mile training run. I think that really helped me mentally.
  • I ran a half marathon 2 weeks before my marathon in 1:40:07 and then ran a full marathon in 3:34:56. I think running the half 2 weeks before helped me and would recommend it. I think the train slower than you race with lots of miles is the best approach and has worked so far for me. Following a plan like this I cut nearly…
  • 274 Running Miles in November!
  • 15-16 miles in the morning! Then lots of relaxing and online shopping in the afternoon.
  • Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning and then a trail marathon 3 weeks from today on December 3rd!!!! Then a Jingle Bell 5K on December 10th. There are so many fun races around the holidays.
  • I think the Chocolate GU is the best in the winter (not so good in the summer). I stick to Vanilla Bean in the hot summer months. However, I try not to use any type of GU in training runs and save it for races since I know it doesn't upset my stomach. It is the extra boost I need during a race.
  • Do you think if you run those times you will qualify for Boston 2013? I just ran 3:34:56 a month ago and am 31!
  • My approach for the last marathon was lots and lots of slow miles (about 60-70 seconds above marathon pace)! I was running between 52-57 miles a week and hope to increase the weekly mileage for my April marathon.
  • I'm also doing the Jingle Bell Run in my city - our team is the Snow Pokes!!!
  • I used my weighted gloves for the entire Fire 45 Class this morning and it was like a whole new workout. I think I'm going to be sore in the morning!
  • I have a NordicTrack E7.1 and I love it! I use it at least an hour a day and have had it since February 2011. It definitely isn't the same as a gym elliptical but for $750 it is well worth the money.
  • PB2 is great - 45 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, and 5 grams of protein in 2 tablespoons! The Chocolate PB2 is also great as well.
  • Do you follow the schedule during the "recovery week"? I'm running a marathon on October 23rd and I'm on week 8 this week. I think I'll just start back up with week 9 after the marathon.
  • I think you should give Turbo Fire 6-8 weeks! I saw the biggest changes/improvements in weeks 5 and 6.
  • According to my Bodybugg, I burn 6.9 calories per minute regardless if it is a HIIT workout or a Fire 30/45/55 Class. Is that correct?
  • I did Fire 30 and HIIT 15 this morning...I skipped the Fire 30 cooldown and the HIIT 15 warmup. I really enjoyed mixing it up a little and have missed the HIIT workouts!!!
  • I've been using the bands for CLX and they work great! Sometimes I have to pause the DVD to switch sides or to change bands but only for a few seconds. McFatterton - I always think about how much my body is changing and that is all the motivation I need to keep going. I think Week 5 and Week 6 will provide you with what…
  • I completed Fire 45 this morning for the first time wearing the Bodybugg. It said I burned 318 calories. I think it seems reasonable (MFP had me over 400), but wondered what others thought. I'm 5'5 127 lbs.
  • I really enjoy Chalean Extreme and I don't sweat very much at all! I've never followed a strength training workout and this is exactly what I needed. Workouts are around 35-40 minutes for the Burn Circuit (Month 1) and I think 30-35 minutes for the Push Circuit (Month 2). I just started month 2 and only do the 3 Circuits…
  • The marathon is only a month away! Who has signed up? I'm doing the full and am getting very excited. I have my last "long run" this weekend before taper.
  • I'm starting the Push Circuits of Chalean Extreme tonight (I just finished 4 weeks of the Burn Circuits). From what I've read, you are supposed to fail between 6-8 reps instead of 10-12 reps. Did anyone see huge results during this phase of the workout schedule? I'm also doing the Turbo Fire DVDs and am started week 5 this…
  • Do you use a HRM for the calories burned? If so, which HRM do you recommend?
  • What are some good Heart Rate Monitors that are relatively inexpensive?
  • I am not an ultra runner but have started running marathons. My next Marathon is St. Louis on October 23rd and am interested in following the replies on calories and ensuring you have enough energy to finish the race.
  • I love the elliptical trainer! I do an hour every morning at home and it was one of the my all time best purchases. I try to switch up the program I use so I don't get into the same elliptical routine. I'm trying to figure out how many calories I actually burn and think I need to invest in a good heart rate monitor. The…